How Long Does Hair Loss Last?

How Long Does Hair Loss Last? Hair loss issues have become one of the most discussed topics of this century.  When dealing with hair loss, she worries about the question how long does hair loss last.Dozens of reasons such as severe weather conditions, extreme stress and unnatural foods showed hair loss as a disease. However, hair loss is not a cause but a result. You can also think of it as a sign that something is wrong with your body. That’s why you should analyze yourself well and correct this mistake.

Is Hair Loss Normal?

Hair loss is not always a concern. Because each hair strand has a certain life span. And the old ones must go for new ones to come out. The average life span of 1 hair changes between 2-6 years. After this period, the hair strand is shed and a new strand comes out. What makes hair loss alarming is the possibility of not replacing the shed hair.

Hair Loss Problems

Hair loss is a condition that almost everyone experiences today. Therefore, the number of people who want to get a hair transplant in Turkey is increasing day by day. Every hair loss is not a sign of a problem. On the contrary, it is normal for healthy people to lose up to 100 strands a day. What makes this a problem is the duration of hair loss and the number of shed hair. Nobody can count how many hair strands they shed a day. But there are some ways to detect this:

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  • If there are handfuls of hair strands not only when you comb your hair but also when you touch it with your hand,
  • you have too much on your pillow when you wake up in the morning
  • you do not touch your hair with your hand while you are in the shower, if the hair falls out with water

If all this is a problem that you have been experiencing every day for months, there is a high probability of baldness in your hair and you need to intervene as soon as possible. The most effective treatment method for hair loss is the best hair transplant technique.

Hair Loss Treatments

If you are trying to combat baldness with your own methods, you should know that your chances of success are slim.However, this effect will be very small, unfortunately. And during the time you spent to achieve this small amount of effect, your other hair still fell out.

Of course, there are situations when various hair care products act. Especially the spills due to genetic factors need medical methods. Since it is not possible to determine this on your own, it is imperative that you meet with the best hair transplant specialist.

What Are Hair Transplant Methods?

There are 3 methods used in hair transplant. Among these methods, Fut technique is the oldest method. Being the old and first method brings with it many deficiencies.

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The things that make the Fut technique unusable at the moment are;

  • During hair transplantation, after the hair follicles are removed, there is a waiting period outside until they are transplanted. This causes the effect of hair follicles to decrease after they are transplanted.
  • At the same time, stitches are required due to the cut made on the scalp during the procedure. Otherwise, the wound may become inflamed. This means that there is a distinct stitch mark.
  • Depending on the number of hairs to be transplanted, the process may take a few days. In other words, the scalp should be numbed at every opportunity.

The disadvantages of FUT technique lead people to FUE and DHI technique. These also have advantages and differences in themselves.

FUE and DHI Different

FUE is the most known and preferred method for hair transplant Turkey. The most positive aspect of this method is that the cuts are smaller and the processes have an effect of 90%. However, it is not as successful as DHI in terms of the methods used in hair removal and transplantation. For FUE to be successful, it is necessary to shave the hair. But it causes this problem in people’s daily lives.

There is no obligation to scratch it in DHI. At the same time, if the idea of ​​cutting your scalp sounds scary to you, the method used in DHI will appeal to you. Removal and transplantation of donor hair is done with the help of a single medical pen. In this way, the holes opened up to the point will close automatically after a short time and immediately gain their natural appearance. If you have to deal with problem that how long does hair loss last , you can call us to get information about hair transplantation.

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