Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass, Obesity is a weight-related disease with multiple factors at play in its cause. Patients of obesity get riddled with excess amounts of body fat. 

Globally more than 10% of people are obese. This rate gets even higher in some developed countries. Although this doesn’t mean that obesity is a first-world problem, numerous developing countries also have quite high obesity rates too. 

Many people think about the cosmetic aspect of obesity. While it is still important, other health problems are the main concern here. When a person has obesity, this often leads to the acquisition of other diseases. There are a wide variety of additional conditions, including certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. We will look further into these potential health issues in the following sections.

Often the cause of obesity for each person varies enormously. In other words, everybody has their own unique causes for obesity. They range from genetic traits to our habits. In addition to them, how much one exercises regularly or how someone eats influences whether that person will be obese or not. 

What Is Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgery is also called roux-en-y gastric bypass too. It is one of the most favoured obesity surgeries these days. Nearly 50% of obesity surgeries utilise this operation method nowadays. In a process, the surgery consists of two parts,

Part I: Creation of the stomach pouch

The doctor dissects the patient’s stomach into two pieces. One of them is large, and the other is quite small. Then the doctor sews the smaller pouch close. This new stomach pouch can only hold around 200 to 300 millilitres in volume. 

When the stomach is made smaller this way, the patient feels satiated much quicker and cannot eat as much as before. This is a restrictive process since the main aim is to restrict the amount of food the stomach is able to hold. 

Part II: The Bypass

The doctor separates the newly created smaller pouch from the rest of the digestive tract first. After that, the doctor connects this smaller pouch into the small intestine a few centimetres beyond the beginning. And the place this new small stomach connects to the small intestine is called the jejunum. 

Since the surgeon bypass the first part of the small intestine, the patient’s body is not able to absorb nutrients from food as efficiently as before. This is a malabsorptive process.

Simple Changes Help You To Get Over It

On a more positive note, making small changes in your lifestyle to lose even the slightest bit of body fat has quite positive effects on you. 

You can make changes in your diet, be more active throughout the day and change the way you behave. Even the slightest push in the right direction can create significant impact over your wellbeing in the long term.

Regarding this, gastric bypass surgery is not a thing to be taken lightly. After getting the gastric bypass, patients cannot consume as much food as before. Also, patients will need to comply with a different lifestyle where they stick to a plan of diet and exercise. 

Gastric Bypass Results

Generally, you stay at the hospital after gastric bypass surgery is either two or three days. Patients can return to their regular routine and activities in 2 to 3 weeks. 

Very few patients may have complications after the operation. In order to avoid this, you can consult our surgeons’ expertise. Furthermore, taking nutritional supplementation and regularly checking your blood level are useful measures to decrease the likelihood. 

Gastric Bypass Surgery Pre Op Diet 

The clinic will give you the necessary instructions as to how you should consume food after surgery. They will explain in detail what you should eat and what you shouldn’t. Following our instructions after gastric bypass surgery will ensure a safe journey for you.  

Gastric bypass dietary recommendations enable you to:

  • Let your stomach heal without getting overstretched by what you consume.
  • Get on by eating smaller amounts of food for each meal. This way, your stomach can keep digesting safely without stress.
  • Lose weight safely without putting a strain on you. Moreover, you will be able to sustain your weight better with this diet.
  • Eliminate or minimise the risk of developing certain complications.

You will have your dietary recommendations custom fit for your situation. Typically, the postoperative diet aims to get you to eat solid foods again. 

Depending on the healing speed of your body, you can adjust the diet with our doctor to answer your needs. On average, patients return eating regular food after about 3 months.

More Details About The Diet

You should drink about 9 glasses of water every day in order to avoid dehydrating yourself. On a more noteworthy thing, you should not consume liquids with meals; this can overfill your stomach and give you discomfort. Instead, try to drink between meals regularly. As a rule of thumb, do not drink any liquids 30 minutes before and after your meals.

  • Consume food and liquids slowly. This may lead to dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome occurs when way too much food and liquids make their way into your small intestine way too fast. 
  • Do not consume less amount of your required protein each day. Eat foods rich in lean protein.
  • When picking a beverage to enjoy, go for beverages which have low fat and sugar content. Plus, you should avoid alcohol, as well.
  • Do not consume too much caffeine throughout the day. Caffeine consumption may lead to dehydration.
  • Do not forget to take your vitamin and mineral supplementation. Especially in this sense, stick to our doctor’s recommendations. 
  • You will begin eating solid foods after recovery. Once you are there, always chew your food into a smooth puree before you swallow.

The first day after surgery, you are only allowed to drink clear liquids. After that, you will slowly progress to other liquid form foods, such as broth, no additive sugar juice, non-caffeine tea and coffee and skimmed milk.

Food Purees

When you are through your first week after the gastric bypass operation. You will begin to eat mashed up food. What you eat should have a thick texture but not have anything solid or half solid in it.

You are allowed to eat 3-6 meals a day. Though the amount you eat should not exceed 4 to 6 spoons of food each meal. Also, you should really take it slow. Give each meal for about half an hour. Picking up food that gets pureed smoothly also helps. Here are some of our recommendations after the gastric bypass operation.

  • Ground meat, chicken or fish
  • Soft types of cheese
  • Scrambled eggs (not cooked much, must have soft texture)
  • Roasted cereal
  • Soft fruit and vegetable types also cooked veggies
  • Cream soup

Also, make sure you mix your food with a liquid to ease it in better. You can mix food with water, fat-free milk, unsweetened fruit juice, broth.

When To Switch To Soft Foods?

