Laser Therapy for Hair Growth

Laser Therapy for Hair Growth The average human drops between 50 to 100 hairs every day, respectively. This is seen as “natural” and not a cause for alarm. When you take a shower, blow-dry your hair, or even just sleep, it happens. And while a few loose strands are not seen by most people as a catalyst for panic, for many others, it is a cause for fear. If your hair is in the early stages of receding or shows signs of more extreme thinning, our company has several options available to prevent the development of hair loss so that you can free yourself from frustration and stress. Let’s dive into the subject deeper;

How Does the Treatment for Laser Hair Regrowth Work?

To provide your scalp with safe, low-level laser light, we use medical-grade lasers linked to Laser HaiTherapy. The treatment with lasers is similar to that of watering plants. Your hair follicles absorb light energy, like the water and nutrients absorbed by plants, so that your hair can start to grow. Microcirculation increases as light are absorbed, thereby supplying more blood and nutrients to the hair follicle. To help reduce hair loss, low-level laser light induces cellular growth in your follicles, thereby making your hair grow.

What is Low-Level Laser Therapy?

There is a fresh way whereby males and females will turn to restore their hair from a younger age without the need for pills or treatment due to advancements in science over the past few years. This FDA-cleared solution is commonly known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), which uses clinical-strength laser equipment to treat both male and female hair loss and thinning. To trigger hair follicles and clinically induce the growth of thicker, fuller hair, LLLT uses non-invasive, pain-free light technology.

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For Both Sexes, Will Low-Level Laser Therapy Work?

Analysis has shown that both men and women are appropriate for low-level laser therapy. LLLT therapy treatment is easy and convenient.

Our supportive doctor will check for areas for hair loss before the procedure and make a note of it. To clean the area, the prepared region is washed with alcohol. Our professional will put the LLLT hat on for you. The operation will take 20 minutes and you can relax while the treatment is in progress and use your mobile phone. The care has ceased. Our team will keep a record of your results.

Hair Restoration Before And After

How Does Low-Level Laser Therapy Work?

There are three phases in the hair development phase: growth (anagen phase), resting (telogen phase), and shedding (catagen phase). Loss of hair in androgenetic alopecia depends on the skin testosterone derivative, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Low-level laser therapy is suspected of increasing scalp blood flow and encouraging catagen or telogen follicle metabolism, resulting in the production of anagen hair. Light photons act on the oxidase of cytochrome C, which contributes to adenosine triphosphate production. Converts to cyclic AMP to release energy in hair follicle cells and stimulates the metabolic processes essential for hair growth. The production of nitric oxide from the cells results in increased vascularization of the scalp, which transfers nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots.

Low-Level Hair Regeneration Lasers

Hair loss sufferers all over the world recognize the benefits of LLLT for restoring youthful hair consistency, shine, and shimmer. Four additional benefits of laser hair growth therapy are available below:

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It’s both efficient and stable. In mice undergoing chemotherapy-induced alopecia and also in alopecia areata, studies by the National Institutes of Health have shown that low-level laser therapy improved hair growth. There was a great deal of interest in using these laser technologies to treat various medical conditions following the advent of lasers in the 1960s. It is noted that controlled clinical trials have shown that LLLT caused hair growth in both men and women. In conclusion, it appears that LLLT is both safe and effective for hair growth in both men and women.

For generations, the medical industry has been using cold lasers. The use of lasers for therapeutic purposes is not new, according to the International Hair Regeneration Surgery Society. For several years, lasers have been used for medical applications, and the physics, chemistry, and biology of human tissue laser light experiences are well known, ISHRS says. Health apps range from surgery using high-powered lasers to tissue repair enhancement.

There are no scalpels, there is no hacking, there is no smoking. Let’s face it, if he or she doesn’t have to, nobody likes being under the knife. With LLLT, the lasers used for hair development therapy are referred to as “cold” because the target tissue absorbs their light but does not warm the target tissue, as is the case with the lasers used to cut the tissue and reshape it. By enhancing blood circulation, promoting daily healthy tissue regeneration, and encouraging bio-stimulatory effects on hair follicles, the light wavelength emitted by a low-level laser can restore tissues that have impaired cell metabolism.

There is no sensation of cutting or burning. LLLT is not a source of light that causes damage to heat or heat. Improving hair density has also been proven. For years, people have been using lasers as a method for hair reduction, but the long-term impact on human hair follicles has remained unknown until recently. Recently, lasers used for hair removal have reported an unusual and striking side effect: an increase in hair density, color, or coarseness, or a combination of these occurs at or near sites treated for hair removal.

What Do You Wait for?

Our company has many hair loss therapies, but few can boast a safe, effective, and side-effect-free solution for users like LLLT. Also, several experts believe that laser therapy can be used to enhance efficiency in conjunction with other hair loss treatments, making it a no-brainer to apply LLLT to the routine of hair treatment.

At our business, we utilize the most developed and also the latest techniques to fix all types of conditions of hair loss. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you are interested in hearing more about procedures and others.

Laser Therapy For Hair Growth

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