Swallowable Gastric Balloon

Swallowable Gastric Balloon

Losing weight can be tough for so many people. Not everyone can lose weight in the same way as others can. A swallowable gastric balloon is the easiest way to achieve your goal. There are different factors that can affect one during their losing weight journey. Everyone has different bodies, so not every diet and exercise can work for everyone. People use pills to lose weight but using pills is harmful and doesn’t work for anyone. Gastric balloons are becoming really popular for losing weight. A lot of people want to get a gastric balloon placement to easily lose weight however, not everyone is qualified for this procedure. People shouldn’t forget that every losing weight journey needs effort. Patients still need to make an effort to have a better lifestyle after gastric balloon placement.

Swallowable Gastric Balloon Price

Gastric balloon treatment requires a healthier lifestyle after the procedure. A swallowable gastric balloon is another option for patients who want an easier procedure. It has different names such as elipse and allurion gastric balloon. A lot of people are trying new ways to lose weight but it isn’t easy for everyone. People might notice they can’t lose any weight even though they follow diets and exercise daily. There can be many different factors that affect one. Swallowable stomach balloon treatment can be done on these types of people. There can be found large price ranges depending on the popularity of the clinic and the experience of the surgeon.

Gastric Balloon Process

Gastric balloon treatment offers an easy way for those whom can’t lose weight with any way. Of course all patients will be examined by a doctor to see if they are qualified for a swallowable gastric balloon. It is important to find an experienced doctor that will do the healthiest choice for you. Gastric balloon is placed in the stomach. It takes space in the stomach to make the losing weight journey more faster. Usually, an average gastric balloon takes about half of the stomach. So, 60 percent of the stomach is empty for the meals. By taking a space in the stomach, it makes the patient to feel fuller easily. So, the patient eats less and doesn’t get hungry easily. The patient doesn’t feel any pain during a gastric balloon placement. The doctor will make sure they are placing the balloon right by the help of a camera.

Swallowable Intragastric Balloon

Medical field decided to create a swallowable gastric balloon to make the whole gastric balloon process easier. A traditional gastric balloon has a more complicated process since they need to use an endoscope to place the gastric balloon. However, patients won’t have to deal with this kind of medical procedures for swallowable stomach balloons. Patients also have to get the balloon removed with the same way iIn traditional gastric balloon treatment. However, swallowable stomach balloons don’t require endoscopic medical processes. A swallowable intragastric balloon can be swallowed like a pill. The pill balloon will excreted usually a couple of months later. It is known that patients can lose half of their body weight with a gastric balloon treatment.

Gastric Balloon Recovery

Traditional gastric balloon and swallowable gastric balloon can make one to feel discomforted due to the balloon in the stomach. Patients usually feel nausea and don’t want to eat anything for couple of weeks. Patients have to follow a liquid diet after a gastric balloon placement. So, the placed balloon won’t harmed with daily foods. Patients can eat softer foods at the second week of the procedure. Patients can start eating their daily foods after a couple of weeks later. Abnormal pain or reactions should be informed to the doctor. A gastric balloon placement isn’t a painful procedure.

Swallowable Stomach Balloon Pros and Cons

Gastric balloons have been used for losing weight. Not everyone should get one to lose weight easily. However, people who can’t lose weight due to different reasons are usually qualified for a swallowable stomach balloon procedure. A stomach balloon helps to lose weight easily. Patients will follow their specialized diets during 6 months of a stomach balloon. So, they will adapt into a better lifestyle. Patients can lose half of their body weight with a stomach balloon. Patients can feel discomfort and also nausea during this process but they will be gone after a couple of weeks since the balloon might feel strange in the stomach.

Gastric Balloon Results

Gastric balloons can be designed for lasting for 6 months or 12 months. Average gastric balloons are for 6 months. Patients can start seeing the difference couple of weeks later after a swallowable gastric balloon procedure. They can already lose weight in the first weeks after a gastric balloon placement if the patients are following their diets and eating more healthy. If the patient kept an eye on their weight and eat better meals, they can lost more than half of the body weight. The first couple of weeks, a lot of patients can lose more than 5 kg.

Swallowable Stomach Balloon

Stomach balloons are helpful but the patient also need to make an effort to lose their body weight. Not everyone can be qualified for a swallowable gastric balloon. Usually, people who have their body mass index over 30 are qualified for this procedure. However, a doctor still needs to examine the patient. Even though the patient can have their BMI over 30, other surgical procedures can be a better option for them.

Losing Weight with Swallowable Intragastric Balloon

Swallowable gastric balloon treatment is easier than traditional gastric balloon. Losing weight is a hard journey. Our bodies are different, so not everyone can lost weight easily. Swallowable gastric balloon help people who deal with obesity. People can lose a lot of weight during a gastric balloon journey. The outcome of an gastric balloon placement can be improved more by adapting into a healthier lifestyle and exercising daily. Being overweight is harmful to the human body. It can affect one’s mental health just like it affects physical health.

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