Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation There are many techniques used in hair transplant methods that are preferred for treatment purposes to eliminate hair rarity, hair loss, or baldness problems. FUT hair transplant, Follicular Unit Transplantation, which is included in these techniques, is called. This method, called FUT hair transplant for short, is a technique that has been preferred and applied for quite a long time in hair transplant operations. This method is done by removing hair follicles from the region selected as a donor in strips and transferring them to the balding area where the procedure will be performed.

It is also a hair transplant technique that does not require a haircut compared to other techniques and offers a short processing time. Hair analysis is required before this method, which determines the collection technique of grafts taken from the donor area, to determine the region where the grafts will be collected and to determine the total number of grafts. In this way, the surgeon determines the most appropriate technique for you.

Fut Hair Transplant

A technical term is a quite widely preferred and most popular method FUT hair transplant, neck, or ears that are not genetically inclined to hair loss of hair follicles of the scalp accompanied by anesthesia in the region in the form of a strip can be taken. The roots, that is, grafts on this scalp taken in strips, are divided into individual units and placed in the channels that open in the area without hair. This technique, called a surgical procedure and performed after numbing the area with anesthesia, is preferred as an advantageous hair transplant technique that allows the grafts to be collected faster and the processing time is shortened by taking multiple instead of individual hair follicles.

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FUT Hair Transplant Procedure

Follicular Unit Transplantation Before the FUT hair transplant procedure, the hair region that will be preferred as a donor, and the conditions of healthy hair in this region are analyzed first. After determining the donor area according to the area to be transferred and the total number of grafts, the corresponding area is numbed with anesthesia so that an incision of an average size of 15×2 cm can be made in the rotating area. After the numbness of the area, the skin strips with hair are removed from the area in line with the incision, which is thrown into thin strips. The roots in these strips, where healthy hair follicles are located and the grafts that will be used in the area to be transferred, are divided into double or triple grafts.

Grafts, each of which has an average diameter of 1 mm, are completed after numbing the area to be treated and inserting the hair one by one after opening the channels according to the direction of the exit. At this stage, the donor area where the hair strips have been removed is stitched and closed by the dressing. Because the stitches located in the treated area are in the area where the healthy hair follicles are located, they can restore their former health without causing any trace problems. It is also possible to express that this technique is a method that does not disrupt the natural integrity of the hair structure.

FUT Hair Transplant Candidates

All people with hair problems such as hair loss, hair rarity, and baldness can perform FUT hair transplant treatment. However, the FUT hair transplant technique can be applied to all women and men who have completed the age of 18 for hair transplants to people with enough dönor region.

Advantages of FUT Hair Transplant

  • In the Fut hair transplant procedure, session times are shorter than the fue method depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted. For example, in this technique, the hair strips are needed, a quick and simple operation that lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes at a time is removed, the FUE technique, hair roots, because Taken individually, the process may take 1 to 4 hours.
  • In the Fut hair transplant procedure, more hair can be transplanted, and therefore this technique can be recommended to people with high baldness rates.
  • The quality of the hair follicle is higher in this method. Hair follicles are less damaged in the Fut technique.
  • In this method, the hair Strip is removed from the middle part of the donor area to maximize the yield of high-quality grafts. this way, after the wound heals in the following Sessions, new hair strips can be removed by applying an incision to the same area again. In other words, no matter how many times the process is repeated, only one linear scar remains.
  • This technique is very economical because it is a hair transplant method that requires less labor and takes time.

FUT and FUE Hair Transplant Techniques

  • To maximize the yield of transplanted hair follicles, the FUT technique may be preferred first. But in subsequent sessions, the FUE hair transplant procedure can be applied instead of this technique, as the scalp tightens or the scar in the donor area expands more than expected. The surgeon can also resort to the FUE technique to collect follicular units and camouflage them to the expanding scar.
  • If the fue procedure is performed first and the yield is lower than said, the patient may consider the FUT technique during the rest of this procedure or in subsequent operations.

Both FUT and FUE hair transplant techniques are successful techniques. But it has different clinical applications. To offer the best care to patients, surgeons must have expertise in both procedures and deliver both in their practice. Because the patient’s personal preferences are also taken into account, the most appropriate technique is determined by the surgeon. The surgeon helps the patient decide based on the classification of hair loss, the size of the dilute area, and the amount along with the nature of the donor hair present.

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After FUT Hair Transplant Procedure

  • A few days after surgery, there is usually no need for a bandage. Hair can be gently washed by hand.
  • Stitches can be removed after a few weeks. At this time, the transplanted hair usually falls out and then grows again.
  • After 6 months, new hair begins to grow normally.
  • After 12-18 months, the hair reaches full maturity in terms of color, volume and fullness. Follicular Unit Transplantation
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