Hair Breakage On One Side Of Head

Hair Breakage On One Side Of Head Hair loss can sometimes occur unilaterally, as can be seen throughout the all region. This is seen as a symptom of many diseases. Hair breakage on one side of the head is usually a medical case. The cause must be examined.

Hair transplantation, an effective solution to general hair loss problem  is a treatment recommended by doctors. Although hair loss is usually seen in men, it is also a serious problem in women. It is a subject that should be examined especially in women. Because it could indicate some hormonal problems.

What Causes Of Unilateral Hair Loss ?

Hair loss can be considered normal to occur with age. Hair loss of 100 strands per day is normal but more than 100 hair loss seen at an early age is an important problem. Unilateral hair loss;

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  • Eczema
  • Internal diseases
  • Skin diseases such as vitiligo and psoriasis
  • Addison’s disease
  • Diseases of the immune system
  • Stress
  • Drug use
  • Hormone diseases

It can occur for such reasons. as a result of the tests performed, the cause can be found. Treatment should be done according to the cause. In addition, hair transplantation can also be an effective treatment method.

What Are The Symptoms Of Unilateral Hair Loss?

One-sided hair loss is known as alopecia in medical language for the diagnosis of alopecia, a doctor’s check is required. In addition, there are some symptoms of alopecia.

  • If disturbing conditions such as burning and itching occur before shedding,
  • If there is a sudden hair loss,
  • In addition to hair loss, hair loss is also seen in places such as beard and  eyebrows, eyelashes,
  • If there is a patch image on the hair,

You’re likely to have alopecia. A definitive diagnosis will be made with the necessary analyses and assays but you don’t need to worry about this situation, because with the development of technology and the progress of medicine there is also a solution to unilateral hair loss. One of the techniques of hair transplantation, the DHI method is extremely effective in the treatment of alopecia.

Treatment Of Hair Breakage On One Side Of The Head

There are several different types of hair loss. Hair transplantation, which is a valid application for all types of hair loss, is used also in alopecia. Hair transplantation can be applied by different methods. The method used for unilateral hair loss is the DHI method. This technique is more effective in narrow spaces. It is made using special micro pens. It is the most preferred and recommended method of doctors.  This method will provide a perfect naturalness. It will not cause any harm to your hair follicles. In addition, your existing hair will not be damaged. It is a guarantee that you will be happy with the result, especially when it is done by a specialist doctor. If you are in trouble with alopecia, this is the most effective method we can recommend.

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One-Sided Hair Breakage Treatment By DHI Method

Hair transplantation has methods such as FUE and FUT but it is not in suitable methods for the treatment of alopecia. The DHI method is very effective in general hair loss as well as regional hair loss. During the procedure, there will be no deep bleeding. A lot of attention should be paid to symmetry and proportion. This for, it needs to be done by experienced doctors.  In this method, as in other procedures, all hair does not need to be shaved or shortened. Tissue damage is minimal in the operation. So it’s a safe practice. No trace will be seen after the procedure. The only thing will be noticed is that you will have perfect hair. No one will notice that you have an aesthetic intervention. Men and women are suitable for everyone. Long-term permanence is high.

Treatment Of Unilateral Hair Breakage And Hair Transplantation In Turkey

Hair transplantation treatment is a method used in the world for many years. People who to be this treatment were generally satisfied. This method is also used in diseases such as alopecia, trichotillomania. With this method, many people have achieved the appearance they dreamed of.

Hair transplantation is a practice that requires careful. It should be able to meet important criteria in the clinic where this procedure is performed. This for, you should pay attention to your preferred center. Turkey is a very successful country in this topic. All over the world, including many famous names, patients prefer Turkey for hair transplantation. The doctors here are experienced doctors whose educational careers are full of extremely successful ones. In addition, hair transplantation in Turkey is also very convenient in price.

It fits any budget. In Turkey, this treatment is offered with a much better service. In order to get a quality and healthy treatment, you must definitely come to Turkey. After the treatment you receive here, you will return to your hometown with a perfect image and complete self-confidence. We are waiting for   to you  to Turkey ,  which is the best address for the treatment of hair breakage on one side of the head.

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