Why Is My Hair Thinning On The Right Side?

Addressing Side Hair Loss

Hair loss, especially when it occurs in unpredictable patterns such as thinning on the side, poses a unique challenge for individuals. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial for effective treatment and restoration. Side hair loss can result from a variety of conditions, from genetic factors to lifestyle influences. Recognizing common hair loss patterns is the first step toward addressing the issue. Male pattern hair loss, often driven by genetics and the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can manifest as a thinning crown or receding hairline. Elevated DHT levels may shorten the hair growth phase, leading to balding on sides.

Female pattern hair loss also stems from genetics and hormonal changes, frequently observed during menopause. This type of hair loss usually becomes evident as thinning around the frontal hairline, ears, and temples, with overall hair thinning across the head. Additionally, telogen effluvium, a temporary but significant shedding affecting both men and women, can result in the loss of up to 300 hairs daily. Triggered by stress, illness, or major life events, this condition highlights the impact of external factors on hair health.

Another Pattern Of Baldness

Another pattern of baldness is short-term, but it is lengthy. Telogen effluvium is a common side effect that can be seen in both men and women. In telogen effluvium, a person can lose up to about 300 hair each day. Unlike male and female trait baldness, telogen effluvium is a transient condition and it resolves until the cause is resolved. Telogen effluvium may be triggered by significant life events such as sickness, surgery, trauma, depression, childbirth, or major life changes. This symptom is usually detected 3 months after a traumatic event and then continues to develop from 6 months and a year after the event. There are variants of hair loss that are less common such as one-sided hair loss. 

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What is One-Sided Hair Loss?

One-sided hair loss, while less common, demands attention for its potential impact on appearance and confidence. Stress, trauma, and certain styling practices can contribute to this condition. Heat styling, chemical treatments, and tight hairstyles can damage the scalp and hair follicles, leading to localized hair loss. Underlying diseases, including autoimmune disorders and skin conditions like psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, may also cause hair thinning on one side. Age-related thinning and habits such as sleeping on the same side or repetitive hair manipulation are additional factors to consider.

Common Causes of One-sided Hair Loss

The reason for this disorder is less obvious and there are a few possibilities. Besides, males and females may have male or female pattern hair loss. Often hair loss can happen more easily on one side of the head if the individual has male or female pattern hair loss. It is also possible for age-related thinning hair. Let’s see some causes of the one-sided hair loss; 

Stress and Trauma

One-sided hair loss is usually caused by trauma. This may be due to a head or scalp injury or surgery. Alternately, this may be from damage done to your scalp from hairstyles that cause inflammation and scarring. Other contributing factors that can cause trauma include: 

Styling Products

Heat styling products such as hair straighteners, curling irons, blow dryers, and hot curlers. Hair calming substances such as relaxers or permanents. These styling methods can destroy the scalp and hair follicles. Normally, we apply techniques such as perm all over the head, but certain hairstyles or even mistakes can lead to hair loss on one hand. 

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Hair Breakage On One Side Of Head


One-sided hair thinning is not in itself a medical concern. However, it is also a symptom of other underlying diseases. Hair loss should be handled on time; thus, you should see a physician. One-sided hair loss can be caused by these diseases;

Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases

Hot temperature or fever, heart disorders, endocrine and immune system conditions triggered by hormonal dysfunction such as thyroid disease, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism may lead to hair loss. 

Skin Disease

At some levels, certain skin conditions will cause the scalp to thin the hair. These include skin diseases such as lichen planus, psoriasis, sebaceous dermatitis, and tinea capitis. The problem is not the issue itself, but rather our response to it. Scarring of the scalp can cause itchiness or irritation of flakes. Damage to follicles can occur through trauma and inflammation caused by itching. 


It isn’t uncommon to lose hair as people age. Generally, it appears as thinning all over the head, but can be worse on the side. 

Sleeping on the same side 

If you always sleep on one side of your head, it can cause neck pain and headaches. When you sleep you increase blood supply to your favorite hand. So you might want to try sleeping on the other side to see if the hair loss continues.

Non-conscious habits

Some people do the same habits over and over again like pulling, twirling, and combing their hair from one side of their head. This can weaken the hair follicles and cause damage and breakage to the hair. This is a rather strange condition called “trichotillomania”. 

Other Conditions

Balding on one side may also signal some underlying issues, such as hormonal imbalance or circulatory problems. If you think this is the cause, then you might want to get a blood test done to see if you have any deficiencies. What’s more, some medications that are commonly used can also lead to hair thinning on one side. These include birth control pills and antihypertensives.

Where to Begin If You Have Alopecia Areata?

The first thing to do is to determine a potential solution for your one-sided hair loss. If losing hair is a product of conscious or subconscious actions, the remedy is a change. Ask your stylist to send you a low-maintenance hairstyle to avoid damage to your hair. If you find thinning hair on one side of your head, you need to check with a doctor like a dermatologist to deal with symptoms and make sure you don’t have a medical problem. 

When it comes to treating hair thinning, what matters is what product you use. Of course, without beauty products, it’s hard to get your hair to happy and healthy. They act like a sponge that absorbs everything in your surroundings. Since our hair and skin are constantly subjected to harsh chemicals and elements, hair loss care, and even supplements should include only the best ingredients. 

Balding From One Side

How to Avoid Hair Loss and How to Handle It? 

Male or female-pattern baldness or balding on one side is not preventable, but we have ways to reduce it. Most therapies and cure strategies concentrate on slowing the hair loss process as opposed to removing it. That include: 

  • See if you have any underlying illnesses that might lead to it.
  • Don’t reach and grab the hair. 
  • Avoid damages to hair by not using hot curling irons. 
  • This will allow you to reduce the risk of hair loss. 
  • Participate in relaxation exercises to minimize stress levels. 
  • Take an appropriate amount of protein and omega-3 fatty acids per day. 

How to Treat Hair Thinning on One Side?

If you are worried about your one-sided balding, here is a guide explaining what you can do about it.

  • Rule out any underlying diseases: Contact your doctor immediately to see if you can get a comprehensive blood test done. Explain your problem thoroughly, and mention that you want to know if there are any underlying conditions that might lead to this issue.
  • Medication: If your hair loss is caused by another disease, then your doctor might prescribe you medication that can help you.
  • PRP therapy: In very basic terms, PRP therapy stimulates the hair follicles and helps your hair to grow. You can get a PRP therapy done at an experienced clinic. To receive more information regarding this treatment, you can consult Clinicexpert.
  • Scalp massage: Massage the area where your hair is thinning. That way, you can encourage hair growth by stimulating the scalp and increasing the blood flow.
  • Part your hair in a different way: Switch the part. If you tend to do more of a left part, for instance, you might want to start parting your hair from the other direction.
  • Change your diet: Your blood flow is very much related to your diet. Try to eat healthier, and drink enough water during the day.
  • Protect your hair from the sun: Wear a hat or apply sunscreen regularly. Especially during the summertime, try not to go out unprotected.
  • Sleep on a different side: Constantly sleeping on one side may contribute to hair loss. Switch up your sleeping position, see if that works.

Alternatively, you may want to visit a hair loss clinic to get the most reliable advice from medical professionals who are equipped to handle these types of situations.

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