Hair Transplant In Chicago

Hair Transplant In Chicago The first reason behind the success of every hair transplant procedure is the professionalism, the competence and the proficiency of the doctor who is going to perform it. Therefore, the most paramount step that you need to take first if you are intending to undergo this process is to select the best hospital and the most experienced and talented medical stuff. One of the well-known destinations for hair transplant is the United States of America and more specifically the Chi Town; Chicago. SO, is Hair Transplant in Chicago the best option for you to get a good result? How much does this process cost there? Isn’t there a better alternative in terms of experience and price altogether? If you are looking for persuasive answers and convincing facts, this article will certainly enlighten your knowledge.

Before we excavate deeper into this topic, we need primarily to shed light on the procedure per se; what is hair transplant?

In brief, this process is quite easy, and it is performed under local anesthesia.It is simply done by transferring hair follicles from the donor area to the bald one using multiple  techniques; like for example: the Follicular Unit Extraction ( FUE ), the Direct Hair Implantation ( DHI ), and the  Direct Hair Implantation Pro which is the most recent mechanism that has been recently developed by

Clinic Expert Hospital in Istanbul Turkey.

Moving on to the second part of our article, we will now highlight All the facts that you need to know about Hair Transplant in Chicago.

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The two  things that are firstly taken into consideration before doing any cosmetic process, such as Hair transplant, are basically the reputation of the doctor on the first degree and the cost of the operation on the second degree. As far as the hair transplant methods are concerned, in Chicago, the most recent methods in hair transplant like the dhi and the dhi pro are not applied yet there.

Moreover, even though  the Follicular Unit Transplantation ( FUT ) has various drawbacks in the short term as well as the long term like the permanent scars it causes in the donor area, supposedly, it should be no longer used after the variety of effective methods that have been evolved ; but unfortunately, many countries around the world including Chicago are still applying it. Regarding the price of Hair Transplant in Chicago, it ranges from  8.000 US Dollars  to 18.000 US Dollars which is a fortune for most of the people. Thus, it makes it difficult and impossible for some people to afford this amount and to perform the procedure.However، this is not the case in Turkey.

So, what are the advantages of Hair Transplant in Turkey? And can we consider this country as the best destination to perform hair transplant worldwide?

Hair Transplant in Turkey

Starting from the twentieth century,  hair transplant has witnessed a significant progress in Turkey. In this country, you can find the most recent techniques like the dhi and the dhi pro. Furthermore, in Turkey, there are multiple international hospitals like Clinic Expert Hospital in Istanbul which proved to be highly qualified and professional. Thus, thousands of patients travel yearly to Turkey to undergo Hair Transplant , which made the medical tourism industry  as one of the backbones of the Turkish economy. Around five thousand tourists come every month from all over the world just to do a hair transplant procedure, because there you can guarantee a perfect result if you choose the right hospital. The cost of the procedure is the second reason that makes Turkey the best country to perform hair transplant.

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Hair Transplant Worldwide

While Hair Transplant in Chicago costs you more than 10.000 Us Dollars, you can do it in Turkey with less than half this price including the flight ticket, the accommodation, the transportation inside Turkey, plus a touristic tour in this marvellous country. Furthermore,it is necessary to know that if you travel to Turkey for hair transplant, you will be supposed to spend no more than three days there: one day for the interview, the blood tests and the procedure which lasts between six to eight hours, one day for a break that you do not need to spend it in the hospital, you can either stay in the hotel or go out to sightsee the city, and one day for the last check up.

After leaving Turkey, a medical consultant will be following up with you until you reach the final result.  So unlike Hair Transplant In Chicago, if you decide to perform this process in Turkey, you will find what everyone is looking for: the experience, the professionalism as well as the reasonable price which makes Hair Transplant  possible for everyone no matter what social class he/she belongs to.

Aesthetic Surgery

To sum up, if you are intending to get a hair implantation procedure done, be certain that Hair Transplant in Chicago is not the best destination for you to get a satisfying result. Contrarily, Turkey has proved to be the best country in the world where you can perform any aesthetic surgery including hair Transplant, plastic surgeries and cosmetic dentistry as well in terms of both experience and price.

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