Myths of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric (Obesity) Surgery

Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, includes the most effective obesity treatment methods. If the person’s body mass index (BMI) is 40 and above, we consider them as morbidly obese. Morbid obesity is the most severe form of obesity. The situation is especially dangerous if there are diseases such as diabetes and/or blood pressure accompanying morbid obesity. In general, bad lifestyle, irregular eating habits, genetic predisposition, sedentary life and harmful habits cause obesity.

Bariatric surgery, like all other modern medical branches, is changing and developing day by day. Since obesity is common among the society, bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is also extremely common. As such, it is inevitable that some false and hearsay information will spread.

Myths of Bariatric Surgery

Obesity Is Just a Cosmetic Problem

Unfortunately, the truth is that obesity is a very serious health problem. It is extremely wrong to call obesity only as a cosmetic problem. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, sleep apnea and depression often occur due to obesity. Therefore, if you get rid of your excess weight, you will get rid of these diseases and you will regain your health.

Obesity is a Problem with a Person’s Will

This is one of the comments that overweight people get most of the times. In fact, they get these comments mostly from their family and friends. However, this is one of the most common misconceptions about obesity. Unfortunately, when the person’s body mass index is based on the 35-40 range, the probability of losing weight using natural methods decreases. So much so that even methods such as psychotherapy, acupuncture, exercise, sports and diet do not help these patients to lose weight permanently.

Bariatric Surgery is Suitable for Every Patient

When obesity surgery is mentioned, more than one operation comes to mind. All operations such as gastric sleeve, gastric balloon, gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass and duodenal switch are within the scope of bariatric surgery. Only your doctor can decide which of these operations is suitable for you. Because not every operation is suitable for every patient. The patient’s age, body mass index, comorbidities, and even eating habits are effective in the decision-making process.

I Can Prefer Fat Removal Operation Instead of Bariatric Surgery

Liposuction surgery is often confused with obesity surgery. What we need to fix at this point is that liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure. On the other hand, operations included in bariatric surgery are directly related to the stomach. Therefore, it is not possible to lose weight with the fat removal method. Besides, candidates who have been recommended weight loss surgery are not suitable for liposuction.

Obesity Surgery Is Risky

One of the well-known misconceptions about surgery is that patients are likely to die on the operating table. This can happen in every surgical operation which includes general anesthesia, but it is extremely rare. Choosing the right doctor, the right indication and the right surgical method are of great importance in bariatric surgery. If all these are taken into consideration, the risk of surgery is greatly reduced. Moreover, the risks that are likely to be seen in a patient for whom weight loss operation is recommended are not even greater than the current obesity risks.

It Is Possible to Get Rid of Excess Weight at Once with Obesity Surgery

Of course, there is no such thing as losing around 100 kg in a month. It takes around 18-24 months to complete the expected weight loss in weight loss surgery. Patients who lose 70-80% of their excess weight in the first 6 months lose the remaining excess weight more slowly. This is what should happen. It is unrealistic to expect to see a difference in your weight as soon as you come out of surgery.

I can Eat as Much as I want after Weight Loss Operation

Most candidates believe that they can eat whatever they like after having a weight loss operation. Unfortunately, the facts are different. Weight loss surgery aims to lose weight by eating less and in a healthy way. If the patients eat irregularly and unhealthy as before, they cannot get efficiency from the surgery.

If you have more questions about weight loss surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer all your questions via email, phone or WhatsApp.

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