Niacin For Hair Thinning

Niacin For Hair Thinning Having healthy hair is everyone’s dream. For this, maintenance is done using a lot of products. However, whatever is done, it is not always possible to get the desired result. Diseases, medications, and even stress can weaken hair. Many experts recommend niacin for hair thinning. So is niacin really effective?

Why Does  Hair Thinning?

It can occur at 25, 35 or later  even a young age does not protect against hair loss. As early as 25 years of age, hair starts to thin out in everyone, this is completely normal. More hair falls out as it grows back. Hair loss is mentioned only when more than 100 hair loss per day. It starts at thirty or forty in men. 80 percent of them typically suffer from hereditary hair loss with receding hairline and a round, bald spot on the back of the head. Mostly, people in this age group decide to have a hair transplant. Early and permanent intake of the active ingredient finasteride or external administration of minoxidil or melatonin may help. More difficult to understand: Widespread hair loss that affects men and women equally and can have many causes.

Why Is My Hair Falling Out?

With low ferritin levels, women often experience hair loss or thinning hair. Iron substitution should not be made without knowing the values. In addition, the doctor should check the thyroid gland: Both overactive and underworking can cause hair loss. Most of those affected report that stress caused hair loss.

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People who come to hair transplant in Turkey centers generally mention that they have difficult living conditions, although they are at a young age. Stress is the healthier you are. It is an important factor that causes your hair to fall out in a short time. Washing it often dries the hair. Long hair that is frequently split or straightened can break and act like hair loss. Better to let it air dry – because each treatment takes two to three months to work

The Most Common Causes of Hair Thinning

There are many factors in the weakening of the hair. These can be listed as follows:

  • Beginning and intensity is a natural aging process and is inherited. It is also affected by the original hair density.
  • Hormonal changes such as stopping the pill, having a baby or going through menopause are an important factor in women.
  • Radiation and potent drugs (chemotherapy) used to treat cancer
  • Serious liver diseases, scalp, HIV infection
  • Hormonal disorders such as diabetes, thyroid and adrenal gland diseases
  • Anemia
  • Vitamin, mineral (especially iron), trace element, amino acid deficiency

Especially patients with genetic conditions and chemotherapy apply to hair transplant Turkey when they understand that it is not possible to regrow their hair with their own methods. If the hair loss lasts longer than two to three months (100 hair per day or more), you should investigate the causes with your doctor.

Proper Nutrition Protects Against Hair Loss

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Hair loss is usually the result of an unbalanced diet; After all, good iron, zinc, B vitamins, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E are required for healthy hair growth. Even when the best hair transplant technique is applied, it is recommended to take supplements with these vitamins. There are also important amino acids, trace elements and minerals. The right combination of these building blocks helps against hair loss. Its deficiency causes disruption of the hair growth cycle.

What is Niacin?

It is a valuable nutrient with B3 and nicotinic acid; niacin In addition to its many benefits, experts have observed in recent years that it is an important aid in hair loss. Some doctors may recommend getting support with niacin after the best hair transplant. Therefore, it is recommended for people who have weakened hair or who experience excessive hair loss. Niacin’s benefits include:

  • Makes hair shinier and more vibrant
  • Nourishes hair follicles
  • It removes dryness on the scalp
  • Stops hair loss
  • Provides faster hair growth
  • Strengthens hair and prevents breakage

However, people should take this treatment with the advice of a doctor, not their own wishes.

Hair Transplant Method for Hair Loss

Regardless of the reason your hair is shed, you can find a permanent solution for yourself in the hair transplant center. Successful methods applied for this provide the complete elimination of baldness after hair loss. It has been medically proven that hair thinning and shedding are the results of most diseases. With successful interventions, patients can come to the appearance they want in a short time. Although niacin for hair thinning is effective, it can’t regrow hair in completely bald areas. Thanks to the most successful methods, DHI and FUE, the desired results are obtained on baldness.

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