After you go through a few weeks with pureed foods, our doctor will assess your status. Your doctor will determine if you can begin eating soft foods. The food should have small pieces, and it must be easy to chew. 

Now at this point, you can eat 3 to 5 meals each day. The amount could be somewhere between 1/3rd to 1/4th of a cup. You should chew each bite into a smooth puree free of solid pieces before ingesting. Some of the soft food we can mention include:

  • Ground meat, chicken poultry
  • Eggs 
  • Soft cheese types
  • Roasted or dried cereal
  • Soft fruits that don’t have seeds or skin
  • Rice
  • Skinless cooked veggies

Switching To Solid Foods

When you get through your 8th week after gastric bypass surgery, you can slowly and gradually return to eating solid foods again. Start eating one to one and a half cups of solids three times a day. You should cease eating until you feel totally full. 

You may adapt your food intake depending on how well your body tolerates eating solid foods. Incorporate new foods one at a time. After the operation, your body may not tolerate certain types of food as well as it did before the gastric bypass surgery. 

Also, there are some foods and drinks that you should avoid:

  • Bread
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Uncooked veggies
  • Cooked veggies with high fibre content such as broccoli, cabbage or celery
  • Rough parts of meat that are hard to chew
  • Deep-fried foods
  • Foods with a lot of spice and or seasoning
  • Dried nuts and seeds, popcorn

In time you may get to enjoy these foods again as your digestive tract heals and settles. Seek guidance from our doctor about this. Our expert team at ClinicExpert will be more than happy to help you with these matters.

Your New Healthy Diet After Gastric Bypass Surgery

The way you eat should see some revision after gastric surgery. In gastric bypass surgery, doctor considerably shrinks the size of your stomach. The way you decompose food changes forever after getting this surgery. Due to this fact, you simply cannot keep sustaining the diet you had before the surgery. So in order to get proper nutrition, there are some adaptations you should implement in your life. 

7 Easy Steps to Follow

Your instructions at this point may differ from what we say here slightly to fit your conditions. To stay healthy while losing weight, you should:

  1. Consume your food slowly. We talked about dumping syndrome in this article. To avoid this syndrome wait a while before and after to drink after meals.
  2. Eat smaller portions. Divide what you eat to pieces throughout the day. We may recommend you to start with 6 meals a day. However, your doctor will give you the exact number. After you adjust a bit, he may choose to reduce the number of meals you can have gradually.
  3. Stay hydrated between meals. You should always avoid dehydration. Drinking about 8-9 glasses of water throughout the day will ensure that you stay healthy. Though drinking too many liquids around mealtimes may lead to feeling overfilled and keep you from eating what you should.
  4. Thoroughly chew your food, always. Now, the pathway from your stomach to your small intestine is much narrower than before.This means it can get blockages from big chunks of food. Take smaller portions into your mouth and always chew them until no big pieces are left.
  5. Prioritise protein-rich foods. Eat them before eating the other courses.
  6. Eliminate food with high fat and or sugar content from your diet. Food containing high sugar or fat tend to go through your digestive system faster, and this may result in dumping syndrome. 
  7. Stick to your recommended vitamin and mineral supplementations. Your body is not able to absorb nutrients from food as well as it did before. More often than not, patients of gastric bypass surgery get prescribed with certain supplementations.

If you follow your doctor’s recommendations throughout this process, it is highly unlikely that you will experience unwanted complications. 

What Are The Advantages Of Gastric Bypass Surgery?  

Gastric bypass is one of the most effective techniques to lose weight. Unlike other methods, initial weight loss rhythm is fast due to the strict dietary restrictions and less caloric absorption. Thus Your body is getting used to consuming healthy food at a point a strong discomfort is manifested while eating sugars, fats and carbs. That leads to solve  90% of your health problems permanently. 

Gastric Bypass Turkey

Weight loss operation can be a lifesaving intervention for some people who cannot lose weight on their own. Some patients cannot get rid of their extra body fat with diet and exercise alone. After obesity surgery, patients lose approximately 30% to 50% of their excess weight in six months. 

In recent decades, with the rising popularity of plane travelling people started to travel abroad to seek treatments. By means of travelling abroad, people cut their treatment costs by at least 50%. And since there is competition among different countries, each country is trying to offer better service to their patients. In this sense, Turkey has been and is a popular destination for medical tourists.

In addition to our high-quality service, we do offer affordable pricing for your obesity surgery needs. Do not hesitate to contact our team from our website to book a consultation and get quotes about our different packages.

You can book a consultation with our team any time you wish and get to learn about your options about obesity surgery. This way, you can have an idea about what to expect out of your operation.


Gastric Bypass Costs in Turkey

Turkey is the number 1 destination for plastic surgery. Thousands of patients flock to clinics in Turkey. With our years of experience in medical tourism as ClinicExpert, we offer you high-quality service with reasonable gastric bypass costs. 

Who is eligible for Gastric Bypass Surgery ?

If your body mass index (BMI) is 40 and above, It is advisable to get a gastric bypass to reduce excess weight and eliminate any chronic health problems.

Why is Gastric Bypass Surgery cheap in Turkey?

As this operation is critical for some, Turkey is considered as top one destination for gastric bypass due to the availability of medical resources and experience. Thus, the experience includes also enjoying the beauty of the country and creating new challenges in your life.


Gastric Bypass Operations Card

Duration of Operation 1-2 hours
Anesthesia Type General Anesthesia 
First Shower 48 hours 
Age Limit No Age Limit 
Hospitalize 1-3 days
Pain Threshold Moderated discomfort
Edema Status One week 
Complications None 
Get Info +90 535 976 95 63
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