Non-Invasive Hair Restoration

Non-Invasive Hair Restoration If you are worried about hair loss but are searching for alternatives to hair transplant surgery, you will be glad to know that there are many options available today for non-invasive hair restoration. Several non-surgical choices, ranging from drugs to laser treatments to scalp injections, may be recommended by our hair restoration doctor. And cosmetic cover-ups that do not need a prescription are affordable. 

The prescribed treatments for you would rely on the degree of your hair loss, the cause for your hair loss, and the effects of your intended restoration. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common non-invasive options and how they function: 

Non-Invasive Hair Loss Treatment Options

There are non-invasive alternatives with medications and surgical hair replacement options. Of course, you can pick one of them, or your doctor may recommend any of them. Let’s take a peek, though, at some of the more popular ones. 

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Minoxidil and finasteride are the two most popular drugs which are available over the counter. They are the only two FDA-approved drugs currently on the market for hair loss. 

Rogaine (Minoxidil)

Minoxidil was first introduced in the 1950s as a remedy for ulcers and was later developed as a drug for the treatment of excessive prostate glands. In its treatment of hair loss. After a certain time, it was soon published under the Rogaine brand name. Though, its main mechanism is believed to be the dilation of the blood vessels. Thinning and alopecia are caused by DHT sensitivity in sufferers of male-pattern baldness. It causes an inflammatory response as the hormone attaches to the hair follicles, which ultimately leads to hair miniaturization. When the follicle miniaturizes, supplying blood to the follicles becomes more difficult for the blood vessels. Ultimately, this contributes to the follicles’ destruction. 

However, they will then supply oxygen and essential nutrients to the follicles as the blood vessels dilate. In simple terms, the cause of hair fall is not prevented by Rogaine; instead, it works by encouraging hair follicles to survive in a hospitable place. 

Propecia (Finasteride)

The second FDA-approved androgenetic alopecia treatment drug is finasteride, first approved under the brand name Propecia in 1992. 

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Finasteride, unlike minoxidil, targets the problem-DHT. 

While DHT contributes to hair loss, it is still an essential hormone that plays a significant role in the body. So, this is another medicine to use for hair restoration.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), a newer treatment choice for hair loss sufferers, is successful for both men and women. It operates through: 

  • In telogen phase hairs, the stimulation of anagen phase re-entry 
  • Prolongation of the anagen process period 
  • Increasing hair growth rates in follicles of the anagen process 
  • Preventing premature growth of catagen phases 

Some researchers speculate that the treatment can work directly on the mitochondria and change the metabolism of the cells. Other researchers suggest the opening of K+ channels could be responsible for it. 


Microneedling is a procedure that has been practiced for years in the treatment of scarring and wrinkles as a normal and highly effective treatment for thinning and balding. However, microneedling has also been introduced to the scalp in recent years and its beneficial outcomes have had life-changing implications for sufferers of hair loss. 

So What is Microneedling Exactly? 

Microneedling is a treatment that includes wounds being intentionally inflicted. These wounds are very tiny (hence the ‘micro’), but it’s what happens that makes this such a common dermatological treatment during their repair period. It undergoes a cycle consisting of three stages when the skin is damaged. These are: 

  • Inflammation Inside 
  • Multiplication 
  • Ripening (Remodeling) 

The inflammation that happens during recovery basically activates the proliferation (production) of new cells. These new cells produce healthy hair follicles, allowing the development of healthy, powerful hair. 

A Healthy, Balanced Diet

While all can’t be fixed by a good diet, it can help bring the body into a more normal state of being. You can therefore undergo positive improvements, including hair regrowth, as a result. In order to survive, the hair follicles, like all other body tissues, require two things: oxygen and nutrients. These are supplied by blood, but this blood flow can be limited by scalp stress and the oxygen and nutrients reaching the follicles can be decreased. Slowed, stunted hair growth may occur. That is the reason why a healthy diet is extremely important.

What is the Right Path to Follow While Applying a Diet?

The responses are not so obvious to these issues, but let’s explore the basics of a balanced diet. The idea of removing and adding foods can be confusing when you’re trying to improve your diet. It should not be difficult. Here are a couple of foods to pay special attention to: 

  • Lean meats   
  • Vegetation greens 
  • Fruits of the season 
  • Nuts and seeds 
  • A whole grains 

You don’t have to go on an intensive diet and you don’t even have to get rid of all the things that you enjoy. As long as much of the food you consume is good, you’ll be better off than you were before. If you suspect you suffer from any nutrient deficiencies, speak with our doctor.

Which Method is Right for You?

The truth is, with different types of treatment, not everyone can have the same experience. Some sufferers of hair loss may go the surgical route and be overjoyed by the result. 

And What would You do to Make the Right Decision? 

First of all, you need to realize what your hair loss is causing. Was it a one-time incident that caused telogen effluvium, or is it a chronic problem? Second, you need to determine whether you want to solve the problem or handle it at the origin. It might seem obvious to choose to handle it, but for convenience’s sake, many choose the former option. Third, you need to determine how committed to long-term outcomes you are. There’s no question that it takes time for good hair growth outcomes. 

If you’re looking for a fast fix, then you might not be right for those techniques. However, we can suggest that you explore surgical and medicinal methods if you value long-term health and actual outcomes over fast fixes. 

Minoxidil Receding Hairline

When to Consider Surgical Treatment Options

Perhaps you’ve tried the methods above. Or maybe you’ve had great results, and you’re sure you can hold your hair after a surgical operation with these techniques. Rather, if you are considering surgical treatment, now what? 

A successful candidate for intervention for surgical hair loss should be someone who: 

  • Had no pre-existing medical problems (or minor ones
  • Older than 25 and under the age of 65
  • The acceleration of their hair loss has halted
  • Has a “treatable” type of hair loss, such as a balding pattern

Make sure to do your research if you want to go to the surgical road. 

You may want to spend time exploring your choices, consulting with our physician to get an understanding of what they can deliver, and considering your long-term objectives. 


Although surgical hair treatment techniques are common in the hair loss community, such as hair transplants and scalp reduction, since certain procedures such as FUE or DHI are no longer invasive, your hair restoration procedures can be fully non-invasive with the latest advanced techniques. Also, for adequate outcomes, there are several non-surgical methods you may use. We suggest that you first consult our expert, then it will be clearer to determine which direction you should select. 

At our company, we make use of the most advanced and also the newest methods to cure all types of hair loss conditions. If you are willing to learn more about treatments and others, please don’t hesitate to phone us. Non-Invasive Hair Restoration

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