
David Silva Hair Transplant, There has been a lot of talk among the Manchester City supporters when Spanish football player David Silva shaved his head. They were wondering why all of a sudden this star player appeared bald on the field. Moreover, he had tiny red dots on some parts of his scalp. Little did the supporters know that this was the beginning of great improvement in his style. 

People usually shave their heads bald after receiving a hair transplant. The reason why David Silva did the same was that he had a transplant as well. Although his bald head looked strange in the beginning, David Silva’s hair transplant soon made big changes. For instance, when his hair grew back, the receding hairlines he had were completely gone. This was a second surprise for the fans of this football star. 

David Silva achieved great results with a hair transplant that no other hair restoration method could provide. Besides David Silva, there are many other footballers around the world who choose this miraculous treatment to fight hair loss. The reason why they all choose this method is that it does not restrict their physical performance.

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Was David Silva’s Hair Transplant Effective?

Being a famous football star means that the eyes of the fans will always be upon you. Due to this reason, David Silva had to choose the most effective method to restore the hair that he lost. Considering the fact the hair transplant is the only way to encourage permanent hair growth, he made the right choice.

It does not take much effort to see the great improvements on David Silva’s hair after the hair transplant surgery. Besides, you do not have to be David Silva to receive the same treatment that he had. Pretty much anyone can undergo a hair transplant operation. We can offer you the same or even better qualities in our high-quality hair transplant clinic.

Another benefit of hair transplant surgery is that it does not involve any risks for the patient. Besides, a hair transplant operation does not bring limitations after the surgery. The proof of that is the fact that a football star like David Silva had a hair transplant. Because being a professional football player requires a lot of physical exercises. Footballers like David Silva need to be physically active all the time throughout their career. And, a hair transplant obviously does not restrict the sportsmen from performing any of these physical activities.

Despite all, not all the hair transplant clinics can offer you the same quality as David Silva’s hair transplant because a hair transplant surgery requires skills and experience like all the other cosmetic procedures. The main goal of the operation is to enhance the appearance of the patient’s look through hair restoration. However, the doctors in the clinic need to transplant this hair very meticulously in order to satisfy the patient. Even the smallest detail can make a huge difference at the end of a hair transplant surgery. That is why we only work with the best doctors who have years of hair transplant experience.

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How did David Silva have his hair transplant?

The most popular choice of hair transplant method among the footballers is the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. Besides, footballers are not the only celebrities who choose this method for hair restoration. Numerous singers, dancers, athletes, actors and even politicians have FUE hair transplants. As a result, David Silva is only one of those famous people who decided to put an end to his hair loss by having a hair transplant surgery.

Our clinic is one of the leading hair transplant clinics in Turkey. Considering the fact that a lot of celebrities travel to Turkey for a hair transplant, it is one of the best options to visit Turkey for a transplant. Although an FUE hair transplant has many advantages over the other methods, the success still depends on the doctor’s handiwork. Therefore, you should be very wise while choosing the clinic where you will have your hair transplant. 

Do I need to shave my head after a hair transplant like David Silva?

Generally, the patients need to shave their heads before a hair transplant surgery. That is why the footballer David Silva appeared to be after his hair transplant. However, if you choose to have your hair transplant in our clinic, you do not need to shave your hair. Because we can offer you a highly advanced and innovative method called unshaven hair transplant.

This method is a very recent development in the hair transplant industry. And, there are only a few clinics that can perform this sort of hair transplant, due to the detailed work it requires. But, when it comes to the satisfaction of our patients, we are ready to give our best. For this reason, many people regard us as one of the best hair transplant clinics in the world.

You do not need to worry about the tiny dots on David Silva’s scalp after the surgery either. Because you won’t have them. Even if you will, they will disappear after a short while. Moreover, they are very easy to conceal with your hair if you have an unshaven hair transplant.


Does a hair transplant like David Silva’s cost much?

Our hair transplant clinic is able to offer you high-quality hair transplants for very affordable prices. However, you can get a final price only after getting a consultation and proper examination.

Can I have a hair transplant without shaving my head like David Silva?

David Silva had to shave his head to make it easier for the doctors to perform the hair transplant. However, in our clinic, we can perform the same sort of hair transplant without shaving your hair.

Did the hair transplant limit David Silva’s football skills?

Apparently, the star footballer David Silva’s performance did not decrease in any way after the hair transplant. As a matter of fact, having the dense and strong hair that he desired boosted his self-confidence. Consequently, his performance was significantly improved.

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