Receding Hairline Help

Receding Hairline Help Many people around the globe suffer from hair loss, which can sometimes be premature. In other words, this problem can occur at an early stage of life. Having a receding hairline is nothing new for both genders. In fact two thirds of men are likely to experience receding hairline and even baldness.

If you are looking for receding hairline help, you should probably start by knowing the roots of the problem. After that, we will be talking about the possible solutions to get your hair back and feel young again!

Why do you have a receding hairline?

When hair reaches what’s called “mature hairline”, hair thinning slows down. It can sometimes stop. eventually leads to “pattern balding”. is an unstoppable process that can’t be prevented once it’s started. This problem is mainly related to aging and genetics. Most of the cases can be hereditary.

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Men can start having a receding hairline at the end of puberty. As soon as 30 years-old, the receding hairline is just there. As for women, they are also susceptible to a receding hairline, but not as much as men. According to recent studies, their cases are often linked to depression.

These problems have a huge effect on the individual. It hits self-esteem right away, not to mention the day-to-day situations that may occur.

People seeking receding hairline help will certainly find the adequate solution for this problem. Every year, millions of people visit a dermatologist in order to get the youthful days back.

A close-up on a receding hairline and the possible solutions:

The scalp of a person’s hair has about 100,000 hairs. These hairs grow from what’s called “follicles”. Eventually, the hair falls out and new hair grows. During the process, some follicles may be damaged or encounter problems that may sabotage their growth cycle, and that’s how you get a receding hairline.

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If you want to get treated, there are multiple solutions. It is advised to contact experts and ask for medical help. That is the only way to understand the type of hair loss you are experiencing and what’s causing it.

There are two ways to get your receding hairline fixed:

Taking medication and/or herbal remedies:

Although they are not 100 percent guaranteed, some people who need receding hairline help found themselves happy with the results of these medications. From these medications we mention:

  • some herbal remedies: “Chinese hibiscus”, “ginseng”, “gotu kala”, “gooseberry”, and “aloe vera “all have roots in traditional holistic medicine as hair loss treatments.
  • Minoxidil (Rogaine): a non-prescription medication that comes in liquid and gets applied to the scalp skin on a daily basis.
  • Finasteride (Propecia): a prescription drug that comes as a pill and it’s taken every day. It may take months to see if it’s working or not.

As we mentioned earlier, medication does not have guaranteed results and the cases vary, which leads to inconsistency at the levels of success of the treatment.

Surgery (hair transplant):

It is the most adequate solution for those who are looking for receding hairline help. It has proven efficiency and sits at the top of the list as the most common solution for the receding hairline problem.

Hair restoration surgery consists of transplanting hair from the back of the scalp in the bald area of the head. However it is not as easy as it seems. It is a sophisticated procedure and it needs a high level of expertise.

Types of hair transplant:

Numerous types of hair transplant surgeries have been developed to help regrow lost hair. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are the two most common techniques.

During FUT, you will get a strip of hair cut from the back of your scalp and individual hair follicles will be extracted. During FUE, a surgeon removes follicles directly from your scalp. In both surgeries, the follicles are implanted into balding parts of your scalp.

Direct hair implantation (DHI) is a modification of the FUE technique

In FUE, a surgeon manually cuts channels in your scalp before implanting hair follicles. During DHI, they use a specialized pen-shaped tool that can do both at the same time.

The results are awesome and most of people who had these surgeries showed satisfaction after the doctor’s follow ups.

Turkey, the best place for hair transplant!

Now that you had all the receding hairline help that you need, it’s about time to give you some advice concerning the best place you can undergo the surgery. Turkey is one of the leading countries in the field. In fact, many hair loss surgeries were developed by Turkish scientists in Turkey. One of the most reputable medical centers in hair transplant is Clinic Expert. Get a free consultation and be young again! With 10+ years of experience, clinic expert is definitely worth the shot.

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