Does Vitamin A Cause Hair Loss?

Does Vitamin A Cause Hair Loss? There has been a revival in interest in raw, fresh, and organic products over the last few years, and multi-vitamins have been a convenient way for many people to maintain their well-being. People like to believe that if anything is normal, it’s not only good for you, it’s healthy, too. However, overdosing with different vitamins and minerals may be dangerous. Too much vitamin A, for example, can contribute to hair loss.

While it is rare (most cases of hair loss are hereditary), there are occasions where human hair growth is inhibited by too much vitamin A. You may have known that a nutritional deficit may contribute to hair thinning, but you may not have been aware that very high doses of vitamin A in vitamins and certain retinoid (vitamin-A-derived) medications may cause hair loss. Accutane, or Roaccutane, is a drug used to cure acne that lists hair loss as a side effect.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important nutrient for healthy cell and tissue growth, including hair, but too much can have adverse effects. Since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, the stocks can build up in the body and lead to overdose. Excessive vitamin A consumption is associated with a variety of symptoms, such as vomiting, dry eyes, blurred vision, and irritability, but can have even more severe side effects. Extended overdose can lead to osteoporosis, internal organ damage (especially in the liver), and if an overdose happens during pregnancy, the risk of birth defects may increase. Except for those side effects, overdosing vitamin A can also lead to hair loss.

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If there is a hair loss due to too much vitamin A, avoiding or significantly lowering the vitamin intake should be enough to reverse the issue. If there is a hereditary susceptibility to hair loss, it is likely that this disruption in the development of the hair could give rise to a continuing problem, even after the levels of nutrients have increased. Clinically proven hair loss therapies that are approved and individually administered should be able to monitor, stabilize, and reverse any of these symptoms.

To overdose vitamin A, experts suggest you will have to eat almost twice the recommended daily intake. Current government-scientific recommendations suggest restricting vitamin A to 10,000 IU per day unless prescribed, but others say that the level varies based on gender and whether or not a person is pregnant or breastfeeding. Before taking some supplements, you should always contact our doctor.


Some agree that the only way to prevent an overdose of vitamin A is to get the full intake from real food, rather than pills that are frequently artificially produced and not fully absorbed into the bloodstream. Black, purple, orange, and dark green vegetables are healthy sources of vitamin A, such as eggs, liver, and fortified milk and cereals.

Vitamin A is not only found in food and drink but is also available in acne medicines such as Accutane and Roaccutane. It supports healthy hair growth at permitted doses, but if it is consistently exceeded, it can lead to blurred vision, vomiting, and hair loss. As vitamin A is fat-soluble, the body takes what it wants and saves the remainder for later use, making it possible to overdo it unwittingly. It is worth remembering that only 100 grams of carrots – equal to one big carrot – weigh 334% of the RDA target. So you don’t need to eat vitamin A every day.

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Relationship Between Vitamin A and Hair Loss

As with other vitamins and minerals, the association between vitamin A and hair loss depends on a balanced balance. Although both a lack or inappropriate consumption of this vitamin can lead to hair loss, it is also a reasonably easy issue to fix if it is only due to the vitamin intake. However, many people with hair loss have an inherent hereditary predisposition. If this is the case, our physicians will have an in-depth examination to diagnose and handle the disease. Our surgeons have a comprehensive understanding of the causes and therapies of hair loss and offer the best possible recovery care to patients.

How can Vitamin A Cause Hair Loss?

If your body has a vitamin A deficiency, it will create an energy-saving reaction. Hair development is usually one of the first mechanisms to be stopped as this happens. This can contribute to a decline in hair cell regeneration and development, allowing the follicles to stay in the telogen or resting process for a longer period of time than expected.

The Effects of Toxic Vitamin A Levels

High levels of vitamin A can also have harmful effects on hair growth. As vitamin A is fat-soluble, the body retains more of it than other water-soluble vitamins. Very high levels of vitamin A can cause your hair follicles to reach the end of the growth process much faster and fall off much faster than the hair follicles.

Consuming a Healthy Amount of Vitamin A

Patients usually experience elevated levels of vitamin A while consuming vitamins or products that include retinoids, such as acne medications. The easiest way to ensure that you do not eat any harmful vitamins is to minimize the use of supplements unless otherwise advised by your doctor. You will ensure that you consume a safe amount of vitamin A by consuming a nutritious, balanced diet that includes foods such as:

  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Fruits
  • Milk

Although certain patients may be able to avoid hair loss by taking them regularly prescribed doses of vitamin A and discontinuing the use of some drugs, certain patients may continue to seek the help of a licensed hair rehabilitation physician.

Options for Treatment

Our company is widely specialized in hair regeneration for people with varying degrees of hair loss. Our doctors have improved their DHI, DHI Pro, and FUE hair transplant procedures to provide high-quality outcomes for patients who have suffered from acne or other sources of hair loss. To get more information about the subject, please feel free to contact us.

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