Hair Transplant Types

Hair Transplant Types

People always has been dealing with hair problems. There are so many hair products who promises to prevent the hair from hair loss and fall out. However, not all hair products can help with hair loss. Hair loss has different reasons and factors. Medical conditions and genetic issues can cause hair loss and also thin hair too. Aging is a normal factor for hair loss, thin hair too. Stress or mental issues can also affect hair loss a lot too. Medical field has many of hair transplant types to help people with their hair issues. These hair transplant types are 3 types such as FUE, FUT and DHI.

Afro Hair Transplantation

All humans have different hair styles. Some of them have straight hair while some of them have curly hair. Afro hair is one of them too. People who have Afro hair are also curious about if they can get hair transplant. Hair transplant process is open for every hair transplant types. People who have different hair styles can get hair transplant.

Hair transplantation is a simple process where they transplant the hair from the donor site to the bald area. Methods like FUT, FUE and DHI allows Afro hair transplant types to get hair transplant. Men and women who have afro type hair can get Afro hair transplant surgery if they are suitable for it. Not all three hair transplant types might be suitable for every hair.

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FUE and DHI uses a tool to extract the skin and remove the hair follicular. This process might or might not harm the curly hair under the skin. So, it is best to be seen by a trichologist. A surgeon will give you more information when you are qualified to have a hair transplant surgery.

Unshaven Hair Transplantation Turkey

Almost all hair transplant types require patients to shave their head for hair transplantation surgery. However, there are options for people who don’t want to shave their heads fully or partially. Unshaven hair transplant surgery is ideal for the people who deal with mild hair loss. It helps people with receding, uneven hairlines.

People who have more severe hair loss might have to do multiple hair transplant surgeries since most clinics limit the number of grafts for a session. The unshaven surgery of hair transplant types depends on the degree of the hair loss. There are 3 hair transplant types that can be used during hair transplant process. It might be necessary to shave the donor site for the people who are completely bald. In this case, the recipient site remains unshaved.

For the second case, small strips of hair in the donor site are shaved. This way donor area or donor site gets hidden by patient’s remaining hair. But for this case, it also limits the grafts or hair follicles’ number. It gives you a limit for the number of the graft that can be harvested. These hair transplant types are usually limited for up to 2500 grafts or hair follicles for every session.

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Hair Transplantation Prices Turkey

Turkey has the most professional medical field for hair transplantation. All hair transplant types are available. Turkey is a home for professional and talented hair clinics. There are many alternatives for hair transplantation. Hair transplant process is quite important and it needs the doctors who are detailed when it comes to their work.

Hair transplant is a process where they remove the hair follicles from the scalp. So, it needs a lot of patience and a lot of knowledge. It is important and a must for people to know, love and trust doctors when it comes to hair transplant surgery. Hair is the most important thing for a lot of people. Turkey has become the popular place to get done hair transplantation since it has many of demands. It will be correct to say there is a large price range when it comes to prices. From $1200 to $5000, there are a lot of alternatives regarding to prices.

FUE Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery has 3 hair transplant types. The most popular and the most used one is FUE. A surgeon takes the hair follicles from patient’s scalp. These hair follicles are on the donor area. Donor areas can be many such as the back and the sides of the scalp, beard, arms and chest hair. The surgeon picks the best donor area for the patient since thickness and the healthiness of the hair are quite important. Then the surgeon removes these grafts one by one with a medical tool. When it comes to implanting these grafts, surgeon opens small canals on the targeted area. And then they transplant the grafts to the targeted area.

Hair Transplant FUE 

FUT is the first one of the 3 hair transplant types. FUT has become the old technique since later on FUE and DHI was created. However, all clinics still have FUT option for hair transplant surgery. A surgeon cut a strip of the scalp. This cut is located around the donor area. Different than FUE and DHI, the surgeon extracts the hair follicles later on. The extracted hair follicles get implanted into the targeted area. FUT leaves scars on the scalp after the surgery process, so a lot of people prefer getting FUE or DHI. But for different hair transplant types such as Afro and curly, FUT seems the better choice to get it done. There is a chance to harm the curly and afro hair follicles since they remove their hair follicles one by one in FUE and DHI. But in FUT, there is a low risk for that.

Hair Transplant DHI

DHI created after FUE hair transplant technique. DHI has the same process as FUE but the medical tool used are different from each other. A surgeon shaves the head and clean the scalp like in every hair transplant technique. Then they give the patient anesthesia. During the removing hair follicles process, they use a special tool for it. This medical tool has many advantages when it comes to hair transplantation.

The special tool removes the hair follicles from the donor area and this grafts load into the tool. When it comes to implanting the grafts, different from FUE and FUT, there is no need open canals before implanting them. Tool open the canals and also implant the hair follicles into these canals at the same time. It makes the process faster and a lot of people say that DHI has the better and the faster recovery.

Hair Transplant Recovery

Recovery after hair transplant is an uncomfortable process for some of the patients. Patients are allowed to go to their home or hotels after getting the hair transplant. They aren’t allowed to drive since the effect of anesthesia is still there. The first days, the scalp feels tender. There is no pain since it is performed under anesthesia. Patients are allowed to use pain-killers after the effect of the anesthesia fade away.

The third day, patients can wash their hair. After a few days from the washing, the scalp will renew itself by shedding the scabs. A lot of patients are allowed to work or go to their normal daily routines after 10 days from the surgery. But it is important not to harm the scalp with sunlight or wind. The hair has to fall out or transplanted hair to grow. So, 3 to 4 months are the times where your hair fall out. Then after a few months the patients will start to see their hair growing.

To see the fully results, patient have to wait for 12 months. Recovery time can be improved by doing the things that your doctor tells you and also avoiding the things your doctor warns you about. Every person has different body reactions, so every patient has to inform their doctor when they feel abnormal reactions. Doctors already give their patients enough information about recovery process before and after the surgery. So, all patients have to do is following the guide of their doctor.

Hair Transplant Results

The result of a hair transplant surgery needs at least a year. People will see the first hair growth after 3 months. This time period will change for everyone because everyone’s hair grows differently in different time periods. Different hair transplant types also might cause different recovery and result time period too. Different hair transplant techniques promise the patients a faster result but there is no accurate source for this promise.

At the 3 months after getting a hair transplant, patient will see their newly transplanted hair growing. Patients who want to have a long hair might have to wait more than a year for their hair to grow. However, patients who use their hair short might need less time than that to see the results of a hair transplant. Hair transplant types are many but also techniques are too.

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