Bald Hair Implants

Bald Hair Implants The problem of hair loss, which occurs in almost every period of our daily life, affects us both physically and psychologically. At the same time, this disturbing situation is a condition that occurs when the hairline goes back about time and thinning begins. Causes of hair loss problem; hormonal and nutritional factors, exposure to chemicals, genetic predisposition, systemic diseases, some medications, psychological stress, and scalp diseases. The fact that all these problems lead to hair loss does not mean there is no way out. A hair implant is one of the best solutions for this. In this post, we will examine the hair implant procedure in detail. Continue reading!

What is a Hair Implant?

Another name of hair implant is hair transplantation and it is a solution that has been put forward as a solution to baldness that occurs sometimes due to hormonal reasons, sometimes due to aging, and sometimes genetic reasons. Hair transplantation procedures make it possible for individuals to have natural and healthy hair with long life at the end of the hair transplantation process. This process is not a process that ends in minutes. Hair implant procedures, which usually take about 6 to 8 hours, then give results after a short time. It is not possible to say exactly how many hours the hair operation will take. Because this is a situation that can vary according to the number of grafts thrown to the person and the method that experts prefer to apply depending on the reasons for baldness and the bald area during hair implantation.

What Is Hair Transplant?

How is Hair (Implant) Transplant Done?

Hair implant methods are methods that are more than one and vary according to the person. Although each method has a unique application style and methods, the result is the same and quite natural in all of them. The process of adding live hair follicles to the area to be made based on the procedure is done with different techniques and methods. One of these methods is the FUE method and the other is the DHI hair transplant method.

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Although the FUE hair implant method is one of the most preferred methods, it is a very healthy and safe method. Before this method is applied, the operation starts after the hair of the person to be applied is shortened to 3 mm in length. After starting the operation, the application area is numbed and made ready for the painless procedure. Live hair follicles taken from other parts of the body with the necessary devices are transferred to the bald area. Then, dressing is applied to the area where the procedure is performed and the process is completed.

Is Hair Implant a Permanent Solution to Baldness?

Bald Hair Implants One of the most curious questions about hair transplantation is whether hair transplantation is permanent or not. Yes! Hair implant procedures are a permanent and natural solution. With the transfer of live hair follicles taken from different parts of the body to the area, after 2 months, each of the remaining hair follicles has permanent and healthy hair follicles. Therefore, we can say that hair implant procedures have positive results in the long term. After the hair implant, you can get your new natural and healthy hair in about 2 months by following the advice given by our experts. The adaptation of new hair to the region takes an average of 1 month. After the procedure, the transplanted hair does not shed or similar situations are observed, but such complications may develop in incorrect operations, so the right choice is very important. 

Hair implant procedures are applied to both men and women regardless of gender. Although one of the common mistakes is that these procedures are applied only to men, they can be applied to women very easily. Women generally prefer the DHI method as a hair implant method because if this method is used, it is not necessary to shave the hair. Reasons such as the fact that women had to have their hair cut to have their hair transplanted caused them to not want implant procedures. Thanks to the current conditions, it is possible to have hair implants without hair shortening with the DHI method, so women have started to look more favorably on this event. The reason for hair transplantation in women is to tighten the hair rather than baldness, to prevent it when balding begins, and to make the hair look fuller, thicker, and lively.

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After Hair Implant

Bald Hair Implants After the hair implant procedures, the person regains previous state after an average of 1 month and the person’s new hair starts to grow approximately 2 months after the procedure. Nothing can be said about the duration of this hair, which grows like normal hair on average, to reach the same color as other hair. Generally, the determining factor in this issue is the size of the hair people have. Since this process shows effective results 4 months after it is completely done, you should not expect early results.

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Hair implant procedures are also repeatable operations. However, for this process to be repeated, at least 6 months must have passed since the first operation. If this condition is valid, the region becomes operable again. Because for the second procedure, the previous process should be completely healed. Hair implant procedures are sometimes considered as a definitive solution to the baldness problem. However, the realization of the process for this and the fact that the process was performed correctly and in a healthy way by people who know the job can allow the hair to grow permanently.

Although hair transplant makes people look beautiful, it is also very good for people psychologically. Because today hair is of great importance for people. If you are experiencing baldness or excessive hair loss, you can contact us immediately. Because it doesn’t make much sense to just stand there even though it has a solution. If you want to have the most natural and healthy hair under the most hygienic conditions, you can contact our company immediately. Bald Hair Implants

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