Rogaine and Propecia

Rogaine and Propecia. If you’re losing your hair, you’ve probably already learned of Minoxidil or Rogaine. This famous treatment for hair loss is accepted. It is available over the counter as a liquid or foam to treat male and female pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia). Rogaine functions to a degree as seen in clinical trials, but only in some cases of baldness and only if you follow up with its use. But it’s not going to fit for everybody. If it works, you’re definitely not going to grow back all the hair you’ve lost, and it may take up to four months to see the effects. You’re going to have to use Rogaine indefinitely to sustain any development. Read to learn more about Rogaine’s effectiveness and find out whether you are a successful candidate.

How Rogaine is Working?

Rogaine is believed to be a vasodilator. Although the exact mechanism of action for minoxidil (the active ingredient) is not actually clear, it is believed to function by partially enlarging hair follicles and extending the hair growth process. With more follicles in the growth process, you can see more hair coverage on your scalp.

Who’s Having the Best Performance from Rogaine?

Rogaine is added to the scalp to help grow hair and avoid hair loss due to male or female baldness. This is the most common form of hair loss in families. Rogaine works best in people with inherited hair loss at the vertex of the scalp (area at the back of the head, just below the crown) or in women with general hair thinning at the top of the scalp. The Rogaine is not meant for a receding hairline or baldness on the front of your scalp. Rogaine is more effective in those under the age of 40 and others who begin to use it at the first sign of hair loss. It’s not going to support people who have already gone absolutely bald.

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Do not use Rogaine if any of the following applies:

  • No family history of hair loss.
  • The hair loss comes all of a sudden and pops out of the patches.
  • You’re under 18 years of age.
  • Your scalp is red, itchy, sick, or painful to touch.
  • The hair loss is caused by hair products, additives, or hair care techniques such as cornrowing.
  • The hair loss is caused by another illness, such as thyroid disease or alopecia areata, dietary deficiency, scarring of the scalp, or drugs such as chemotherapy. If you have a heart condition, see the surgeon before you pursue Rogaine.

Propecia (Finasteride)

Propecia (Finasteride) is used alone or in conjunction with other medications (doxazosin [Cardura]) to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlargement of the prostate gland). Finasteride is used to relieve signs of BPH, such as frequent and painful urination, and can reduce the risk of acute urinary retention (sudden failure to urinate). It may also reduce the likelihood that prostate surgery will be required. Finasteride (Propecia) is often used to treat male pattern hair loss (gradual thinning of the hair on the scalp, leading to a receding hairline or baldness on the top of the head in men).

Propecia (Finasteride) has not been shown to treat temple thinning hair and is not used to treat hair loss in women or infants. Propecia is in a family of medications called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Finasteride treats BPH by suppressing the development of a male hormone in the body that causes the prostate to swell. Finasteride treats the male pattern of hair loss by blocking the body’s development of a male hormone in the scalp that stops hair growth.

How is This Drug to be Used?

Propecia comes as a tablet to be taken by mouth. It is usually taken once a day with or without fruit. Follow the instructions on your medication label closely and ask your doctor or pharmacist to clarify any part you don’t understand. Take finasteride just as guided. Do not take more or less of it or take more of it than recommended by your doctor. If you are taking finasteride to treat BPH, you should know that finasteride can regulate your condition, but it will not cure it. It may take at least 6 months to improve the symptoms. Try to take finasteride even though you feel fine. Don’t stop taking finasteride without talking to your doctor.

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If you are taking finasteride to treat male pattern hair loss, it can take at least 3 months before you see any change, as hair loss and development occur slowly over time. However, you should expect to see progress in the first 12 months of your care. If you have been taking finasteride for 12 months and have not seen any progress, further therapy does not help. Speak to your doctor about whether or not you can continue your treatment.

Propecia would only delay your hair loss when you are taking the drug. Try to take finasteride even though you’ve already seen a difference. Don’t stop taking finasteride without talking to your doctor. You’ll definitely lose some hair that came back when you were taking finasteride for the first 12 months after you started taking the medication. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s patient records.

What Special Precautions Should I Take?

Before taking Rogaine or Propecia

  • Inform your doctor and pharmacist whether you are allergic to finasteride, any other medicines, or any of the ingredients in finasteride tablets. Ask your pharmacist or search the list of ingredients for patient information.
  • Tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and non-prescription drugs, vitamins, dietary supplements, and herbal items you are taking or expect to take. Your doctor may need to adjust your doses or watch you closely for side effects.
  • Notify your doctor whether you do or have ever had liver or prostate cancer.
  • You should know that finasteride is for men only. Women, particularly those who are or may become pregnant, should not be exposed to broken or crushed finasteride tablets. Touching broken or crushed finasteride tablets may damage the fetus. If a woman who is pregnant or may become pregnant touches broken or crushed finasteride tablets, she should immediately wash the area with soap and water and call her doctor.

Which One can You Use?

Rogaine and Propecia. Propecia (Finasteride) and Rogaine (Minoxidil) are different drugs, each of which serves a different function. Since finasteride prevents hair loss at its source by blocking DHT production, many doctors would recommend it as a first step in the battle against male baldness trends. In the end, battling hair loss is a commitment — you need to use finasteride and minoxidil regularly to get treatments to function. Increase your chances of success by finding the best option for your needs and lifestyle. Rogaine and Propecia

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