How to Stop the Hair Falls?

How to Stop the Hair Falls? Hair falls unfortunately have many reasons. Hereditary hair loss, age, cancer treatment, childbirth, or other stressors are some of the main reasons that cause hair falls. Besides hair falls there are also different types of hair falls. These may be gradually or suddenly. In some cases, hair thins day by day and some of the situations need instantaneous treatment for preventing permanent hair loss. Some hair falls can regrow on their own, some of them can’t. Pinpointing these variables should be the first step during the treatment process for a better outcome. 

In this post, we will present the information we have compiled from detailed research on hair loss for you. Continue reading!

Some Causes of Hair Loss

Hereditary Hair LossHereditary hair fall is the most common and non-binary cause of falling hair. It can affect both men and women all around the world. Regardless of genders, the medical term of hereditary hair loss is called “androgenic alopecia”. Because of the genes that are inherited from the family, the hair starts thinning, and finally, it stops growing. The signs of hereditary hair loss can differ from gender to gender. Women show signs of thinning and hair widening at the top of their heads. However, for men, it usually starts with baldness.

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Treatment for hereditary hair loss is possible. The treatment helps individuals to stop their falling of hair or gradually slows the hair falls. This process mostly requires to start of the treatment at an early age. Otherwise, it will be harder to slow the hair fall or completely stop it. 


The factor of age is also a common reason for hair loss. As the age grows most people start to realize that they are suffering from hair loss. Because the more you age, the slower hair starts to grow. During these later ages, the hair starts to lose its color as well. Treatment is also crucial in this process and helps people to regrow their hair.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, which is the place that holds the hair. Hair bulbs lose their strength to hold the hair. Hence, even if the hair grows back it will start to fall again. That is why the treatment should be for the hair bulbs if the patient isn’t suffering from hair falls caused by the other elements.

Cancer Treatment

If you are undergoing chemotherapy treatment, you may lose all or most of your hair in the following few weeks after starting the chemotherapy treatment. Regrown of the hair is possible. The hair will start to grow gradually on its own. The treatment for this situation mostly using medicines that dermatologists suggest to grow the hair faster. 

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Childbirth or Other Stressors

After giving birth to a child, recovering from a sickness, people can lose their hairs. Having a stressful period may also end up in hair loss. The recovery process of the hair mostly depends on the individuals’ condition. But it takes approximately 6 to 9 months for recovering completely after the end of the stressful situation.

Hair Care

If you dye or perm your hair etc. it may damage your hair and causing it to hair loss. Damaging your hair because of these situations may cause baldness. People should change their hair care routine to avoid hair loss. If people damage their hairs severely, hair can’t grow from follicles. Having a serious amount of follicle damages can cause permanent baldness.

Pulling Your Hair

People sometimes pull their unconscious during stressful times. The medical term of pulling your hair without being aware is “trichotillomania”. People who suffer from trichotillomania can regrow their hair if they didn’t destroy the follicles.

How to Prevent Hair Loss?

There are many things that people can do to slow and/or stop hair loss. Even though these methods can change from person to person because of the reasons for the hair loss, some of them are mostly universal and every person should consider them as a hair care routine.

Mediterranean Diet 

Mediterranean diet not only helps the prevent but also helps to strengthen your hair. Studies show that eating raw vegetables and fresh herbs can reduce the risk of hair fall. Best success shows that when people eat raw vegetables and fresh herbs three days a week their hair falls reduces.


Hair follicles are made mostly from a protein called keratin. Even though more studies should be carried for a more reliable outcome, scientists suggest that changing your diet to a protein based diet, helps you prevent hair loss.

Regular Washing

By keeping the scalp healthy and clean, washing your hair daily can protect you against hair loss A mild shampoo should be people’s first choice. The other strong hair products can harm your hair and causes hair loss.

Olive Oil

Olive oil can be used to protect the hair from dryness and breakage. Olive oil, which can help delay hereditary hair loss, is also a key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. Try adding a few tablespoons of olive oil directly to your hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Hair Processing

Don’t choose to tie your hair in tight braids or ponytails that pulls your hair from the root and potentially lead your hair to excessive shedding. Heat-based hair shapers, like curling or straightening irons, may also severely damage or break your hair.


Skull massage not only feels good but also helps your hair to grow. A study that took place in 2016 showed that four minutes of skull massage in a day helps to grow your hair.


Stress can cause your hair to fall as we mentioned before. One of the ways to coping with stress is yoga. Yoga doesn’t only help you reduce your stress but also affects your whole body in a good way. Studies show that people who can cope with their stress are healthier contrary to those who can’t cope with their stress. Yoga, on this occasion, is a powerful method to reduce your stress level. 

If you have problems with your hair, you can contact our company and doctors. How to Stop the Hair Falls?

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