
The Ultimate Guide to Implant Retained Dentures

Dentures are artificial teeth attached to surgically implanted titanium tooth roots (implant teeth) or natural teeth, used for people who have lost all or most of their upper or lower teeth. In cases where all upper or lower teeth are missing, the patient can use implant retained dentures to replace them.

Overdentures are different from traditional dentures, which fit into the gum where the teeth used to be and can be easily detached from the dental implants they are locked onto. Implants are metallic posts (or screws) that are surgically inserted into the jawbone.

Constructed from titanium, dental implants create a durable connection via the natural process of osseointegration. Before these titanium posts can be installed, the individual’s overall health and the strength of their jawbone are critical considerations. The titanium posts serve as stable foundations for overdentures, ensuring long-lasting support.

In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of implant-retained overdentures, exploring their numerous benefits in comparison to traditional dentures. We will also provide a comprehensive guide to help you determine whether this innovative solution is the right fit for your unique needs.

Why Choose Implant Retained Dentures?

If you are missing all the upper or lower teeth, implant retained overdentures can be a great solution to improve both your function and aesthetics; they are firmly attached to your jawbone using titanium posts, dramatically improving your talking and eating functionalities. 

Traditional dentures can also replace missing teeth, but the performance is limited compared to implant retained dentures because they are not firmly fixed to your jawbone.

Overdenture Fixing Process

Unlike traditional dentures, the process of fixing overdentures takes time and should be routinely monitored by your dentist. 

The first crucial step in the process involves a thorough evaluation by a dental professional to determine the suitability of your jawbone for accommodating the titanium posts and establishing their optimal positioning.

Subsequently, the surgical installation of the titanium posts takes place, initiating the gradual healing phase.

During this healing period, the jawbone gradually integrates with the titanium posts, providing them with a secure foundation. This vital stage can span anywhere from three to eight months and necessitates regular check-ups to closely monitor and ensure the progress of this critical healing process.

Once the healing process is completed, new impressions of your mouth are taken to create the overdentures that are to be fixed on the titanium posts.

The final step involves fitting the semi-permanent dentures into the titanium posts, leaving you with a strong, aesthetically pleasing, and custom set of teeth.

There are several differences in functionality and the long-term impact of using overdentures instead of other more basic dental solutions. Below are some of these differences:

1. Overdentures Improve Functionality

Overdentures are attached to titanium posts inserted into the jawbone, and this makes them strong enough to bite into anything that natural teeth can bite. 

On the other hand, traditional dentures are kept in position using suction, adhesives, or a combination of both of them, making them less stable than overdentures, thereby limiting what a person can bite while using them.

Conventional dentures cover the palate section with taste buds which negatively impacts the eating experience. 

Overdentures, conversely, are attached to titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone without covering the upper palate section, which considerably improves your eating experience. 

2. Overdentures’ Impact Over Time

Implant-retained overdentures offer a significant advantage in preventing the loss of bone density by actively engaging with the jawbone and its supporting muscles. This proactive approach helps avoid the sunken appearance around the mouth, a common concern for individuals using traditional dentures.

Furthermore, the importance of stimulating the jawbone and its supporting muscles becomes evident on a functional level over time. Failure to do so can have a noticeable impact on your ability to pronounce certain letters correctly.

Are Overdentures Right for Me?

Implant-retained dentures have become very popular among people who want solid teeth and wish to retain their jawbone density. 

They have been used to transform the lives of many people who lost all their teeth and wanted a long-term solution.

But as we mentioned before, overdentures are not for everyone as they require your jawbone to be in good condition.

In this section, we break down all of the benefits and things to consider for you to assess whether overdentures are the right solution for you.

Benefits of Overdentures

It is safe to say that overdentures’ benefits originate from the surgically implanted posts that make them strong and firm. 

Below are the core benefits of having overdentures:

  • They allow you to eat what you want. Foods that are hard to chew are very challenging to people with traditional suction or adhesive dentures. On the other hand, overdentures allow you to chew your food well, which is very beneficial to your nutrition and digestion.
  • Provide a better fit. Properly fitted overdentures are very comfortable in your mouth and will make your experience pleasant. Adhesive and suction dentures are not as comfortable and will sometimes cause sores in your mouth.
  • They are stable. Traditional dentures will sometimes move around the mouth, making it difficult to chew or speak. Some people will have problems pronouncing some letters when they have the conventional dentures on. 
  • Retention of bone density. The dental implants directly connected to the jawbone make the jawbone just as engaged as it was with your natural teeth. The stimulation when chewing ensures that the muscles and the bone itself remain strong.
  • They leave your taste buds exposed. The upper palate has taste buds that improve your eating experience. Unlike traditional dentures, overdentures can leave the upper palate exposed because it is held firm by dental implants.
  • They improve the quality of life. Implant retained dentures improve the chewing experience and enhance the appearance of your smile. This helps to build up your confidence which leads to an improvement in the quality of life.
  • Easy to maintain. Overdentures are very easy to maintain because you can brush them just like your natural teeth. A few visits to your dental practice are all you need after they have been installed to make sure everything is in order.

Limitations of Overdentures

Below are a few disadvantages that come with overdenture. These are things you need to keep in mind to make the decision:

  • They can’t be fixed on everyone. You must have a strong jaw bone and take some medication after the insertion of dental implants. This makes them unsuitable to people with underlying conditions that impact their bone density or people who can be negatively affected by the medication that has to be taken. 
  • They are not easy to install. Traditional dentures require just a few appointments to be fitted for you to start using them. Overdentures require several appointments because of the extra steps needed for surgery and dental implants, and not every dentist will be able to do a perfect job; the professionals you choose must be highly experienced in this procedure.
  • They may require a long healing process. Surgical implants can take months or even longer for adequate healing to take place. Throughout the healing period, you are required to have regular checks to monitor the healing process.

Making an Appointment to Talk About Overdentures 

The statistics are telling more that than 35 million individuals in the United States have experienced tooth loss. It is either all their upper teeth, lower teeth, or even both. Left untreated, this tooth loss can lead to a weakened jawbone and significant changes in your facial features.

If you’re contemplating the option of getting dentures, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire process, including the potential benefits and limitations associated with each choice.

Among the available options, overdentures have gained popularity due to their remarkable functional and aesthetic appeal. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the installation of overdentures is a complex procedure demanding precision and extensive experience. Therefore, selecting a dentist with the requisite expertise in overdenture installation is of utmost importance. And why is that? To ensure that your expectations are met.

Ready to take the first step toward restoring your smile and oral health? Then contact us today to schedule an appointment and explore the possibilities.

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