Why Do Men Lose Hair?

Why Do Men Lose Hair? Are you worried that you are losing more hair than what’s natural? Have you observed the edge of your hair on the forehead receding (medically termed bitemporal recession) or the hair on your temples decreasing? Possibly the whirl on the crown of your head is widening or you have noticed your hair is usually thinner all along your scalp. These are all signs of male-pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia (women will encounter a widening part, the female equivalent to male-pattern baldness).

Most men encounter hair loss as a typical result of altering hormone levels that occur later in life, but young men may experience similar hair loss patterns early, such as in their 30s, which can be frightening. We heartily encourage men to immediately address their hair loss to preserve the hair they still have. By the time you first become aware of your hair thinning with the naked eye, you’ve already missed about 50% of your hair.

About 150 million men in the world suffer from weakening hair, hair loss (also known as alopecia), and finally complete baldness. Depending on age and race, about 40% of all men can wait for some hair loss by age 35. Although losing hair volume is a typical part of the aging process, many men are self-conscious about their thinning hair and experience low self-esteem and even depression. Luckily, many treatment opportunities have proven successful with high contentment rates.

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What Causes Hair Loss in Men?

A chemical; doctors call dihydrotestosterone breaks apart the male hormone testosterone, which creates specific hair follicles to shrink. Over time, the hair follicles lose their capability to restore new hair. The hair follicles preserve the ability to support alive hair cells that are genetically programmed to grow cyclically. So when hair follicles are separated from the posterior scalp and transplanted to balding or thinning areas, those follicles will sustain to grow hair. The consequences are natural-looking and efficient. Before talking about hair loss, the reason must be determined. The most frequent causes for men losing hair involve:

Heredity / Genetics

Male-pattern hairlessness is passed down through both sides of the family. You may believe that there is no optimism against your genes, but many men have seen excellent progress with hair transplants and prescription hair medications.

Excessive Anxiety

Contradictory to common opinion, stress is the least usual reason for thinning hair. Medically termed telogen effluvium, this type of hair loss is unexpected, passing, and diffused throughout the scalp. It is not defined by a receding hairline or crown. When you remove the stress factor from your life, your hair will return. If you can’t remove the cause of stress, try training daily or joining behavioral therapy. You should notice your hair return to its normal thickness after about six months.

Inadequate Health Choices (I.E. Diet, Smoking) 

If your hair thinning is an effect of inadequate health preferences, you are actually encountering hair shedding, which is temporary and easier to address than hair loss. Your hair needs nutrients to sustain a healthful, luscious look. Make sure you’re getting your everyday necessity of iron, protein, zinc, and biotin. Keep a healthy, balanced lifestyle and if applicable, stopped smoking.

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Men should expect some hair loss during the typical aging process. Over time, scalp hair follicles shrink and the hair grows less and finer until the follicle totally ends generating new hairs. Even though some men are content embracing the results of their advanced years, others explore a solution to prevent frequent hair loss.

Harsh Hairstyles

Even for men, some kind of hairstyles such as man upsweeps, cornrows, tight braids, and harsh hair products can begin thinning hair. To return your hair to its original thickness, be gentle throughout styling, don’t pull or damage the roots, use medical-grade shampoos and conditioners, and stop dying your hair oftentimes.

Medical illness / Medication

Hair loss may result from some medical diseases such as diabetes or lupus. It can also happen as a reaction to medications such as anticoagulants (blood thinners) and excess vitamin A supplements (retinoid drugs). Contact our doctor to find out if this could be a potential reason for your hair loss.


Psoriasis is an inherited skin disease that generally affects the scalp. It occurs when the immune system unexpectedly attacks the person’s own cells, Psoriasis leaves white flakes alike to dandruff on the scalp and usually provides temporary hair loss. In this case, a medical-grade shampoo is the most useful method to restore weakening hair.

What Vitamins are Beneficial for Hair Loss? Are There Home Treatments for Hair Loss?

A regular daily multivitamin including zinc, vitamin B, folate, iron, and calcium is the right choice, although there is no good proof that vitamins have any essential benefit in alopecia. Newer studies report that vitamin D may be somewhat effective and worth considering. Particular vitamin and mineral insufficiencies like iron or vitamin B12 may be diagnosed by blood tests and treated.

Multiple vitamins, including biotin, have been developed for hair growth, but solid experimental studies for many of these claims are lacking. While taking biotin and other supplements marketed for hair, skin, and nails seemingly won’t worsen anything, it may also not significantly help the situation. Consequently, advertised hair-regrowth supplements should be approached carefully. There is only anecdotal data that oral or topical usage of garlic, onion juice, saw palmetto, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, creatine or pumpkin seed oil is helpful for hair loss.

The bottom line

If you have a bald area or a receding hairline, it’s likely because of your genes. In 90 percent of circumstances, balding is due to androgenetic alopecia, more generally we know as male pattern baldness, which is a genetic situation. It can influence men of all ages, and may even begin before the age of 22. Even though you cannot prevent male pattern baldness, there are steps to slow down hair loss. Some options like hair transplant surgery.

If you are worried about going bald, be sure to talk to our doctor or dermatologist. They can help you to figure out the operation alternatives that are right for you. Why Do Men Lose Hair?

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