Hair Follicle Transplant

Hair Follicle Transplant Hair production starts in intrauterine life and continues throughout a person’s lifespan. While the hair is thin and light in uterine life, it starts to thicken and darken after birth. There are around 100 thousand hair follicles on a baby’s scalp. Our hair grows and sheds after a certain amount of time, but it is replaced by hair follicles.

While there are interpersonal differences, 80 to 120 hair strands will be shed every day as a part of the natural life cycle of body hair. Each hair strand progresses through the development, rest, and shedding processes. Hair loss is considered when the hair is shorter, rather than the normal hair sheds while combing and washing, and when the front hairline recesses.

Numerous causes play a role in hair loss, including though not limited to hereditary predisposition, environmental intake, medications, psychological stress, skin diseases, systemic diseases, metabolic abnormalities, medical treatments, insufficient hair treatment, and inadequate diet. One or more of these causes may be responsible for hair loss, but the root cause may not be known. In comparison, hair loss can be temporary or permanent. To get rid of those hair problems, we have some great methods;

Online Diagnosis

Medical Procedure

  • Physicist First Test – Pre-operative
  • DHI and FUE hair transplant process of guaranteed complete graft transplantation
  • Extraction of micromotor grafts
  • Local anesthesia
  • All drugs
  • Our doctor’s postoperative inspection

Before the Hair Transplant

  • Should not use aspirin and vitamins B and E and other related drugs 1 week until surgery.
  • When you drink beer, should not drink alcohol 3 days before surgery.
  • If you have a drug allergy? Please tell our doctors at the hospital appointment
  • Should not smoke 24 hours before treatment, if possible. Don’t forget that smoking is going to prolong the convalescence period
  • When you are taking chronic medicine (diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, tuberculosis, etc.) or serious infection, you can tell your doctor while you are in hospital.
  • Bring a lightweight front button shirt and sweat pants with you
  • Should not use any cream or spray following surgery
  • Please bring your comfortable clothing with you. Button-down front clothes should be worn for hair follicle transplants.


The planning process of hair transplantation helps to assess if you are a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. Your clinical records, medicine (prescription and over-the-counter), and both vitamins and dietary supplements are checked, and blood and urine samples are examined to investigate the potential cause of hair loss.

Time has occurred after the start of hair loss, hair thickness, hair loss type (androgenetic, generalized, alopecia areata), previous history of hair loss and if the hair has expanded again, whether the same disorder has formed in the previous, and causes that improve hair growth and intensify hair loss are carefully discussed. If our doctor finds it appropriate, the scalp is biopsied and the scalp and hair follicles are inspected under a microscope. Once it is obviously decided that a hair transplant is a right option for your case, you should tell our doctor of all your hopes to prevent disappointment following the operation.

Surgery and Early Postoperative Period

Hair Follicle Transplant Following the final decision on hair transplantation, the donor area where the hair follicles are collected and the recipient area where the hair follicles are moved are drawn up and a schedule is made before the process is started. A local anesthetic agent will be used to alleviate or remove pain during hair transplantation. There are now two hair transplant procedures, FUE and DHI. The FUE system has two subtypes, Traditional and No-Shave FUE, depending on whether the area where the hair follicles are moved is shaved or not. The only difference between No-Shave FUE and traditional FUE is that the sender and receiver areas are not shaved or cut short. Also, if it is considered necessary, the doctor may prescribe integrating the FUE technique with PRP and/or hair mesotherapy.

In the FUE process, hair follicles can also be obtained from other areas of the body if the hair follicles on the scalp are not appropriate for hair transplantation. On the other hand, the FUE approach shows effective outcomes in the management of hair loss of the eyebrows, mustache, and beards. In the FUE procedure, the donor and receiver areas are washed and prepared. Once the scalp has been drawn to prepare the transplantation, the scalp images are taken to make comparisons.

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What’s a Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)?

This is one of the special techniques produced with the use of the FUE technique. Other strategies require the root of the hair to be inserted only after the expert has undergone different processes. In DHI, however, there is no waiting period for implantation after root collection. The implantation is performed at the same time and one at a time. It then provides a compromise for people who want to have thicker hair or who do not want the hair to be fully cut off in the implantation region.

What are the Differences Between DHI and FUE?

The greatest drawback of FUE is that the largest amount of hairs is inserted at a single time. DHI is a safer option for implants containing tiny quantities of hair or several sessions. We should then assume that this is a technique inside the FUE spectrum rather than an alternative to it.

What are the Most Important Advantages of DHI Hair Transplant?

The most important benefit is that the operation can be done without shortening the hair, particularly in the case of small transplants and female patients. In this way, the treatment does not affect everyday life. It is also a good choice for implants to be done in several sessions. Since all FUE and DHI approaches are conducted under local anesthesia, there is no pain whatsoever.


Hair will expand, but it will disperse rapidly after a hair transplant. About two months in, you will see the development of hair by moving hair follicles. Your hair will naturally grow and the baldness will be gone from six months to one year later. Hair Follicle Transplant

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