Hair Loss Surgery

Hair loss surgery is the most popular aesthetic operation performed by people with hair loss today. Hair loss surgery is the process of transferring the healthy grafts from the nape area (the area between the two ears and the healthy hair that does not shed) to the bald area by removing them one by one.

Surgery Process?

The hair loss surgery process starts with the patient deciding to have a hair transplant. When it is decided to have hair transplantation after the preliminary examination, it results in 6 to 8 hours of 1 session. Although there is an hour/graft difference between each clinic, on average, 3000 to 4000 grafts are transported in 1 session. In this case, for hair that does not have too much openness, it results in closing the gap in 1 session.

The process begins by temporarily numbing the hair follicles by applying local anesthesia and sedation. Then, the channels where the grafts will be placed are opened in the area to be transplanted. It continues with the transportation of the hair in the areas with hair (previously determined) to the area to be transplanted.

Online Diagnosis

The operation has no risk. However, care must be taken to ensure that the operation is performed in a hospital or at least in a clinic. The healing period of the hair follicles continues with the crusting at the end of the first 10 days, the outside visible part of the transplanted hair falls out and continues to grow from the inside and the new hair begins to surface.

Is Hair Loss Surgery a Painful Procedure?

Thanks to the latest techniques used for hair loss surgery, it is completed painlessly. The needle-free anesthesia technique is preferred so that patients do not feel the first injections during local anesthesia. Thus, the operation becomes maximum comfortable.

Things to Consider Before Hair Loss Surgery

  • The hair must be clean and not greasy before the operation.
  • Chemical substances such as jelly and foam must not be on the hair.
  • If possible, smoking should be reduced or stopped 1 week in advance.
  • It is necessary to have enough breakfast in the morning of the operation, to eat light things during lunch, and to be full during the procedure.
  • If possible, alcohol should not be used in the weeks before the operation.
  • Comfortable clothes should be wear on the day of the operation.

Things to Consider After Hair Loss Surgery

  • After the hair loss surgery, some changes occur on the newly transplanted hair. The most important of these changes is that the transplanted hair falls out in a very short time. After the operation, the person goes home for rest.
  • The person is requested not to travel by car or use such vehicles for 6-10 hours after the end of the operation. After hair transplantation, care should be taken not to touch the treated area with hands, this area should not be contacted with water.
  • Keeping the head straight is important for the recovery of edema in a short time. Medicines and creams given by the doctor should be used.

When is Hair Washed After Hair Loss Surgery?

  • When the hair washing time is reached, care should be taken to use the shampoo recommended by the doctor. During the 15 days after the hair loss surgery, maximum attention should be paid to the hair transplantation area. The pillow used during sleep is important in terms of protecting the newly transplanted area and donor area. Pillows that are hard enough to damage the hair follicles should not be used.
  • Transplanted hair follicles should not be damaged. Sleeping in the supine position can be beneficial in protecting the hair follicles. Care should be taken not to get any blows to the head and heavy sports should never be done.
  • Apart from hair shortenings using scissors, important haircuts should be avoided. When all these are taken into consideration, the hair transplantation process will be completed successfully without any difficulties after the procedure.
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