Vampire Facelift

Vampire Facelift

Vampire facelift is an interesting and effective popular plastic surgery. It is a type of biostimulation that uses the effects of platelet-rich plasma. The procedure consists of injecting a mixture formed with the patient’s own blood into the skin. Rich in platelets, plasma therapy has spread with controversial photos of celebrities praising such anti-aging treatments.

The relationship with vampires, who preserved their youth by drinking blood for centuries, became popular with a photo posted by celebrities on social media. Celebrities, whose faces were covered like a bloody mask, caught the attention of women seeking effective minimally invasive methods to improve their appearance. Although the vampire facelift is scary as an image, it has become one of the most used cosmetic procedures of recent times.

What Is a Vampire Facelift?

The technique of the new fashion anti-aging procedure is not so difficult in principle. The doctor uses a syringe to take some blood from the patient’s hand. Then the process of creating a special anti-aging serum takes place: the doctor removes red blood cells and platelets from the blood. Then, they enrich the resulting liquid with vitamins and amino acids and inject into the facial area. Typically, a procedure requires four servings of blood.

The essence of the process is to fill the skin with platelets, which contain growth factors. They promote tissue regeneration by stimulating the division and growth of damaged cells. In turn, platelets are expected to stimulate the formation of collagen. Vampire facelift is responsible for the smoothness, elasticity and youth of the skin.

Is Vampire Facelift Dangerous?

Doctors argue about the effectiveness of the operation, explaining that the effect of platelet-rich plasma preparations has not yet been adequately studied. The procedure is new, exaggerated and causes skepticism among many dermatologists. However, all procedures performed so far have yielded successful results.

While experts assure that the vampire facelift is harmless, serious research is needed to prove its effectiveness. Microneedles can damage the skin and pose a potential threat of infection from time to time. For this, do not forget that vampire facelift is a cosmetic procedure and only a good specialist should perform it.

Liquid Facelift

The new trend facelift is actually a filler used to improve facial lines and add volume to them. This is an intercellular substance rich in platelets and fibrin. To put it more clearly, doctors remove platelets from the patient’s own blood and bring these blood into serum state.

Then, they mix platelet serum again, add calcium chloride and inject subcutaneously. This is sometimes called PRP or platelet enrichment in plasma. PRP is a substance frequently that the medical world uses a lot lately. There are more substances in our blood that are beneficial for the body. It’s been used a lot more lately for vampire facelift.

Why is the Vampire Facelift Effective?

Growth factors are peptides composed of amino acids that induce differentiation of certain cell types in animal and human organisms. Some cells have receptors that, after contact with peptides, lead to further processes related to the development of this tissue. During treatment with platelet-rich plasma, some substances are more present. These;

  • TGF-b; protein responsible for the healing of wounds and the development of cells in the body
  • PDGF; affects the regeneration of skin cells
  • EGF; increases skin elasticity and stimulates cell growth
  • FGF; stimulates the growth of cells

This method was first used in therapy for regeneration after muscle, tendon, ligament injuries and to promote bone growth and wound healing. Later, vampire facelift entered our lives.

How is PRP Vampire Facelift Operation Performed?

Vampire lifting takes between 20-60 minutes. We can perform it under local anesthesia. You won’t require hospitalization afterwards. In the first stage of the surgery, the doctor draws a small amount of blood (10 ml) from the patient, which he/she mixes with an anti-thrombotic agent and centrifuged to separate the red blood cells from those that are not platelet-rich.

The result is a mixture containing plasma. This plasma contains a large amount of platelets. The doctor uses mesotherapy to inject this liquid into the face. Hence, they carefully pierce the skin and apply especially to problem areas. Vampire facelift is effective against all wrinkles and sagging.

Vampire Lift Side Effects

The facelift procedure performed by successful specialists is painless and does not cause swelling. Some people may experience a slight blue discoloration of the face. This is a normal situation and does not cause any deformation of the face. Experts say to observe the patient for at least 6 months and to perform 2-4 operations at regular intervals.

As a result of exposure to platelet-rich plasma, the skin becomes coloured, elastic, followed by the disappearance of furrows and wrinkles. We can also use the surgery to accelerate the regeneration and healing of wounds after plastic surgery. After a Vampire facelift, you will feel your skin rejuvenated.

Vampire Facelift Risks

Opponents of this method argue that it is not entirely scientific and point to the possibility of autoimmunization diseases among the threats. These experts also criticize doctors who combine plasma and hyaluronic acid therapy that this can lead to embolisms. Since there is no scientific study about the Vampire facelift, there are many different opinions.

Who Are Not Suitable for a Vampire Facelift?

Although this operation seems attractive and promising to solve some facial aesthetic problems, it is not a miracle. It is expensive and can turn into a nightmare in the hands of the wrong doctors. Few people have had this procedure done in the last 10 years. Only some famous and experienced surgeons performed these operations. This operation is inconvenient for some people.

These are people with bleeding disorders. At the same time, it is dangerous for the patient to use drugs that cause blood clots. In patients with very low platelet counts or an autoimmune disorder that affects platelets, the procedure is not only effective but also risky. Then again, it is important to detect inflammation in the patient’s blood. For this, the surgeons needs to make a detailed examination. Also, before having a vampire facelift, doctors tell women who are pregnant or giving birth to come after 1 year. You can make your decision with these in mind.

While vampire facelift is an innovative alternative, classical facelift surgery is still another solid option for many. If you want to get information about these procedures, contact us via WhatsApp right away.

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