PRP for Hair Loss

PRP for Hair Loss Is your hair falling out and you can’t stop your hair loss? We have great news for you!

In clinical trials, PRP or Platelet-rich Plasma, as it is called, stops hair loss. This wonderful procedure, along with the plasma from your blood, allows you to regenerate the cell, which slows down. With PRP treatment, skin rejuvenation and orthopedic disorders can be treated. In this article, we will give very detailed information about PRP treatment for hair loss. Continue reading!

After a small amount of blood is taken from your body, PRP is the process of decomposing the plasma of your blood by a special process and returning it to your body by injection. Plasma from your blood is very rich in cells called platelets. Platelets, whose main task in the body is to ensure that your blood clots, also play an important role in wound healing thanks to the growth factors they contain.

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What is PRP Preferred for?

  • Give skin flexibility and shine
  • Prevent hair loss and strengthen hair
  • Prevent wrinkles 
  • Reconstruct the skin in the wound, crack, and skin damage
  • Ensure that your skin is quickly structured after laser procedures
  • Rejuvenate areas such as face, hands, arms, legs, neck, and decolletage in medical aesthetics
  • It is preferred to treat achilles tendon rupture without surgery and to relieve pain.

Many of the PRP treatments are performed by our surgeons through application kits manufactured by a biotechnology company.

How does Hair Loss Treatment Occur with PRP?

If you have 100 to 150 strands of hair loss daily, this is considered normal. If you are experiencing more than this number of hair loss, you should take this problem seriously. PRP also provides extremely successful results in the treatment of hair loss. During the PRP procedure, your blood is taken and passed through an instrument. Here, the parts that will feed the roots, called platelets, which will provide their development, are separated and injected into the area where your hair falls out.

This method is very effective, especially for genetic spills. Hair mesotherapy procedure can also be applied in combination with PRP if you have genetic hair loss problems. The basis of this procedure is tissue regeneration. Hair treatment with PRP lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. During this procedure, you will not experience pain or pain in any way. After PRP treatment, there are no scars and you can immediately resume your routine life.

How Long does Hair Loss Treatment with PRP Last?

Hair loss treatment with PRP is applied on average every two weeks for a maximum of 30 to 45 minutes and typically lasts from 3 to 4 months. After treatment, it will be enough to apply once every year. The most important advantage of this procedure is that the special plasma is obtained from your blood and in no way carries the risk of allergies.

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PRP And Mesotherapy

What are the Benefits of PRP to Hair?

PRP is concentrated blood plasma that contains approximately 3 to 7 times the number of platelets present in your blood in normal circulation. Platelets in the blood plasma contain a large number of growth factors. These growth factors stimulate dormant hair follicles and also help accelerate collagen production. This condition also greatly thickens your hair strands and makes your hair look denser. This treatment procedure is suitable for hair types that thin, break and fall out and have light hair loss.

Hair Transplant and PRP

PRP is often preferred in hair transplant procedure as it is used alone. Having PRP treatment with a hair transplant procedure at the same time accelerates possible wound healing and also supports the growth of your hair. PRP penetrates the root of your hair and allows your hair strands to heal from the root. During hair transplant, you can also perform PRP treatment, allowing new hair follicles to grow faster and increasing the effect of the hair transplant procedure. You can discuss PRP in detail with our surgeons.

PRP and Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a mixture of drugs consisting of building blocks such as vitamins and minerals necessary for hair. PRP, on the other hand, is formed from your blood enriched with platelets. In other words, the mixture injected in hair mesotherapy is an external product, while PRP consists of your blood. Mesotherapy is nutritious, while hair PRP is restorative and extremely effective in eliminating nutritional dysfunctions. Although we talk about the similarities of PRP and mesotherapy, the main goal in both procedures is to stop hair loss. Both procedures are transferred to the skin with hair by injection method. But the injection techniques of both methods are different. These two procedures can be applied separately or combined.

How Does Hair Loss Stop?

What to Consider in PRP Treatment?

  • If you are taking any blood thinners, you should inform our surgeon. Because this condition can lead to a contra-indication in treatment. Also, you should inform our surgeon about other prescription medications that you should use every day, including heart and blood pressure medication.
  • Avoid smoking before treatment to reduce the possible side effects of smoking. Smoking causes a decrease in oxygen in your scalp, which is necessary for the healing process.
  • You should not drink alcohol for at least three days before PRP treatment.
  • Shower before treatment and wash your hair thoroughly using a normal shampoo. You should not apply sprays, gels, or any other styling products. If hair accessories such as welding are attached to your hair, it must be removed before PRP treatment.
  • Eat breakfast regularly before treatment and take care to consume plenty of water up to two hours before treatment.
  • Sedation isn’t required for the PRP procedure. If you want, you can ask our surgeon for a sedative during the procedure.

If you are having hair loss problems and want to get the PRP procedure, you can contact our specialist surgeons. Our surgeons will describe in detail the most accurate procedures for you.

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