Male Pattern Baldness Stages

Male Pattern Baldness Stages The older you get becomes more common; hair loss. It can take up to 25 years to lose your hair, and you don’t need to resign yourself to baldness. When the hair falls out, it may be informative to hear about the phases of male pattern baldness. To slow down the process and jump-start hair regrowth, find out more about what causes baldness and what you can do.

Causes of Baldness

Several variables will cause your hair to fall out. There are some of these variables in your control; others aren’t. You may be able to make behavioral improvements to curb this transition if you can identify why you’re going bald. Hair growth starts with the phase of anagen, a growth period. The catagen process, where the hair shaft divides from the follicle, comes next. Finally, the hair “rests” in the telogen process until it falls out and a new cycle starts. Baldness is also triggered by this mechanism being broken.

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body. It is a by-product of testosterone, the sex hormone. Hair loss will occur when the DHT levels are high. The production of excess DHT can be caused by a diet rich in sugar. When stress induces sudden hair loss, Telogen effluvium occurs. Hair ceases rising, and, too early, reaches the telogen process of its growth cycle. After major trauma, Telogen effluvium may emerge. It may also occur during painful conditions, such as high fevers, childbirth, or diets that are particularly restricting.

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Diffuse hair thinning and rapid hair loss are implicated in Anagen effluvium. This most frequently arises as a side-effect of some drugs. The drugs that contribute to this hair loss are usually used to treat severe illnesses. Without consulting the doctor first, never stop taking your drugs. A common culprit that causes you to lose your hair is genetics. Men are more vulnerable to the lack of hereditary fur. Although more than half of the women in their lives will still lose any or all of their hair. Know the sort of loss of hair you are having. You will take the proper action to take care of your male pattern baldness if you do so.

Early Signs of Male Pattern Baldness

You may still have a full head of hair, but that doesn’t mean that any early signs of balding aren’t already there. Shedding up to 100 strands of hair a day is common. It is not, on its own, an early indication of male pattern baldness to lose a minimal, normal amount of hair. Thinning of hair is an early warning for both males and females of hair loss. Because of the levels of hair loss, it is distinguished from shedding. As thinning hair is more visible and pronounced, balding men can tell the difference. One of the earliest symptoms of hair loss is sometimes a receding hairline.

Male type baldness also slowly advances. This means you don’t need to check your hairline for signs of hair loss every single day. But this can mean that you lose hair so steadily that you do not catch the first symptoms of what is going on. Typically, male pattern baldness starts at your temples or your head’s crown. If you experience hair loss in other areas of your scalp or body, there may be another reason for your balding. The root cause of your hair loss may be explained by a doctor or dermatologist.

Look for a care plan if these symptoms refer to you. Otherwise, you might proceed to a subsequent level of male pattern baldness. Treatments are more beneficial if, like diffuse thinning or a receding hairline, the hair loss is only in the early stages.

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The Hamilton-Norwood Scale

The Hamilton-Norwood scale is a male-pattern baldness grading system that identifies the different evolutionary stages of hair loss. The Hamilton-Norwood scale is commonly used, along with the Ludwig scale for female pattern baldness, to describe the levels of male pattern baldness. In the 1950s, with his grading scheme, James Hamilton set the benchmark. After, in the 1970s, Norwood introduced a few more hair loss trends, which became the revised classification of Hamilton-Norwood, widely used today to describe the varying phases of hair loss.

Our doctor uses many other scales for grading as well. The Hamilton-Norwood scale remains the most common, nonetheless. Although there is no set age at which the Hamilton-Norwood scale signs occur, according to our expert, they are typically seen in persons over the age of 30. Our licensed dermatologist’s examination of the scalp to correctly identify the hair loss is crucial for charting out a proper method of treatment. It is important to recognize the right hair loss trend if you are looking to take early steps.

Stages Of Hair Loss

Male Pattern Baldness Stages As categorized by the Hamilton-Norwood scale, there are seven levels of hair loss depending on the degree and pattern of hair loss.

Stage 1

There is no considerable hair loss or recession of the hairline in stage 1.

Stage 2

The hairline shows a mild recession across the temples in stage 2. In older adults, this is more popular and is also known as the advanced or adult hairline.

Stage 3

During stage 3, hair loss usually tends to become evident. The hairline, resembling a U, V, or M shape, appears to draw back from the temples. It is at this stage that the first symptoms of balding can be diagnosed clinically. Sparsely coated with hair or fully bare are also the recessed regions. This form of hair loss is generally associated with age, but it could be a symptom of hair loss due to pattern baldness if you’re still young.

Stage 4

On top of the scalp or the apex, people who undergo stage 3 vertex balding will also start losing hair.

Stage 5

The hairline regression is more serious in stage 4. On the vertex, there is either sparse or no hair. However, between the receding hairline and the bald spot, there is already a strip of hair. There may not be a bald spot in stage 4, but the front-temporal area indicates more extreme hair loss.

Stage 6

Step 5 is a phase 4 progression that is more acute. In this process, the hair strip between the receding hairline and the bald spot becomes narrower. You may start seeing early symptoms of a horseshoe-shaped hairline in Stage 5 as the hair loss progresses.

Stage 7

There is a much narrower line of hair running between the two hair loss regions of stage 6. In certain cases, because of hair loss, which is known as step 6A, when the two fields of hair loss are merged, this strip either gets shorter or fully disappears.

Stage 8

Step 7, according to the Hamilton-Norwood scale, is the last and most extreme form of hair loss. In stage 7, the horseshoe hair pattern becomes more pronounced, which you see early signs of in stage 5. After the front temporal and crown regions of hair loss become conjoined, the horseshoe-shaped region of hair would remain.


For hair treatments, we have the most advanced methods such as FUE and DHI hair transplant. Specific hair follicles are eliminated directly from the scalp in DHI and FUE surgeries. During FUE, to implant the hair follicles, a surgeon manually cuts a series of canals through the scalp. The DHI approach helps surgeons at the same time to make these incisions and transplant hair. The long scar induced by FUT is removed by DHI and FUE hair transplant. Our company promises that the most modern and successful alternative for hair care is DHI and FUE hair transplant.

When Should I Consult A Doctor?

To assess the root cause, you must contact your dermatologist if your hair loss is not due to hereditary baldness. Often, if you feel frustrated by the amount of hair you are losing, and if you are stressed by a receding hairline, you must talk to our doctor about the early signs of hair loss and medication to prevent further damage.

As for our company, we use the most advanced and also the newest methods to treat all types of hair loss. If you want to learn more about procedures or others, please feel free to contact us. Male Pattern Baldness Stages

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