Less Sleep Cause Hair Loss?

Less Sleep Cause Hair Loss? Any night birds out there? This is for you! If you are guilty of staying awake until the wee hours of the morning, binge-watching film, or impulsively deciding to clean out your entire wardrobe, you should keep reading.

Not only are you sacrificing valuable hours of sleep, vital for healthy human functioning #sleepislife, but you could be contributing to hair loss. It takes time, we know, but hear us out, there’s a method to our madness. Continue reading as we debunk the common question “does a lack of sleep cause hair loss?”

What are the Bodily Signs of Lack of Sleep?

Lack of sleep also referred to as Sleep Deprivation, can be seen in different ways. Apart from tiredness, signs of sleep deprivation can contain;

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  • Weakened immune system
  • Thinking issues (cognitive function)
  • Weight gain
  • Lack of sex drive
  • Forgetfulness
  • Skin appearing aged
  • Hair loss

What Happens Psychologically When You are Sleep Deprived?

The main physiological impact of sleep deprivation on the body is a spike in the stress hormone, known as Cortisol. Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism and reduce inflammation. Essentially, in simple terms, it’s important to stay as sane as possible and more like a human as opposed to a raging monster.

How is Cortisol Increase Related to Hair Loss?

Heightened cortisol levels influence the function and regulation of the hair follicle. If Cortisol level is high, your body automatically goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode. When in this state, the brain’s key objective is to ‘survive’ and just focuses on important bodily functions like breathing, heart, and mind function primarily.

Contrary to many female-skewed ideas, hair growth isn’t one of your body’s most primary functions. Consequently, when sleep-deprived, the body stops putting energy into hair growth. Because the blood is concentrated around the central nervous system, the hair follicles lose the blood flow which is necessary to survive and then fall out.

Is This Hair Loss Permanent?

Fortunately for many late-nighters or ‘workaholics’, hair loss caused by insomnia isn’t lasting and it is reversible. When cortisol levels return to normal levels, the body leaves the survival mode, and then normal body functions resume.

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How can You Make the Hair Grow Back After the Hair Loss Caused by Insomnia?

The greatest and most simple way to stop sleep-deprived prompted hair loss is to establish healthy sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is connected with everything from the amount of sleep being received every night to the conditions of your bed and sleeping arrangements. After a robust sleep schedule is established and action is taken, cortisol levels will drop and hair loss will slow.

Derma Rolling

Also named micro-needling, the method can be used to decrease hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. During use, the miniature needles in a derma roll cause “micro-injuries” in the skin and hair follicles. When micro-injuries are being repaired, the body automatically increases collagen and stimulates new cell creation. All of these bodily processes help the growth of new hair.

Eat right

A powerful body begins in the kitchen, and we can say the same thing about a healthy head of hair. Hair thrives off receiving important nutrients from the food you eat, with a lack of some vitamins, minerals, and macros being connected to hair loss.

Pssst! If you’re a bit stuck on what to eat for healthy hair, you should keep reading.

Switch up your hair care products

If you feel like your growth efforts have hit a brick wall, you might consider changing up your hair care routine and trying some new products. Especially, some specially formulated hair-growth products are a great alternative to the typical standard products found in most supermarkets.

These ‘specialized’ products are formed with key active ingredients proven to aid in hair follicle stimulation, collagen production, and blood circulation, all warranting hair growth. These kinds of products are, generally speaking, “higher quality” than normal hair care articles and are created with natural ingredients that are better for overall hair and scalp health.

What to Eat for Healthy Hair?

Like skin, the condition of the outer appearance of hair shows inner health, and the cells that make up every strand of hair must regularly supply the main nutrients. Eating healthy food is everything you need to keep your hair shiny, shiny, and strong…


Hair is made of protein, so it’s important to make sure you have enough protein in your diet to keep your hair strong and healthy. If you don’t consume enough protein in your diet, your hair can become dry, brittle, and weak. A very low protein diet can prevent hair growth and even lead to hair loss. Choose chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products, and eggs as an excellent source of protein, along with vegetable proteins such as legumes and nuts.


Iron is a particularly important mineral for hair, and too little iron is a major cause of hair loss. Hair follicles and roots are supplied with a nutrient-rich blood supply. You can experience anemia when your iron level (serum ferritin) drops below a certain level. This can interfere with the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, affecting the hair growth cycle and triggering shedding. Animal products such as red meat, chicken, and fish provide iron with a high bioavailability, which means iron is readily available to the body. You can increase your iron storage by eating lentils, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables like broccoli, kale, and salad greens.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids in iron absorption, so foods high in are great to eat with foods rich in iron. is also an antioxidant and you can eat guava, kiwi, orange, papaya, strawberry, and sweet potato to take this vitamin. aids in the production of collagen, which strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shaft.


Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial fats our body can’t make itself, and consequently need to be acquired through our diet. Omega-3s are discovered in the cells that line the scalp and also offer the oils that maintain your scalp and hair hydrated. Include oily fish along with salmon, herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel and plant sources like avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Less Sleep Cause Hair Loss?

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