Failed Hair Transplant

Failed Hair Transplant Despite the high success rate that the hair transplant operation has reached during the last decade, thousands of patients who underwent this procedure around the world have unfortunately faced a failed hair transplant for numerous reasons. If you want to know more details about this topic, read the following article because it will answer all the frequently asked queries that may come to your mind when you think of this issue including: What are the factors that may lead to a failed hair transplant? Is there any possible solution to save my hair in case I experience a hair transplant failure? And how may I avoid this matter from occurring in case I did or I am willing to undergo a hair Transplant process in the future?

To begin with, the first thing that we need to accentuate and clarify before digging deeper into the causes and the solutions for hair transplant failure is how can we ensure and substantiate that we are experiencing a

failed hair transplant?

A lot of patients  have multiple misconceptions regarding this issue that need to be rectified and corrected.

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  • For example, concerning the result, some of them think that they will get the final result immediately or a few weeks after performing the procedure, and when they see the opposite they get disappointed, and they directly assume that they are experiencing a failed hair transplant, which is totally wrong. In fact, the hair transplant result is gradual; after two to three months, you will get a ⅓ of the total result, after six to seven months, you will get around 70% of it, and after one whole year, you will get the final and total result.
  • After three weeks or a month from the operation, it is quite normal and natural to experience a hair loss in the transplanted area, and then the new hair will grow. In this phase of the result, a lot of patients get shocked, and rashly conceive that their operation has failed.
  • Another common fallacy that needs to be clarified is related to the patient’s expectations. There is a big category of patients who are highly utopian and unrealistic. For instance, some of them do not have a strong and dense donor area on one side, and they have a very large bald area on the other side. Axiomatically, those patients will not be able to get neither a full coverage nor a prefect result. But once they face the sore reality  they get disappointed, and they directly believe that they underwent a failed hair transplant procedure, and they start blaming the hospital and the medical staff which is also totally wrong.

After illustrating and underlying the common fallacies about a failed hair transplant operation, what are the possible factors that may lead to disappointing and sometimes shocking results?

  • The wrong choice of the hospital: undergoing your operation in an infamous hospital by unexperienced and incompetent doctors is the first main reason that will definitely result in an unpleasing and unsatisfying hair transplant procedure. Because the inappropriate selection of the doctor will probably ruin your hair ( the donor area as well as the recipient area)  definitively because of over harvesting, applying outdated methods like the FUT technique, using ineffective and damaging medical devices..
  • The patient’s irresponsibility and recklessness: sometimes the hair transplant failure may occur because of the patient himself. In fact, after performing this operation, a lot of people do not abide by the doctor’s advice. And they irresponsibly ignore the necessary instructions that they need to stick to in order to protect their transplanted follicles, and get a satisfying result.

So how can we avoid experiencing this agonising and disconcerting matter?

In order to get a successful and satisfying results and to avoid a failed hair transplant process, we need to apply those  few simple steps:

  • First, we need to carefully and cautiously select a very reputable and trustworthy hospital whose top priority is the satisfaction of their patients rather than financial gains. And in the last decades starting from the end of the twentieth century, Turkey has been the best and leading country not only in hair transplant but in the aesthetic field in general including plastic surgeries and cosmetic dentistry. In this country, you can find extremely professional and experienced international hospitals like Clinic Expert Hospital in Istanbul which developed the best and the most recent hair transplant method known as the Direct Hair Transplant Pro (DHI PRO).
  • Second, after selecting an appropriate hospital and a highly talented medical staff, avoiding a failed hair transplant is also the patient’s responsibility. In fact, once you undergo this process, the doctor will provide you with a detailed list of instructions that you have to strictly follow in order to protect the transplanted as well as the donor area, and you will definitely avoid a failed hair transplant
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