Eyebrow Transplant Before And After

Eyebrow Transplant Before And After Eyebrow transplant is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures followed to define your face and its features. It provides a complete look to the face and even enhances your natural beauty. The main advantage of going for an eyebrow transplant is that it is a permanent procedure. No washing or makeup will ruin your eyebrow as the transplant is done with your own hair.

Though eyebrow transplant has various benefits, people still hesitate to undergo this procedure. The main reason is the various myths surrounding the procedure.

Here are some common myths about eyebrow transplant and the facts behind the same.

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Myth 1

Eyebrow transplant provides an artificial look to the face. Your eyebrows become dark and bold, which makes it look out of place.


Eyebrow transplant makes use of your own hair for transplanting. In this procedure, hair follicles from your scalp are transplanted to your eyebrow. This provides a very natural look. Unlike makeup products, you need not worry about matching color as the hair is taken from your body. A look at the eyebrow transplant before and after pictures will clear this misconception.

Myth 2

Eyebrow transplant is a painful procedure.


is a surgical procedure that is done under local anesthesia. Thus, you do not experience any pain while undergoing the procedure. Once the effect of the anesthesia wanes off, you might experience soreness in the donor area. But this will get resolved in 1-2 days time. You will not experience any pain or difficulty in the eyebrow as the transplanting is done superficially.

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Myth 3

requires several sittings to get the desired result.


Typically, an this operation requires only one sitting to get the desired result. But if you have scars or injury on your eyebrow, you might have to undergo one more sitting. This is because the tissues in the scarred area have reduced blood flow. As a result, the tissue may not take in the transplanted hair like normal tissue.

Myth 4

Since the is a surgical procedure, you need to stay in the hospital for a few days. Thus, it takes a chunk of time from your busy schedule.


This operation is indeed a surgical procedure. But it does not require any hospitalization. Turkey can normally be done in an hour’s time. You can carry out your normal activities after the procedure. But you should avoid strenuous activities for a few days.

Myth 5

is a costly procedure.


cost depends on several factors. The clinic where you are undergoing the procedure, the surgeon’s expertise, and the facilities available determine the cost of an eyebrow transplant. The average cost of in Turkey comes to $1550. But it is also available at a lesser rate.

While cost plays a major role in selecting a clinic for a procedure, it should not be the only consideration. You should check whether the clinic has the best  surgeon in town. Rest assured that you are in good and safe hands!

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