I Need More Than One Hair Transplant

I Need More Than One Hair Transplant, Regardless of which surgeon you choose to perform it, the hair transplant mostly is a single surgical procedure. The result from that one-time session will last you a lifetime. That said, there is a rare chance in which one patient may need to undergo another separate procedure yet again. 

I Need More Than One Hair Transplant

This happens for a multitude of reasons, and the goal of it is to either attain a higher density in some spots or cover new barren spots. Most patients that undergo a hair transplant only require one surgery. 

It is possible to divide said surgery of multiple sessions spread across different days, but it still is a sole procedure. When speaking of having more than one hair transplant to get the results you want, this would be a second, separate procedure. 

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This entirely new procedure has to occur at least a year or more after the initial hair transplant. It will seek to correct some shortcomings of the original procedure or new requirements of the patient.

What A Hair Transplant Does

A hair transplant procedure takes healthy hair follicles from the donor site (back of the scalp) into the receiving site (balding spot). The receiving site for males is the hairline at temples and the top of the forehead. 

For females, meanwhile, the receiving site is the crown of the head, where the hair divides in two. For the operation, the surgeons mostly take the hairs from the back of the scalp due to their special characteristics. These pieces of hair are thinning-resistant, meaning, they will not go through any thinning process or cease to grow. 

At least, not normally. Except for some aggressive episodes of alopecia areata, chemical or radiation poisoning, that hair stays in place. This is also why most the hairline of the male patients recedes from the temples and forehead—leaving only the back of the head part noticeably untouched. 

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Since the hair from the back of the scalp is not susceptible to any kind of thinning, it makes it perfect for hair transplantation. This thanks in no small part to the fact that hair coming from the back of the scalp retains its properties even after transplant. 

That’s right; what makes the actual hair transplant possible is the existence of ‘genetic memory’ within the hairs from the donor area. The hair will grow exactly as it did in its original place when grafted on its new home with no chances of even thinning and cease growing. 

That, of course, if it was successfully transplanted and the graft did take to its new site. In the opposite case, do not expect to see much growth from it after transplantation. To avoid such problems, you can always get in touch with our clinic to have the best results possible.

The skill of the surgeon is determinant into whether a graft takes or not into its new place. Our experts, at this point, are capable of providing you with the top-notch results.

When Would You Need More Than One Hair Transplant?

Several specific situations can play out for an individual that underwent a hair transplant and cause them to need another.

In some very rare cases, male patients that had their hairline reconstructed with a hair transplant might still see it recede after. The much annoying occurrence happens because the particular patient has a rather aggressive balding pattern. 

They also were not done balding when they have had the first procedure. This leaves a rather odd-looking effect for them: a solid hairline made from donor hair that has regular hair receding behind it. 

Competent hair surgeons normally avoid the situation by looking at the hair growth pattern before the grafting. Placing the graft to follow it properly would mask less-severe cases of a still receding hairline. The most aggressive of them, however, will require a second procedure.

Also, the appearance of further bald spot might require one as well. The reason for that is several things can cause bald spots in a patient’s head. Alopecia Areata, for example, happens when the patient suffers from extreme physical or continuous psychological stress. It expresses as circular bald spots of about the size of a coin that appears around the head.

Once many of them cluster together, they form a large and very noticeable bald spot. Luckily, they are not permanent most of the times, and the hair will regrow once what causes it subsides. So, consult a physician before jumping head-on with a second hair transplant due to random bald spots. 

Finally, cuts and burns into the scalp can permanently destroy hair in the area, creating a bald spot through scarring. Depending on the severity of the damage, a further hair transplant might be possible to cover that scar. Consult our hair transplant surgeons to know with certainty.

Undergoing A Second Hair Transplant Surgery

Once identified the reason why you seek to undergo a second hair transplant along with your scalp situation. Then, you can begin to think about having a second hair transplant surgery. 

It is of vital importance that you and your surgeon are both clear in which is the main goal to reach. Augmenting density in and around the previously grafted areas or covering the newly appeared bald spot. 

Either way, you will have to meet some preliminary requirements before moving forward with the surgery. Since this is now your 2nd hair transplant surgery, you need to make sure you are suitable for it. This, of course, depends on the extent of your previous hair transplant surgery. 

A hair transplant surgery that required 5000 of 6000 grafts is rather large. Yet, normally there would still be enough hair to do another one that covers roughly two-thirds of that amount, if not more. 

Also, the current level of laxity on the skin of the donor area is also important. Tighter scalps are not fit for harvesting nearly as many grafts than those of a looser variety. Hence, if you happen to have a tighter scalp and require many grafts, the 2nd hair transplant might not extract all the grafts you need.

Remember that, just like it was with the 1st hair transplant, the skill of the surgeon is determinant here. That’s why we always recommend you to have a consultation first and learn the details of our services. During that, our experts will examine your situation and explain every phase that you will take together with us. In other words, we will maintain top-notch conditions from the beginning to end.

Nevertheless, a hairline that continues to recede after a hair transplant is more of a genetic factor of the patient. Yet, our skilful surgeons can provide a much-needed helping hand that aligns the grafts to better cover it. Put the future of your looks on the hands of our surgeons for satisfying results.


Do I need to undertake more than one hair transplant surgery?

It all depends on your condition. If your hair loss stops after your first hair transplant, or you don’t want to cover any other particular place, you don’t need to have another operation.

Why do people have more than one hair transplant surgery?

People do that because they either want to cover another bald spot after their first operation, or their surgery was unsuccessful. With 100% success rate, we guarantee that you won’t have an unsatisfying result from our clinic.

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