Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey

Turkey is the best place to get a hair transplant. It is no secret that a lot of people chose to get a hair transplant in Turkey. From prices to their doctors, Turkey is the better option for hair transplant. There are a lot of options for best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Turkey is a great place for people who want perfect and more professional doctors.

Hair transplantation is an important process for patients. So, something important like hair transplantation makes people worried about the clinics and their doctors. But people can be calm since it is possible to find a best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Turkey’s medical field for hair transplantation is quite active. So, there are a lot of great surgeons to find for everyone.

Hair Transplant Istanbul

Istanbul is the perfect city in Turkey for getting a hair transplant. All 3 hair implantation techniques are available in Istanbul. Some clinics might not have all the techniques but there are options to find a best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. So, people can find a perfect clinic for themselves. Hair transplantation is truly a helpful surgical process for hair loss. Not only hair loss but also for people who deal with scalp injuries too.

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Human hair tends to get thinner as human gets older and some people might insecure because of their thinned hair. There are a lot of factors that affects hair badly. Some people might have thin hair or bald spots due to their genetic while for some people it is not the case. Bad foods, drinks, drug problems and smoking are one of most popular reasons for hair loss. Stress is also another factor that affects the hair badly. However, with the help a best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, it is so easy to get a desired hair. Hair implantation is truly a gift for those who need it.

Hair Transplant Process in Turkey

Hair transplant process is different for every hair implantation technique. After finding the perfect clinic and surgeon, the process will be easy for patients with the help of your surgeon. There are 3 hair transplant techniques used in some of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey: FUE, FUT, DHI. FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is the most popular and the most used hair transplant technique in best hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

FUE was created after FUT. FUE has more pros than FUT and it is truly a gift. DHI is a changed version of FUE and it is the latest technique for hair transplantation. In all techniques, surgeon shaves the head of the patient. In FUT, whole hair gets shaved while only donor area gets shaved for FUE and DHI. They remove the hair follicles in all techniques. The way they remove the hair follicles is different for each hair implantationtechnique.

Hair Transplant Recovery in Turkey

Recovery can be tough for hair transplant patients. It takes a lot patient to let the scalp completely heal. Some of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey makes sure that patients are comfortable in their recovery process. Scalp gets tender right after the surgery. So, patients have to be careful first days.

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To help the scalp to shed the shell of the healed wound, patients have to wash their scalp on the third day. This process will be explained by your doctor. After around 10 days, the whole scalp heals. The hair falls out after 2-3 weeks. This prepares the scalp for transplanted hair to grow. After 4 months from the surgery, the new hair will start to grow.

Hair implantation Prices in Turkey

Hair transplant field in Turkey is quite active. There are a lot of options to find a best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Since there are a lot of options, there are also options for hair transplant price ranges too. Every hair implantation technique has different price ranges. For FUE, the minimum price starts from $1500 in Turkey. For FUT, minimum price is $2100 and the minimum price is $2550 for DHI. It is important to know that a lot alternative clinics for best hair transplant clinic in Turkey put prices per grafts. So, some clinics put their prices per 1000 grafts while some does it per $2500 grafts.

Hair Implantation Techniques in Turkey

There are 3 techniques that are used for hair transplantation: FUT, FUE, DHI. These all techniques have their own pros and cons. FUT is an old technique since FUE and DHI created. FUT has more cons. Here’s some comparisons between three techniques used at best hair implantation clinic in Turkey:

  • They don’t remove the hair follicles one by one in FUT like FUE and DHI. They cut a piece of the scalp and this cut left a scar on the scalp.
  • They remove the scalp one by one in FUE and DHI. In DHI, they implant the removed hair follicles and open canals to implant them at the same time with a special medical tool.
  • In FUE and DHI, there is no scars left like FUT.
  • DHI has a faster surgical process than FUE and FUT.
  • DHI also promises faster recovery time period for patients.

DHI would be best decision for the fast recovery and fast process. The prices are higher for DHI than FUE and FUT but it would definitely worth the price. Some techniques might be better for different cases, so it is important to contact a doctor to get a better information.

Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair transplantation is an important field. It creates an opportunity for people to get their desire looks. Hair is truly the important factor for a good look. People can enjoy their life with a basic hair implantation surgery. There are a lot of options for getting a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is a permanent surgery and it works unlike some hair products for hair loss. Some best hair transplant clinic in Turkey does hair transplantation in multiple sessions. So, it might require a few sessions to complete hair transplantation. The number of sessions depends on the number of hair follicles.

Hair Implantation Results in Turkey

Results for hair implantation is the part where people are so happy about after the recovery time period. Recovery might be rough for some people since they need to limit their movements. It takes at least 3 to 4 months for transplanted hair to grow. A lot of best hair transplant clinic in Turkey promises their patients a comfortable recovery period. For every hair implantation technique, there are different time period to see the final results.

Every person grows their hair differently, so not everyone might have their results in same time period. But at least a year is needed for someone to grow their hair completely on average. People who prefer short hair can have the results in a year while people who prefer longer hair have to wait for more than a year.

FUE Hair Implantation in Turkey

FUE is the most used implantation technique in the world but also in Turkey too. Follicular Unit Extraction process start with shaving the donor area and the targeted area. Donor area is the areas of our body where they transplant the hair from there. Donor area can be placed in the back or the sides of the head.

Arms, beards and chest hairs are also used for donor area too. Every human has different hair on their body, so it is important to find a thick hair source. This donor hair gets removed one by one. Then they implant the hair into the bald area. It doesn’t leave a big scar like FUT does. Best implantation clinic in Turkey promises people no scars.

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

DHI is for the ones who want faster process. It created by a company after FUE. DHI has the same process as FUE but the key is the specialized tool that is used in DHI. In DHI, they also shave the donor and the targeted area. Before all this process they also give their patient anesthesia. Some surgeons prefer local anesthesia while some prefers general anesthesia. After shaving and cleaning the scalp, they remove the hair follicles from the donor area.

They do it by this specialized tool. This tool helps surgeon to implant the hair and also open a canal at the same time. So, it creates a faster implantation process. They use this specialized tool for DHI in every best hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Too see the DHI hair transplant results, at least 10 month is needed. This time period can be longer like 14 months. Every clinic also promises the best and fast recovery time period for DHI too. Best hair transplant clinic in Turkey has too many alternatives.

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