When Do Men Go Bald?

When Do Men Go Bald? Every man loses their hair as they grow older. For some of them, the loss is barely noticeable while the others experience this change very obviously. Baldness is seen as a nightmare for the majority of men. If men lost their hair in your family, you might think like I am going to be like them soon. You will wait the day you will begin to lose your hair anxiously. Firstly, remember that this is a natural process. Hair loss is part of your growth and natural that is why you shouldn’t be afraid or embarrassed about it. Secondly, there are solutions to get back your hair if you started losing them. Before looking at the solutions let’s look at why men go bald.

Why Do Men Lose Hair?

There are various reasons for men’s baldness. One of them is genetic, you take both your moms’ and dads’ genes. These genes have an impact on your hair loss. It is about your hair’s susceptibility to the male hormones your body produces. There is a male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a naturally occurring male steroid hormone in your body. Some of the people have hair follicles that are sensitive to the DHT hormone than others. People who have that sensitive hair follicles to DHT can experience hair loss by the hormone which results in minimalizing your hair follicles and therefore failing to grow again.

Another reason for hair loss is medical issues. Sometimes the drugs you use for illnesses like diabetes, lupus, cancer, arthritis, depression, gout, high blood pressure, and heart problems may have a side effect that causes hair loss. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment cause widespread hair loss but after the treatments are over your hair will grow up again. Stress is another reason for hair loss. The shocking incidents, sudden weight gain or loss, physical and emotional shock can cause stress which indirectly results in losing hair for several months. The cause of your hair loss may result from your immune system.

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The hair loss resulted from the immune system mostly because of alopecia areata. Your immune system attacks your hair follicles and causes small patches of hair to fall out. It is a genetic condition and often begins in childhood. Moreover, nutritional deficiencies are another reason for hair loss. The deficiency of iron and other nutrients may cause hair loss. Vitamin D, protein, and other vitamins are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

When Do Men Lose Hair?

Twenty-five percent of men start losing their hair before the age of 21 if they have hereditary male pattern baldness. Sixty-six percent of men experience some degree of hair loss around age 35. When men become 50, eighty-five percent of them have thinner hair. However, these numbers are generalizations, there is no definite age for expecting your hair loss as every person has different genes and body system. Generally, each strand of hair survives for around 4 years. The hair follicle falls out when this cycle is over, and within six months is replaced by a new one. But if you started getting bald your hair follicles will not grow up. People have approximately 100.000 hairs on their scalp. Each day we lose 50 or 100 hair. If you notice an abnormal increase in the lost hairs, you should see a doctor diagnose the reason behind this situation.

There is no way to stop your hair loss. But there are treatments to get back your hair. The best and most permanent way is to get a hair transplant. Let’s look at what is this treatment and how to get it.

Hair Transplant

There are two techniques FUE and DHI. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a treatment in which grafts are extracted and implanted by the surgeon one at a time. The procedure of the treatments starts with shaving your head by the surgeon. Then, the surgeon applies local anesthesia to numb your hair. After that, the surgeon extracts follicle one by one manually and put them into the storage solution. After extraction finishes, the surgeon open canals to transplant the grafts. The surgeon uses micro blades and fine needles to take grafts out of their solution and implant them into the recipient area. No strip of skin is removed in FUE. Therefore, there are no visible scars left after FUE treatment. Patients can notice first results around two months, significant growth can be seen after 6 months of the procedure, full hair regrowth can be seen around 12 months.

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DHI means Direct Hair Implantation. This is an effective modification of the FUE hair transplant procedure. The surgeon removes hair follicles from a part of your scalp, usually from the back of your head. Then the surgeon implants them into balding areas. These hair follicles will grow new hairs ultimately. There’s absolutely no need to shave your head. The procedure begins with the surgeon extracting hair follicles from the back of your head or the nape by using a special tool with a fine tip. Then your hair follicles are loaded into another pen-shaped tool which is called Choi. Afterward, the surgeon implants hair follicles to the balding part of your scalp directly. As hair follicles are directly implanted in your scalp the damage to follicles reduces because they are don’t stay too long outside of the body.

In the DHI technique, there is no need to open holes or slits. The surgery generally takes eight hours to be completed but it can vary from patient to patient. The exact results can be seen for around 12 months. DHI hair transplantation is enhanced with more advanced technology. This technique requires more attention, effort, and time. The surgeon takes hair grafts with a surgical pen which ranges between 0.6 mm and 1 mm. The surgeon can decide the direction of hair growth thanks to this pen. Therefore, the treatment results in giving the hair look the patient desires. There will be any visible damage after the surgery. As a result, the patients get more natural looking hair by this technique. When Do Men Go Bald?

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