Hair Transplant Painful or Not?

Hair Transplant Painful or Not? Hair loss is a serious problem that can cause unhappiness and negative effects on self-esteem in both men and women. If the cause is not investigated in the early stages and the necessary precautions are not taken, it may result in hair loss. Hair transplant is a successful surgical method applied to re-hair the areas that have experienced hair loss for about 20 years worldwide.

A hair transplant is a surgical operation that involves the transplant of the person’s hair follicles, which are usually taken from the nape area to areas that have completely shed or have decreased hair density.

FUE, DHI, and Percutaneous methods are much more advanced than FUT

The technique of being applied to the patient in transplant procedures is decided by determining the needs of the patient after carefully examining the hair structure and shedding density.

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In the hair transplant treatment, as a result of the examinations to be performed, it will be determined whether the patient’s body is suitable for hair transplant and the correct application will be decided.

The number of applications supported by local anesthesia is increasing day by day and the process of transferring the follicles taken from the human body to the head area is also defined as hair transplant treatment.

After the hair transplant operation, which will take between 3 and 5 hours, you can continue your daily life where you left off and we would like to state that you will get a natural look. This problem occurs more frequently in men, but studies reveal that the risk of hair loss decreases after the age of 40. Along with genetic factors, stress and external factors are also among the most important causes of this problem.

Hair Transplant Painful or Not?

One of the most curious questions about hair transplantation, which can create significant changes in the person’s appearance, is whether or not hair transplant is a painful operation. It is one of the most important problems of people who want to have hair transplantation, whether there is pain during hair transplantation, whether the operation is a painful process.

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The procedure is done on an outpatient basis and typically takes six to eight hours. While the procedure is extremely reliable, it is still a surgical procedure and some discomfort can be expected as a result. Before the procedure takes place, the patient is given a local anesthetic and they may feel a slight needle sensation. Soon the anesthetic numbs the skin and nothing is felt during the procedure.

In terms of the healing process, patients may experience tenderness, redness, and mild pain after a few days and may need to take pain (and possibly anti-inflammatory) medication to relieve post-procedure symptoms.

However, these are usually mild enough that patients can return to work within a day or two at the most. Following the post-procedure instructions during the first few weeks of recovery will help minimize discomfort following the hair transplant procedure.

Since local anesthesia

Is applied to the person, there is not much pain or ache, only a little pain may occur after the intervention. However, it is possible to relieve the pain with the painkillers used. If there is an incorrect transplant, there may be a pain in the correction process. As a result, since hair transplant is a surgical operation, the pain will be felt. Since there may be a slight pain on the first night after the procedure, the patient can be given pain medication.

On the other hand, the process is carried out in two steps. In this process, the hair first gets shorter. The place to be taken and the place to be planted are marked. Then, local anesthetic drugs are applied to the area where the hair will be removed. This process takes only 2 minutes. During this anesthesia, a small pain can be felt that varies from person to person. Then the pain ends and then the collection of hair goes on absolutely painlessly. Then the same process is applied to the transplanting area. Since the backside is numb, less pain is felt in the area to be transplanted than the other. The whole procedure to be applied afterward continues painlessly.

What are the Factors Affecting the Success of Hair Transplant?

The thing that makes a hair transplant successful is that both the person who transplanted and the team operating feel happy. In a hair transplant, it is necessary to determine the most suitable hair transplant technique for the person. Care should be taken to protect the hair follicles taken for a hair transplant without any damage. The second issue that requires attention is the process of transplanting the hair follicle. It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the hair follicle to be transplanted. For a hair transplant to be successful, the transplanted hair follicle must be the same as the person’s hair follicle direction.

It is also very important that the healthcare team performing the hair transplant procedure is experienced and knowledgeable.

Hair transplant surgery; should be performed in a sterile, quality, and equipped environment. Apart from this, one of the factors affecting the success of the surgery is the rules that the patient must follow. After a hair transplant, care should be taken not to get any blows to the head area. The hair should not lie on the side of the transplanted area. If the person follows the doctor’s advice carefully, much more successful results are obtained.

People who have hair transplant should rest at home for the first 3 days. The environment should not be too hot. Dusty environments should be avoided. The head must be kept away from all kinds of blows. Heavy sleepers should not put their hands on their hair during sleep. If possible, it would be appropriate to rest for 1 week. It is important to pay attention to hair washing rules with the recommended shape. It is important not to smoke before and after hair transplant. Hair Transplant Painful or Not?

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