Hair Implants For Men

For Men Uncontrovertibly, Our hair plays a key role in our lives as it is usually associated with elegance, beauty, charm, grandeur, and exquisiteness. Hence, Hair loss is considered a highly severe issue that has deleterious outcomes on the human psyche as It triggers various psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, anti-social disorder, frustration, sadness…And paradoxically, the above-mentioned illnesses exacerbate the hair loss further which leads to a never_ending and vicious circle. Therefore, several treatments have been developed to solve this problem like medications, Platelet-rich plasma, Low-Level Laser Therapy, and Hair transplant procedure. In this article, we are going to delve deeper into one of the most effective therapies for hair loss which is Hair transplant and more specifically Hair implants for men.

Firstly, what is this procedure?

Hair implants for men are reckoned to be the most efficacious solution for hair loss. It is a very simple procedure that is done basically by extracting grafts or hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them individually in the recipient or bald area. It is done through various techniques such as the FUT ( ıt’s the oldest method,  and it is no longer applied), The FUE, the DHI, and The DHI PRO which is the most recent method that has been developed by Clinic Expert Hospital in Istanbul Turkey. Depending on the case of every patient, the doctor selects the technique that suits his/her case.

After defining briefly this procedure, What are the benefits of Hair implants for men?

  • It is classified as a non-surgical procedure.
  • It is pain-free and is done under local anesthesia.
  • Generally, this aesthetic process lasts between four to eight hours only.
  • Even when you have a very large bald area, it could be implanted in one or two sessions successively. ( if you need a second session, you do not need to postpone it for months or years, you can undergo it one day after the first one).
  • Hair implants for Men reached recently an extremely high success rate that has surpassed the 80%.
  • If you go for the most recent methods like the DHI and the DHI PRO, the healing process will be so fast, and it will take no longer than three days or one week for maximum.
  • Hair implants for men with the most recent methods like the dhi pro are deemed to be a very simple therapy as it is mentioned above. Therefore, it does not lead to serious and long-lasting side effects like permanent scars for instance if you definitely pick up a skillful, professional, and competent doctor.
  • It is not expensive: If you decide to do it in Turkey which is considered the best destination in this field, you will get a very affordable and reasonable price with very good results.

As far as results are concerned, the most recurrent question related to Hair implants for men is: When can I see the final result?

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After performing a hair transplant, you will not get the final result immediately as some people may think. The result, however, would be gradual; in the first three months, you will get around 30% of the final result, after six months, you will get between 60 to 70%, and after one whole year, you will reach the ultimate result.

But what is the best hospital where we can guarantee a satisfying result at a reasonable price?

Indisputably, in the last decades, thanks to its highly competent and experienced doctors as well as its reasonable and competitive prices in aesthetic procedures such as Hair implants for men, Turkey ranked first in this field worldwide. Apart from having various international hospitals that have been the destination of millions of patients in the last few years like Clinic Expert Hospital in Istanbul, this is the only country where you can find the most recent and best methods in Hair transplant like the dhi pro that was developed by the above-mentioned hospital(clinic expert hospital).

While in some countries, until today, and even after the FUT technique proved to be a failure, various countries around the world, like the US, are still using it except Turkey. This is nothing but concrete evidence of the medical advancement that this country has achieved in this domain. Furthermore,  Turkey is undoubtedly one of the most fabulous destinations, so doing your procedure there will be a great occasion to discover this wonderful place.

Hair Implants

To wrap up, Hair implants for men are irrefutably one of the best options to get rid of hair loss. This procedure could be applied through multiple mechanisms like the dhi and the dhi pro, and its results have proved to be highly efficient and most importantly permanent. But to get a satisfying and pleasing result, you need to carefully select the right place and the right doctor.

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