Propecia Before And After 6 Months

Propecia Before And After 6 Months Many men struggling with hair loss try to eliminate this problem with different drug supplements. Among the drugs that can use a lot of recommendations, propecia is especially recommended. Therefore, propecia before and after 6 months are constantly investigated before you start using it. But is it really as effective?

What Is Propecia?

Propecia is one of the drugs used for hair loss. The active ingredient in it is Finasteride. In fact, it is this substance that shows the whole effect. While it has been used for completely other reasons in the past, it has been found to also benefit hair loss. And it owes its current reputation to this. The effect of this product is so great that it should be used under doctor’s control. It is used very often because it gives successful results in combating hair loss and androgenetic alopecia.

What Is Finasteride?

Finasteride has a different function except to stop hair loss. In fact, it helps to reduce the effects of testosterone hormone in men. In its first use, it was given only to treat prostate enlargement. But then, when the patients gave a common conclusion that hair loss also stopped, it began to be examined more. And it was learned that establishing hormonal balance also stopped hair loss. Especially, it affects young people who encounter this problem at an early age faster and consider hair transplant in Turkey.

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What Does Propecia Do?

It is a treatment option for thinning and shedding hair. If you do not have baldness problems for hair transplant and you are a man, you can increase the strength of your hair follicles with this drug. It stops hair loss and also supports the regrowth of hair with regular use. For women, the treatment process is progressing by increasing the dose of the drug on the doctor’s recommendation.

Why Does Hair Loss?

Genetic hair loss called androgenetic alopecia becomes a nightmare for everyone. The reason for this is DHT, also known as dihydrotestosterone hormone. Since this hormone increases, the other reaction in our body is hair loss. Shedding and non-growing hair starts to bring the person face to face with baldness.

The effect of DHT is known as male pattern hair loss and does not only affect men. Women suffer from male pattern hair loss due to hormonal imbalances. In other words, there are openings on both sides of the head. While women with normal values ​​should have spills at the top of the head, women with high DHT experience spills from the sides like men. However, it can eliminate the effect with the best hair transplant technique.

Causes Hair Loss?

Short-term hair loss is not a cause for concern. It is a well-known fact that almost everyone shed around 100 hairs a day. Sometimes seasonal changes can trigger hair loss. However, if this process takes weeks or even months, this is definitely a situation that needs attention. Because it is an indication that your body is trying to tell you something. So what could these be:

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  • Using the wrong hair care product
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals
  • Poor diet
  • Hormonal problems
  • Extreme stress

If your hair falls out too much and this continues for a long time, these may be the points your body points to you. It is too early to consider a hair transplant Turkey, so you will need to seek help from a doctor.

What is the Effective Method Against Baldness?

If you are dealing with hair loss for various reasons and there are gaps on top of you, you may find it difficult to deal with baldness. Now, thanks to many the best hair transplant methods, baldness is no longer a problem. While the idea of surgery may seem alarming to people, it has only become a short-term procedure thanks to the practicality of the DHI method.

What Does DHI Technique Do?

The DHI technique is a gentle, almost scar-free method against hair loss with low regeneration time. After the hair expert eliminates the hair follicles individually, he embeds them into the predetermined diminishing zone of the scalp utilizing a protected DHI smaller than normal needle. This is likewise managed with no cuts or scars. Because of the individual control of the heading of development, point and profundity of the benefactor hair, the cutting edge, extraordinary DHI hair relocation ensures an especially normal and, most importantly, long lasting outcome.  This frees you from the heavy effects of hair loss and constant propecia before and after 6 months searches.

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