Hair Transplant for Long Hair in Turkey

Hair Transplant for Long Hair in Turkey ‘Hair transplant for long hair in Turkey’ is wondered by many people living in different countries who want to have a hair transplant procedure. Hair transplant procedure, which gained momentum after 2010, more and more techniques emerged every day and were the only formula, could also lead to many problems. The most important of these was the hair transplant procedure for long hair. Before the hair transplant procedure for long hair, patients were forced to shave their hair. For this reason, there have also been many patients who have given up hair transplantation. Along with the unshaven DHI method, this problem also disappeared. Now long hair can be easily performed without shaving hair transplant surgery.

Long Hair Transplant with DHI Hair Transplant

Long hair transplant procedure with the DHI hair transplant method includes the same function as a normal hair transplant procedure. The only difference between the hair transplant method without shaving the hair is that there is no need to cut or scrape the hair before the hair transplant procedure. In Turkey, the DHI hair transplant method is popularly performed through experienced surgeons. After careful examination of the patient who will undergo a hair transplant, the area where the patient’s hair follicles will be removed is first determined for DHI hair transplant. This area will be an area where the hair will come out again in a healthy way. At a later stage, the surgeon collects the hair follicles identified from the patient’s donor area one by one.

Hair transplant surgery is a procedure in which the hair is transplanted into the scalp. This is why these hair follicles are carefully cleaned and ready for transfer to the new area. The hair transplant process ends by integrating the hair follicles ready for transfer without making a possible incision in the area to be transferred. The procedure is a method that requires serious dedication, patience, and time since the hair roots are taken one by one from the donor area and similarly transferred one by one. The process of this procedure is much longer than normal hair transplant procedures. But symptoms such as redness or swelling that may occur after the procedure last much shorter in this procedure.

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What are the Differences in Long Hair Transplant?

Long hair transplant isn’t a treatment method that is very different from hair transplant procedures in other techniques. Special medical devices, which are preferred in all other techniques, are also used in this procedure. Also, the procedures and care that patients should pay attention to before and after this procedure are the same. The only and most important difference of this procedure is that the hair is not cut before the procedure. Hair that is allowed to remain long is taken long and placed in the area where the hair is sparse. Because the hair is not cut short before the procedure, patients do not need to wait for a long time and can see the difference instantly. This condition is also extremely important for patients to be satisfied.

Why is Long Hair Transplant Done?

Hair loss and baldness are quite common in the area that forms the front left and right corners of the forehead area and is an ongoing condition. The first process of balding occurs in these areas, which many people refer to along with the top of the hair in general. Because of this, the long hair transplant technique is typically used for patients with rarity problems in this region. Hair transplant procedure for long hair is a method that is performed without shaving any hair, unlike a normal hair transplant procedure. Normal procedures, on the other hand, shave the donor area of the hair completely, so that the surgeon performing the procedure can see the hair follicles more comfortably.

Since this procedure fully preserves the natural appearance, it provides more benefits to patients in general and is a more preferred method in patients. In this procedure, the hair follicles are transferred one by one with a special Choi implant pen used by the surgeon, resulting in a more natural appearance. Also, gaps are filled more often. Also, the rate of recovery in this procedure is higher than the normal methods. In a Normal procedure, the skin with the hair is removed and the hair inside is removed.

What are the Advantages of Hair Transplant for Long Hair in Turkey?

  • There is no need to cut your hair short.
  • A bad image that is not aesthetic does not appear with redness immediately after the Hair transplant procedure.
  • You can return to social activities within 1-2 days.
  • Hair grows in a short time, and the results can be seen immediately.
  • No scars remain after the procedure.

A hair transplant can be performed more frequently due to the thin-tipped structure of the preferred implant pen in this procedure.

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What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplant for Long Hair in Turkey?

According to international research, the success rate of this hair transplant method is extremely high. But what is important here is that this procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon. Because ensuring the sterilization of transferred long hair and the hair transplant process is a little more difficult in this procedure. For this reason, this procedure must be performed by specialized surgeons. Long hair transplant can be achieved up to 99% when performed by a specialist surgeon.

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