Genetic Hair Loss

Genetic Hair Loss There are various styles and reasons for hair loss (alopecia). Hereditary hair loss is common and natural in families.

Key Points About Normal Hair Loss

  • Hereditary hair loss means the hair loss that goes on in families. It’s natural and popular, most of the time in men, but also in women.
  • Hereditary hair loss mostly affects the scalp, but it can also happen in other areas of the body.
  • See the doctor whether you have a sudden hair loss and autoimmune disease, chemotherapy, or a hair loss can not be explained by genetic causes.
  • There is no remedy for inherited hair loss, but therapy can help to slow down or avoid hair loss.
  • Hereditary hair loss is benign. It may be distressing, though. Aid and help are open to you.

What are the Causes of Hereditary Hair Loss?

Hair cycle of growth and rest

Like your skin and nails, your hair is going through a perfectly balanced period of development and rest. Hair loss will occur at any point in the cycle. There are 3 stages in a hair cycle:

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  • The scalp hair is growing constantly in the first level. It’s called the anagen process. In this phase, your hair grows about 1-2 cm per month. Around 90 percent of your hair is at any one time at this point. It goes on between two and five years.
  • The second stage is called the catagen process, which is when development ceases. Approximately 1-3 percent of your scalp hair is at any given point in this process. It lasts for 2-3 weeks.
  • The last stage is defined as the telogen phase. This is a sleeping period that lasts from 1–4 months. Approximately 10% of your scalp hair is at any given point in this process.
  • At the end of its resting period, the hair progresses into the shedding process, which usually results in the development of new hair. When the hair is shed, it is replaced by a new hair from the same hair follicle situated just below the surface of the skin.

Male or female inherited hair loss is caused by inheritance or hormonal factors. It is often referred to as androgenetic alopecia because it is caused by hormones called androgens. Your chance of inherited hair loss rises if you have ancestors that have undergone hair loss. Your hereditary hair loss blueprint can affect stuff like:

  • How old you are when the hair loss starts
  • How fast you lose your hair
  • The pattern and degree of hair loss or baldness.

Male Hereditary Hair Loss

Genetic Hair Loss Inherited hair loss in males is also defined as a male baldness pattern. It’s more normal with age. The disease affects different groups at different rates and accounts for 99 percent of men’s hair loss. Hair loss occurs in men around the age of 30 but can occur at any age of past puberty. How rapidly or slowly baldness grows, and the pattern of hair loss tends to be determined by the genes you have inherited from your ancestors. Your genes affect how sensitive your scalp is to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that shortens the growth process of your hair. Your hair follicles often get bigger in reaction to DHT, and so your hair production gets smaller and thinner.

Female Hereditary Hair Loss

Genetic Hair Loss Female inherited hair loss is known as a female baldness pattern. It may affect women at any age, but it is more frequent after menopause. It typically starts about the age of 30, becomes noticeable around the age of 40, and becomes more noticeable after menopause. By the age of 50, nearly half of women have experienced a degree of hair thinning. It is often thought that female hereditary hair loss is caused by genetics and androgen hormones, although the correlation is not as clear as male hereditary hair loss. Finer hairs with less pigment are developed in female inherited hair loss, and hairs that are in the resting (telogen) process fall out more quickly.

Other Forms of Hair Loss

Hair deficiency that is not inherited is considered abnormal. It may be triggered by:

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  • Maternity
  • Hormonal or other pharmaceutical items
  • Extreme dietary deficits
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Autoimmune disorders;
  • An underactive or overactive thyroid gland;
  • Damage to the skin, including responses to hair care products and hair removal procedures.

What are the Symptoms of Hereditary Hair Loss?

The trend of hair loss is distinct for male hereditary hair loss and female hereditary hair loss.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

In males, baldness typically starts with a gradual thinning of the hairline, accompanied by the development of a thin or bald patch on the crown of the head.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Females with inherited baldness seldom grow bald spots. Instead, you feel a general thinning of your hair, particularly over the top of your head or crown, while retaining a frontal hairline.

How is Hereditary Hair Loss Diagnosed?

Your doctor will inform you about your hair loss, and your hair loss pattern, and whether you have any other medical problems. Your doctor will also look at your scalp. No tests are required to determine genetic hair loss, but blood tests can be performed to rule out other disorders that may cause hair loss.

How is Hereditary Hair Loss Treated?

Slowly losing your hair is a natural part of the aging process for most men and some women. Treatment is not typically required. However, hair loss that happens suddenly or early in life may be distressing. If you want to slow down or halt hair loss, therapies are available.

Treatment for hair loss include:

  • Medicines
  • Wigs, hairpieces, or hair transplant.

Hair loss caused by a transient situation, such as sickness, medicine, fatigue, or lack of iron, will cease until the cause is fixed. Read all about abnormal hair loss.

Medicines for Hereditary Hair Loss

Finasteride and minoxidil are the key medications used to treat hair loss. Medicines used to treat hair loss have varying effects for different patients. It is therefore not easy to determine who may or may not benefit from treatment.

  • Finasteride: This is a prescription-only treatment for men’s inherited hair loss. It’s available as a tablet. It functions by blocking the synthesis of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles are not influenced by this hormone and will not decrease. The treatment has to be extended for at least 6 months after it has begun. If you are good, you need to continue the therapy to sustain the effect. Speak to our doctor on whether finasteride is safe for you. Women should not take finasteride for hair loss therapy.
  • Minoxidil Topical Lotion: Minoxidil is a rub-on medication that can be obtained at your nearest pharmacy. The situation might be seen for both males and females. It has to be added twice a day to the scalp when it is dry. Minoxidil is most beneficial in the early stages of hair loss. The treatment has to be extended for at least 6 months after it has begun. If you are good, you need to continue the therapy to sustain the effect. A low-dose minoxidil tablet can also be used for hair loss. Speak to our doctor on whether or not minoxidil is safe for you.

Wigs, Hairpieces, or Hair Transplant

Cosmetics such as hair sprays or hair coloring goods, wigs, and hair bits may be useful in covering areas with hair thinning. Hair transplantation is also becoming more common, although not everyone is suited to this technique. Speak to the doctor on whether these procedures are acceptable for you.

How can I Prevent Hereditary Hair Loss?

Heritage hair loss is part of the evolutionary blueprint. Although there’s nothing you can do to change your genes, there are a few things you can do that can help keep your hair safe and strong for longer.

Dietary Protein is Important

Hair is made up of a form of protein, the same one contained in fingernails and toenails. All, irrespective of age, can consume enough protein to sustain normal hair output. Protein is present in beef, chicken, fish, eggs, some cheese, dried beans, tofu, grain, and nuts. Be gentle with your hair

  • Resist close hairstyles, such as braids, buns, and ponytails.
  • Stop spinning, scratching, or dragging the hair down.
  • Don’t use hair lotions that are strongly perfumed.
  • Stop unnecessary heat therapy.

What Support is Available with Hereditary Hair Loss?

Hereditary hair loss is a common aspect of the aging process. However, when baldness happens unexpectedly or early in life, it can be distressing. Hair loss is particularly disturbing for women. Talking to others who have experienced hair loss can help. If you need to speak to someone, ask your doctor for therapy sessions available in your area, or a referral to a psychologist. Genetic Hair Loss

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