Hair Transplant For Women

Hair Transplant For Women, The hair has always been one of the essential parts of a woman’s beauty. Therefore, hair loss in women may sometimes become much more uncomfortable than it is for men. Although there are many products on the market that offer hair restoration, none of them really do anything. Besides, most of these products are usually for men’s hair loss and are totally useless in stopping women’s hair loss. A hair transplant is the only effective method that can encourage permanent hair growth.

For the reason that there are more men suffering hair loss, people think that hair transplants are for men only. However, this is not true because both genders can have a hair transplant operation. The planning and the applications processes of a hair transplant may differ for each gender. All in all, hair transplant for men or for women are essentially the same procedure. 

Even so, only a few clinics offer hair transplant for women, and we are one of the best in this field. Performing a women’s hair transplant surgery requires very special attention and care. This is not an issue for us since our doctors have a lot of experience performing hair transplants on women.

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Why is women’s hair transplant different than men’s?

If you are a woman having problems with hair loss, you will notice that your pattern is very different from men’s. For instance, one of the first visible signs of hair loss in men is the receding hairlines. But, the females do not experience this problem, their hairlines stay the same as before. Therefore, the hair transplant doctors will not need to reconstruct the hairline of a female patient.

One of the reasons why a women’s hair transplant is different than men’s is the diagnosis part. Your doctor needs to identify the cause of your hair loss before starting to treat it. The causes behind the hair loss in men and women are also different from one another. The males usually experience hair loss due to hormonal factors. On the other hand, it is very hard for females to lose hair due to hormonal factors. 

When a woman is experiencing hair loss, the first thing to see is the decreased density and volume of hair. And, this density and volume loss usually targets the top and rear parts of the head. If a doctor fails to diagnose the patient accurately, the following steps of the hair transplant will not be successful. 

Only a doctor who has performed hair transplant surgeries on women can successfully complete this operation. And, we have plenty of doctors with such experience in our hair transplant clinic. You should keep in mind that women’s hair transplant is not as common as men’s. Therefore, it may be hard to find a clinic with doctors who have knowledge and experience about the procedure.

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Who is Suitable for a Women’s Hair Transplant?

Any women of pretty much any age can receive a hair transplant surgery. The only necessary thing has enough hair in the donor area where the doctors extract the hair from. You should also be overall healthy, and you should not have any life-threatening health conditions. If you meet these conditions, you can have a hair transplant. 

A hair transplant surgery can offer miraculous hair restoration solutions to women regardless of the cause of their hair loss. For instance, if you are women and you have lost hair due to alopecia, a hair transplant operation can help. However, hair loss can sometimes occur due to traumas, burns or scarring, and a hair transplant can fix these as well. At this point, we provide special care to your case and examine your scalp and hair with paying extra attention.

What should I pay attention to before having a women’s hair transplant?

Choosing the right hair transplant clinic is very important if you seek to have strong and dense hair. A hair transplant clinic needs to guide you throughout the whole procedure, although some of them do not. In our clinic, we are very patient-friendly, and we highly value the satisfaction of our patients. For that reason, countless women choose our clinic for having a hair transplant every year. 

Another thing that you need to consider before your hair transplant operation is the cost of the procedure. You may find some clinics that will ask you to pay unreasonably high prices for their services. This is because the clinics who perform a hair transplant on women are few, and they want to abuse this situation. Choosing our clinic for your hair transplant means that you will receive high-quality services for very affordable prices, exactly for this reason.

Lastly, the experience of your doctor is one of the essential things that enhance a hair transplant experience. Women do not have hair transplant as often as men do, because they suffer less from hair loss. As a result of this, the doctors in hair transplant clinics do not get to work on many female patients. Despite the situation in other clinics, our doctors receive many female patients, and they have experience working with women.


Can women have a hair transplant?

Women are suitable for hair transplant surgeries just as much as the man are. As long as you do not have any life-threatening health conditions, you are a suitable candidate. Consult the doctors in our clinic to find out more about what you can achieve with a hair transplant.

How much does a hair transplant for women cost?

The prices of hair transplant operations differ from one patient to another. We do not have fixed prices because the procedures in operation need to be custom. You can contact us now and get a price after consultation.

Do I need to shave my hair for a women’s hair transplant surgery?

Shaving your head bald may be very hard to do if you are a woman. Normally, you need to shave your head for receiving a hair transplant, but our clinic can offer unshaven hair transplant. This is a very meticulous method that only a few of the hair transplant clinics can offer.

Can I dye my hair after hair transplant for women?

After recovering from the hair transplant surgery, you can dye or shape your hair however you want. The results are your natural hair; you are free to do whatever you feel like doing. Nothing usual will be able to harm your new hair.

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