Best Hair Transplant Procedure

Best Hair Transplant Procedure Have you found that you have recently been losing more hair? Is your scalp already showing up in some parts of your head? Have you found a lot of solutions to these problems already, but all pointless? This is when you switch to your last hope: a hair transplant. As much as you are optimistic about this decision, the confusion can also get the better of you. Multiple hair transplantation procedures can be very hard to make sense of. Do they all produce similar results? What gaps are there between them? What type of hair transplant is best for me?

These are just some things that you possibly have come to mind. The best hair transplantation styles are available in our company; Direct Hair Transplantation (DHI) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Here, to support you with your choice, we will present a review of all hair transplantation methods and clarify their distinctions. Let’s take a closer look at these sophisticated techniques;

The Technique of DHI Hair Transplant

In 2001, plastic surgeons were introduced at the conference of the Plastic Surgeons Association and presented the DHI process and this has a significance that has revolutionized the hair transplantation industry. The DHI system, whose time of study and development lasted for many years, became well-known to the entire world in 2016. A hair transplantation technique that may be a variant of the FUE method may be the DHI method. After the hair follicles are collected by micro motor or manual method from the donor area, they are transferred by the DHI method to the world awaiting transplantation. The use of a special tool known as “Choi Implanter” or “Choi Pen” is the most significant aspect that separates the DHI process from other hair transplantation practices.

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How is the DHI Method Implemented?

If after the required examinations are done, the person who will have hair transplantation has the appropriate properties for the DHI technique; the collective doctor-patient agreement is determined for the transplantation time. Best Hair Transplant Procedure  Only the donor area of the individual is trimmed when the day of surgery arrives, and micro-motor mediated or manual grafts containing single, double, triple, or quadruple hair follicles start to be gathered. Without waiting, collected roots are put inside the plantation field.

The Choi pen enters the process at this point. The collected hair is planted along with the Choi. The most significant distinction that separates the process of DHI from other methods of hair transplantation, the incontrovertible truth is that channel opening and hair root positioning is always performed simultaneously because of Choi. The canal is opened and inside that canal, the hair root is positioned and the plantation process is done.

Does the DHI Method Work?

In contrast to other hair transplantation methods, hair transplantation with the DHI technique has a much better chance of planting more dense hair roots. Therefore, it is also done with more natural-looking and plush hair. Besides, the symmetry within the front hairline, which is of high significance in hair transplantation operations, is much easier to control, to raise the hair to the first exit directions and to open the channels where, with the aid of Choi, the hair follicles are positioned at the correct angle.

Thanks to Choi, all the criteria that are needed for a natural outcome are quite basic, but the skill of the doctor is the key factor. The skill of the surgeon is crucial since a process that involves very special treatment could be the DHI hair transplant process. There is no reason why it should not operate with the Choi method implemented by an expert doctor and team. For patients who can’t be implanted with FUE because of their bleeding density, direct hair transplantation is a great process.

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DHI Hair Transplant Advantages

DHI Technique Advantages

Best Hair Transplant Procedure It is also suitable for women since hair shaving is not required for transplantation within the country. Even though the hair is not cut, during the DHI hair transplant, the hair around the transplantation area is not harmed. Grafts will not be held outside after the discussion. Prevents, by waiting, the chance of hair root death. Since the Choi pen offers a large follicle duct, bleeding is almost non-existent. The procedure doesn’t require any incision or stitching processes.

Because the procedure allows more regular planting of the hair follicles, a more natural look is achieved. Because the damage caused by the procedure is minimal, the process of healing is incredibly quick. The plantation process is shorter as the canal carving and root placement are also conducted simultaneously. The procedure does not trigger plantation scars or traces. Offers excellent balance on the front hairline. Every follicle’s angle and direction are also accurately calculated.

FUE Hair Transplant Technique

Best Hair Transplant Procedure To compensate for hair-free sections suffering from missing hair follicles, the Follicular Unit extraction method is predicated; the process consists of transferring hair follicles from hair-dense parts such as the back of the top to empty areas so that the hair grows in its new position, taking into account the path and growth angle of the natural hair. The removal of the follicular unit is a critical procedure for hair transplantation that treats hair loss and baldness without scalp wounds or scars because there is no need for surgical incisions within the head.

The Best Hair Transplantation In Turkey

FUE Approach

As we mentioned earlier, the FUE approach is one of the easiest techniques used to solve hair loss and balding areas since, during the specific treatment, the FUE method does not harm the skull or scar tissue. The procedure is not as manual since it will not be; it now involves using a conical micro-motor that, under local anesthesia, extracts the follicles to transplant them later in the bald areas. 

We cautiously and steadily transplant the hair follicles, leaving no scars but just tiny spots that vanish under the hair. The FUE procedure brings in greater leads to regards to hair density, specifically it helpful for the healing of hereditary baldness or ended in baldness, even it heals those who struggle with alopecia.

FUE promises post-surgery with no drawbacks for a natural hair look. Thanks to the fact that it can treat hereditary baldness, the follicular unit extraction procedure provides better leads in terms of hair density; baldness induced by health or hormonal problems, and baldness situations referred to as ‘alopecia,’ and hence guarantees natural hair look with no complications or health risks.

At our company, we use the most advanced and also the latest methods to repair all forms of hair loss conditions. If you are curious to hear more about procedures and others, please don’t hesitate to call us. Best Hair Transplant Procedure

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