Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes, In daily life, many factors affect the hair, which is a living organ. In light of this information, if you are experiencing any problems, you should seek medical help. Misleading and hearsay details on this issue can cause the patient to lose time. Therefore, it is essential to learn the underlying cause of hair problems.

According to many people, hair loss or thinning and weakening of the hair is a big problem. Since hair plays a significant role in the physical appearance of people, it may create a psychological problem, such as decreasing self-confidence.

Hair falls out periodically, resulting in regional hair loss or complete baldness in men. However, in women, the hair becomes thinner and experiences mild loss. The duration depends on the cause of the problem.

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Every hair strand has a life cycle. These strands live for 4-6 years, then rest and fall out. An average of 100-150 hair strands fall out due to washing and combing. Usually, experiencing a hair loss of more than 150 hair strands is considered as a health problem. Hair loss can occur due to:

  • exposure to chemicals,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • systemic diseases,
  • hair development disorders,
  • drugs,
  • psychological stress,
  • scalp diseases.

Apart from male pattern hair loss, hair loss usually starts 3-4 months after the triggering factor, and the situation can return to normal 6-12 months after treatment. Below, you can have a look at the most common causes of hair loss.

Genetic Factors

The causes are different in women and men. Especially individuals with baldness problems in their families face the risk of hair loss. The type seen in men is the masculine type hormone-sensitive hair loss seen in more than 50% of the population, which is genetic.

However, today, male pattern hair loss with the onset of 16-18 years is more common in young girls. As you get older, baldness develops and may require hair transplantation as a result.

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The reasons why this situation is more common compared to previous years include excessive stress, unbalanced diet, long-term fasting and hormonal problems.

Skin Problems

Apart from the main genetic loss, skin diseases also cause hair loss. Most skin rashes occur when conditions affecting the scalp take place. If you experience disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, lichen; hair loss may be inevitable. You can prevent this hair loss with the treatment of the underlying skin disease.

Unbalanced Eating Habits

Another cause of hair loss is the effect of your diet. After all, the hair is a living organ, and it needs nutrition to grow and be healthy. Not having a regular and balanced diet, long-term hunger, lack of nutrition and consuming foods with high carbohydrate content may ultimately negatively affect the hair. Its treatment is efficient with a balanced diet.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Although you are not experiencing a nutritional problem, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals is another reason for hair loss. If our vitamins and minerals such as B12, vitamin D, folic acid, biotin, zinc, iron are low, the hair cannot feed itself. Moreover, iron deficiency may cause some hair problems. In this regard, the iron supplement plays a crucial role.

On the other hand, hair loss may occur after starting strict diets. Insufficient protein stores in the body lead to inadequate protein production and hair loss. Moreover, hair loss may start 2-5 months after high fever diseases or surgical interventions due to severe vitamin deficiency.

Hormonal Problems

If the person has hormonal problems or irregularities, excessive acne, and acceleration in weight gain, it may be possible to mention hormonal hair loss. Dermatology specialist can determine the source of these problems, and hormonal treatments are useful in this type of hair loss.

Hair loss may start because of hormonal changes, especially from the 1st to the 4th months after birth, and usually takes less than six months. It is necessary to evaluate the level of hormones in female patients, especially when there are problems such as hair thinning, acne, menstrual irregularity, and increased hair growth.

Depending on the hormone DHT that occurs between the ages of 15 and 20, you may experience hair loss as well. If you cannot fight with this problem in the early stages, balding can begin after 2-3 years.

Finally, in the case of hypothyroidism, widespread hair loss can be observed. After eight weeks of thyroid hormone treatment, hair begins to return to normal. In long-term hypothyroidism, permanent root loss develops. Moreover, hyperthyroidism may be the cause of hair loss as well.

Some Internal Diseases and Medicines

Diseases of the thyroid gland or medicine for these complications often cause hair loss. This situation must be thoroughly investigated by examinations.

Some blood pressure medications, cholesterol drugs, thyroid hormone drugs, birth control pills can cause hair loss. This also can increase stress levels and create a vicious cycle. Hair loss that lasts longer than two months is problematic, and a specialist should find the underlying diseases.

Cosmetic Factors

Increasing our cosmetic habits is another factor causing hair loss. In other words, mechanical and chemical processes, including excessive heat, hair openers, and straightening methods, cause hair loss by damaging the hair from the outside. In this regard, the only treatment is to avoid these applications. Applying the necessary care processes for the hair provides the natural look.


Excessive stress is another reason for unhealthy hair. Depression, anxiety, psychosis and medications used in their treatment of psychological problems can affect the hair negatively. To prevent this type of hair loss, you should remove the underlying problem with a psychiatrist.

Alopecia Areata

It is a common disease that occurs suddenly on areas of different diameters. Contrary to its name, it is not a disease that has an infectious property. It usually regresses within a few months or years. If your hair loss continues, do not underestimate this. It is essential to consult a dermatologist for continuous spills and to take the necessary tests for treatment.

Get in Touch With Us to Solve Your Hair Loss Problem

In case you want to get a detailed examination of your case and find the proper solution, you can reach us with one message. After you get a consultation from our doctors, they will explain to you every step and let you know about the procedures. 


What are the main causes of hair loss?

There are a variety of different factors affecting our hair negatively. Genetic factors, hormonal problems, stress and vitamin deficiency are among the most common causes of hair loss.

How can I solve my hair loss problems?

If you have a hair loss problem connected to an underlying health issue, you should eliminate this issue first. For more severe hair loss problems, hair transplant is the best option.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Yes. In addition to vitamin D; B12, folic acid, iron and zinc deficiency also cause hair loss.

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