Smp Treatment

Smp treatment is one of the most successful treatment methods for hair loss, which is very common in women and men. It can be thought of as permanent makeup or a tattoo. However, it differs from them in terms of application, tools and expertise.

What’s SMP

Professional SMP makes use of particularly evolved pigments and needles and requires a positive qualification to acquire best outcomes. SMP is just like the method applied to the eyebrows. It is a method of imitating the hair on the scalp. Gaps on the head are drawn by imitating hair. Its effect is much faster and safer.

Things To Know Approximately SMP

  • SMP is performed in 4to 5 separate treatment periods. you may get hold of a good layer of SMP at each remedy consultation. Extra density is introduced each time.
  • The biggest advantage of this method is that it shows fast results.
  • This is utilized in baldness, hairline missing, hair transplant scars, hair loss, skinny hair, alopecia, head and beard scars, receding hairline, etc.
  • SMP is appropriate for clients aged 18 and over, irrespective of whether they may be male or girl.
  • The treatment takes location on an outpatient foundation and takes approximately 2 to 4 hours. Depending on how the patient assesses his or her ache notion, the scalp can be desensitized with an anesthetic ointment.

Micro hair pigmentation is a permanent technique to hair loss and is maintained for a life-time with quick refreshments. How often you need rework relies upon on various factors.

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Micropigmentation Of The Scalp

Whilst selecting scalp micro pigmentation as a hair loss solution, the creative application of pigmentation offers both an opportunity to hair transplantation and a sort of complement for those who opt for very quick hair and who want to offer present hair more optical density.

Scalp pigmentation offers an crucial solution with the aid of selectively creating a denser look for your hair with out genuinely coloring it, but cosmetically tattooing hair follicles. The chosen color will match the actual hair colour, as a consequence showing a natural appearance on the scalp through offering a visualized fullness and thickness for.

Who’s SMP for?

Scalp micro-pigmentation or tricopigmentation is supposed for patients with thinning hair to create an illusion of density. This outcomes in an aesthetically beautiful effect of density at the same time as decreasing the comparison between the scalp and the feel of the hair as lots as viable.

Advantages and Disadvantages  Of SMP;

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As with every hair transplant method, there are some advantages and disadvantages in this method. Advantages is:

  • Since there is no need for surgery, it heals faster and the pain time is less.
  • There is no need to wait for a long time like a hair transplant Turkey to see its effect. The desired appearance occurs within a maximum of 1 week.
  • Since it is temporary, there is a possibility that it will return to its previous state if the desired is not achieved.

Disadvantages is:

  • It is not permanent like the best hair transplant. Therefore, it is necessary to renew constantly.
  • Since the bristles will always be drawn in the same direction, it is not possible to make a different hairstyle.
  • In the section where this method is applied, the hair should be kept short. When the hair on it grows, the smp’s appearance decreases.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and use of regular sunscreens.
  • When the colors start to fade and their permanence starts to decrease, it is necessary to renew. Continuous smp can cause skin irritation.

SMP Method in Hair Transplantation?

Smp Treatment It is seen as more advantageous compared to SMP hair transplantation, which is known as the most striking method among the methods. The success of the method varies depending on the difference. The SMP method is the shortest way to get hair for people who are concerned about the operation.

Compared to hair transplant in Turkey, smp remains in the class in terms of permanence. Although those who have fear of operation seem to be very advantageous against people, it cannot prevent the advantages of hair transplantation as it must be repeated constantly.

Permanent Hair Removal Method

The biggest fear of the patients who have come up to this time is opening a slit on the scalp.

People who adopt such an understanding because of old techniques and methods resort to temporary ways, unaware of the new and best hair transplant technique.

Thanks to the latest technique, FUE and DHI method, many successful moves are made. With small cuts made on the scalp, it is possible to heal without deep wounds and stitch marks.  By removing the hair follicles easily and transplanting the follicles in the fastest possible time with a special pen, the possibility of hair growth increases and precise results can be obtained  compared to spm treatment.

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