Is Hair Implant Permanent?

Hair loss and baldness issues disturb countless men and women of every age around the world. The negative impacts of the thinning hair are so uncomfortable that the sufferers try many things to find a remedy. These lame remedies range from snake oil to herbal shampoos. However, none of these so-called ‘solutions’ is able to provide the patients with significant and permanent results.

Is Hair Transplant Permanent?

Since the medical geniuses have invented and perfected the hair transplant operation, the rules of the hair restoration have changed. Because, a hair transplant operation can yield mind-blowing results, and can highly improve the everyday life of the patient. 

After hearing all these incredible aspects of the operation, you might be asking ‘’is hair transplant permanent?’’. The answer is yes; the results of a successful hair transplant are permanent. 

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Moreover, the transplanted hair is your own natural hair, so the operation does not include anything synthetic. You can contact our facility now, and find out more about the things you can achieve with a hair transplant.

How to Have a Permanent Hair Transplant?

The doctors and other health professionals are the ones that do most of the elaborate work in a hair transplant. Therefore, choosing a good clinic with experienced doctors is one of the most important things you need to do. When you choose our facility for your hair transplant, you will have the tenderest of care from our doctors.


Hair loss or full baldness may be related to various reasons, and usually follows a wide range of patterns. In order to eliminate the source of the hair loss, first, we need to diagnose it accurately. Therefore, a doctor needs to pay close attention to your age, the pattern of hair loss and probable causes. 

Otherwise, every patient gets the same diagnosis, and the results turn out to be very disappointing. Always remember that every step of a hair transplant surgery has to be individualized, and diagnosis is no exception either.

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One of the most important phases of a hair transplant operation is the planning phase. In this step, your doctor will carefully listen to your expectations and tell you about the results you can achieve. In order to obtain permanent results and avoid repeating the operation soon after, the doctor needs to be very meticulous.

Choosing the Correct Donor Area

What makes the results of a hair transplant surgery permanent is the choice of the donor area. The doctors need to extract the hair grafts from another part of your scalp. This area is usually the back of the neck because the hair there is very durable. Besides, they are not affected by hormonal changes which are the main cause of male pattern baldness. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have enough hair in the donor area. 

However, if the hair on the back of your neck is weak, there are alternatives. The doctors can extract the hair from other parts of your body as well. In any event, back of the neck is ideal, and it is wiser to wait until it is strong again. As a result of this, the results of your hair transplant procedure will last much longer.

The Right Method

There is more than one method to perform a hair transplant operation. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) are two of the most advanced hair transplant methods. Moreover, both of them are able to give the most permanent results that you can obtain. However, we cannot say that any method is the best for every patient because each patient is different. 

Some patients will respond better to a DHI and the others to an FUE. Only a skilled doctor can decide which method is the most suitable one for you. Some hair transplant facilities offer only one of these methods. Therefore, they will probably tell you that the best method is the one that they apply. Try to avoid the hair transplant facilities that cannot offer you more than one method. 

We offer both of the best hair transplant techniques that are available. Feel free to consult our doctors in order to find out which method will suit you best. We believe that with individualised planning, your hair transplant will yield better results.

Taking Care After a Hair Transplant

Even if you receive a flawless hair transplant operation, there are still a couple of things you need to do. That is because your scalp and the transplanted hair is very sensitive during the first days after the procedure. Therefore, paying close attention to the instructions of your doctor will significantly improve the results of your hair transplant. 

To begin with, you should avoid wearing hats or similar headwear until your doctor tells you that you can. You should also avoid exercising and forcing yourself physically for a week after the operation. 

Feeling itchiness on your scalp is normal during the first few days after the procedure. However, do not itch your scalp, because this will damage the transplanted hair, and undermine the hair transplant. If you follow all the instructions given by your doctor, the success rate is going to be extremely high.


Can I use hair gel or hair mousse after a hair transplant?

The transplanted grafts and your scalp is going to be very sensitive during the recovery period of a hair transplant. You should avoid using hair styling products in this period. However, when you fully recover, you are free to use any sort of hair product you want. In any case, consulting your doctor would provide you with the best answer.

When can I shave after the hair transplant?

You should wait for about a month before having a haircut with scissors. If you want to have a haircut with a hair trimmer or a razor, you need to wait even longer.

Can I swim in the sea after a hair transplant surgery?

You are free to swim in the sea 3 weeks after the procedure. However, you should protect your scalp from the harmful effects of the sunlight. Also, your doctor will let you know when you will be able to do this kind of activities. The best solution is, in this case, to consult him.

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