Hair Transplant Story

Hair Transplant Story, Today, both men and women experience hair loss. This situation may affect anyone enough to damage their self-confidence and even cause problems in their social lives since hair directly affects the general appearance of people. 

Hair Transplant Story

People with balding hair look older than others, and we cannot say that they look very good in terms of aesthetics. Hair transplantation has been developed in order to overcome these problems of people. It is quite easy to reach your perfect hair goals in a very short time.

Genetic causes and excess of testosterone hormone are the primary causes of hair loss. If you are losing your hair due to testosterone hormone, these reasons are classified as “male pattern hair loss” (androgenetic alopecia).   

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The hormone “dihydrotestosterone”, known as DHT in men, might prevent the follicles from feeding on the roots. The non-feeding roots weaken over time and suffer too much damage to produce new strands. This situation, unfortunately, results in hair loss. In addition, a disease called Alopecia Areata, skin problems, some internal diseases, various drugs, stress, psychological factors and in some cases even environmental factors are among the factors that can cause permanent hair loss.

Hair transplant surgery is the only permanent way to solve hair loss problem, simpler than many other aesthetic operations, very comfortable for the patient, and the healing process is easier. In this article, we will explain to you every detail you need to know about the hair transplant story; from consultation to the procedure, and the results.

Hair Transplant Consultation

Before the hair transplantation, our doctors will make a detailed examination to determine the size of the hair loss area. After deciding to have hair transplantation, they will run some tests on your hair. We will also make a hair analysis to determine the healthiest follicles. Your doctor will be planting those healthy hair follicles into the balding areas so we will make sure that we are choosing the best ones.

Another reason for a detailed hair analysis is that it will let us understand if your hair is thinning in other areas. We will also determine the structure of your hair with that test. This will let us collect data about your hair and plan the operation perfectly.

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Your doctor will also be determining your hairline. The hairline is very important when it comes to hair transplant operations since it is what makes a hair transplant look very natural. Your face shape and hair loss pattern are also important criteria for the hairline.

Besides all of that, your doctor will need to know everything that you went through. You should be very honest about the medical background and drug use since they also might affect the results.

Our expert doctors will make the most suitable plan for you after the consultation. This way, the results will be highly satisfying.

Hair Transplant Procedure

There are four different stages in the hair transplant procedure. All of them will be carried out by our experienced doctors very carefully. It is also worth noting that you will not feel any pain during or after the operation since your doctor will administer anaesthesia on your scalp. This process will be as smooth and comfortable as possible.

At the first stage, your doctor will take photos of your hair. This way, you will see the results better. Then, he will administer local anaesthesia on your scalp. This means you will be awake but will not feel any pain on your head.

Later, he will start extracting the healthy hair follicles from your donor area. These follicles will be kept in a special solution. This process takes a few hours, depending on the grafts. In a single hair transplant operation, the graft number can go up to five thousand, which leads you to get full hair in a short time.

Before the procedure, you will determine how you would like to direct your hair. You will choose which direction you will comb your hair, and your doctor will continue planting new roots in that direction.

After all the procedures are carefully done, your doctor will clean your head with the special lotions and finishes the operation. Then, your hair transplantation will be done completely. You will be able to go home with peace of mind and apply the recommended treatment cures to your hair to grow as soon as possible.

After Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation will take almost a day. After the procedure is completed, our doctor will close the donor area with bandages. The next day, you will be just resting. Your doctor will make the dressing process on the 2nd day after the operation. You will be washing your hair on the third day of the operation, and your doctor will give you detailed instructions.

In the 1st week of hair transplantation, your hair will start to appear in the transplantation area. Hair, which grows rapidly with the effect of washing, will disappear after a month of shedding, which we call a shock shedding.

After two weeks of hair transplantation, the hair follicles will get attached to their new canals. You will be able to begin to exercise and return to your daily life from the second week. Of course, you should always be careful about external damage to the planting area.

You will start to see your new hair growth after only two months. Every strand of hair that begins to come out from this month will be your permanent hair. And it will continue to grow, increasing day by day.

At the 6th month after the operation, you will start to see the final results of hair transplantation. Starting from this month, the normal hair cycle will be around 70%.

The first year after hair transplantation is the time when the result of hair transplantation is fully received. You will see the satisfying results completely and start to live with your bushy hair happily. If you have any further questions about the hair transplant operation or would like to reach this happy ending, please contact us.


Is it painful?

No, it is completely pain-free. Our doctors use local anaesthesia while performing the hair transplant operation so you will not feel anything.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the hair transplant operation varies for every individual. If you would like to get a price for your situation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are there any risks?

No, there are not. Our professional team will help you through this process, and it will be as comfortable as it can be. We offer our patients one hundred per cent successful and safe operation.


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