Dhi Hair Transplant Turkey

Dhi Hair Transplant Turkey, Hair loss may be due to genetic factors as well as other factors that may affect the hair loss process. Hair loss can lead to negative thoughts such as that it has an uncomfortable appearance for the person and that it is not liked by the social environment. It is known that hair loss has such psychological effects. Natural-looking hair can be transplanted with different methods instead of spilled or lost hair. Instead of this type of hair, it is possible to have thicker and natural hair with DHI hair transplant.

Dhi hair transplant in Turkey is also implemented successfully. As a result of this method, it is possible to reach the desired or imagined hair with an easy process. DHI hair transplant in Turkey is a hair transplant technique with longer sessions compared to other methods. Hair transplant is performed easily and painlessly with the DHI method. Although it has a similar theory to the fue method technically, there are also methodological differences between them. The DHI hair transplant method is known as a more modern hair transplant method than the Fue method.

How is Dhi Hair Transplant Done in Turkey?

DHI hair transplant in Turkey is done as follows:

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  •       The DHI hair transplant method is very similar to the classical Fue method. Fue method; It ends with taking grafts from the donor area and transplanting these grafts to the desired area. In the Fue method, 2 separate procedures are performed during hair transplant. In the DHI hair transplant method, this whole process is carried out with a single procedure.
  •       The hair follicle inside the implant pen is injected directly into the area where the procedure will be performed, without making any holes in the scalp and leaving any possible marks. Thus, the desired result is achieved with a single operation.
  •       Although this method has fewer procedures as a hair transplant stage compared to other methods, the session times of this method are longer. Hair follicles are collected one by one and implanted in one go. There is no collective hair transplant procedure. This process takes a little longer, but it provides a more natural appearance and there is little damage to the applied area. This application is an effective surgical method in hair restoration.

How Much is a DHI Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey?

Hair transplant is a very serious operation. Of course, the choice of clinic and doctor may cause cost changes.

What are the Advantages of Dhi Hair Transplant?

The biggest advantage of DHI hair transplant is that the healing process is faster than conventional techniques. After DHI hair transplant, normal life will be returned in a shorter time. This application is a process performed without damaging the hair on the skin. It is a hair transplant technique aimed at filling the gaps between hairs. It is less painful because of thinner tools used in other techniques. After this application, the peeling time is also lower than other methods.

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