What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

What Causes Hair Loss in Women? The hormone DHT, another derivative of testosterone, a male hormone, is one of the main enemies of hair. Under some conditions, DHT seriously kills the strands of hair, and thus the problem of hair loss occurs. The difference between hair loss in women and male type hair loss is that the hair separation expands due to hair loss and the hair on the top of the head gradually decreases and opens.

In other words, women experience hair loss in these parts instead of opening the hairline like men. Causes of hair loss in women in general include:

  •  Genetic Predisposition and Hormones: Androgenic alopecia, which is quite common in society, occurs in 50% of men, can affect 13% of women before menopause. And 75% of women over the age of 65. Hair loss in women with a genetic predisposition begins with a complaint of slow and progressive hair thinning and causes an expansion of the hair separation line along with thinning of the hair at the top over time. However, hormone tests should be performed if there are additional symptoms such as hair growth, acne, menstrual irregularities, and rapid weight gain.
  •  Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies: The most common nutritional deficiency in the world is iron deficiency, and it is well known that iron deficiency leads to hair loss. Gastrointestinal bleeding of menstruation in women after menopause, vegan-
    vegetarian diet, celiac disease, and use of some medications, can lead to iron deficiency. Sudden weight loss, strict diets, and reduced protein intake. Also, excessive intake of vitamins A, E, and selenium can trigger hair loss.

Hair Loss in Women

  •  Systemic Diseases and Medications: Diabetes, thyroid disease, insulin resistance, rheumatic diseases such as lupus, syphilis, infections, hormonal disorders, major surgery, and high fever can lead to hair loss. Also, some blood pressure medications,
    blood thinners, anti-epileptic are, thyroid drugs, psychiatric drugs, hormones, drugs, some birth control pills, and chemotherapy are among the causes of hair loss discontinuation of birth control pills.
  •  Cosmetics and Hairstyles: Long-term retention of solutions used in hair coloring or hair removal, improper or frequent application, excessive traction when styling, frequent washing, combing and using high-temperature hair stylers when the hair is wet can damage the hair. Tight hair and braid models cause hair breakage, damage to hair follicles, and permanent hair loss due to constant pulling force overtime.
  • Psychological Causes: Stressful life events, anxiety, and depression are known to lay the groundwork for hair loss. Also, people with hair loss are more likely to experience social avoidance, adjustment disorder, anxiety disorder, and depression than the
    general population. For this reason, seeing a psychiatrist so that patients with hair loss can receive psychological support in the necessary situations will positively affect both the success of treatment and the quality of life of the patient.

Causes Hair Loss in Women

  • Hair Loss After Childbirth: Postpartum hair loss is a fairly common condition caused
    by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. It usually begins a few months
    after birth. If there is no nutritional deficiency or another disease, it will completely
    recover within 6-9 months.
  •  Skin Diseases: Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, lupus, lichen, and acne can
    also affect the scalp, leading to hair loss or permanent hair loss.
  • Menopause: 50% of women approaching the age of 50 may experience the problem
    of hair loss in general. Even this condition can become more intense after entering
    the menopause period. Because hormones support hair growth, the hair also begins
    to change when the hormone estrogen begins to decrease. In this way, the problem
    of hair loss occurs.
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