How to Find a Good Hair Transplant Surgeon?How to Find a Good Hair Transplant Surgeon?

How to Find a Good Hair Transplant Surgeon? The question’ how to find a good hair transplant surgeon is often wondered by many people who want to have a hair transplant. Due to technological advances, there has been a significant increase in the demand for hair transplants in recent years. The most important issue in this area should be to question the specialty of the surgeon who will perform the hair transplant and to investigate experience.

What is the Importance of Choosing a Surgeon in Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant procedures are evaluated within the applications of plastic surgery. The hair transplant process, which includes surgical applications, requires experience as well as design ability and artistic ability as well as expertise. It is extremely important that the surgeon who will operate is experienced and has previously had successful results in this area. For this reason, the surgeon who will perform a hair transplant must constantly renew.

You must question this aspect of the surgeon. For this purpose, you should learn about the surgeon’s experience, how often surgeons perform hair transplant, results, whether the surgeon participates in zongresses or symposiums, and whether the surgeon’s publications are available. A failed operation can cause unwanted results and abnormal hair appearance. A bad operation will make your psychology worse. You may then have to deal with many problems to fix it.

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A hair transplant is a surgical operation, as well as a practice that requires experience and artistic talent. Because hair transplant is an aesthetic operation, it enters the application area of plastic surgeons due to its aspect facing the outside. On the other hand, the aspect studied on the surface of the skin also concerns dermatologists.

What are the Results of a Faulty Hair Transplant Surgery?

As with frustration after every failed treatment, a failed result after a hair transplant will be very sad. An inexperienced surgeon can lead to many negative conditions. But now that all operations are performed by electronic machines, many operations are smooth and error-free. A good audit and good tools are not enough for a successful hair transplant. If you want to achieve success in hair transplant, you should also pay attention to the following criteria when conducting research:

  • First, the surgeon who performs the hair transplant must be an expert. Also, it is not enough for the surgeon to be an expert. It is useful for the surgeon to be an experienced, and proven surgeon. To find out, you can ask for the contact address of a patient who has previously received treatment from the surgeon. Patient satisfaction indicates that the surgeon is fine.
  •  The surgeon’s communication with the patient should also be good. This is another important factor that increases the success rate.

The Importance of Communication with Surgeon

This issue is an important issue to focus on. For a successful hair transplant operation, the surgeon needs to communicate with you. The surgeon should master the hair shape you want. A good degree of communication is also required for this.

Also, good communication is essential for all the examinations and tests requested by your surgeon from the first day of the operation to be regular. The surgeon should teach you what needs to be done before and after the operation.

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How can You Know How Experienced Your Surgeon is?

First, you should see the medical school diploma, specialty diploma, or certificate of the surgeon who will perform the hair transplant. But this is not enough in understanding the experience and success of the surgeon. It’s not so easy to understand. So that you can understand the experience and success of the surgeon:

  • Documents of participation of the surgeon in the courses and other training related to hair transplant,
  • Experience in the profession,
  • Successfully performed hair transplant operations and their references,
  • Communiques presented at national or international congresses and symposiums on hair transplant and publications related to this issue,
  • You should see the pictures or other documents of previous hair transplant operations.
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