Curing Genetic Hair Loss

Curing Genetic Hair Loss Hair loss is a long life dilemma that puts men, for the most part, at a very discomfortable social life. Known as male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, genetic hair loss hits hardly no less than two thirds of men. Never excluding females, a female pattern baldness hits as hard as male one. Over the past decades, and thanks to the medical advancement humanity is achieving, more efforts have been put, more focus and more resources have been invested on figuring out an absolute cure for this predicament.

They say there is a cure for every disease, and in order to find the cure, identification of causes comes prior to every finding. So what does genetic hair loss mean ? What are the causes ? and how close are we to curing it ?

In this article we will dig deep into this matter and highlight as much knowledge as there is to the public.

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What Is Genetic hair loss ?

Hair loss can be caused by different factors :

  • Unhealthy habits, such as using hair wax and gel.
  • Over hairdressing, or in some cases, very few hairdressing can affect hair health dramatically.
  • Wearing hats have been noticed to cause hair loss in some experiments.
  • External factors, the environment you are into can also be a cause of hair loss.
  • Medicines you might take to treat a certain disease.
  • Hereditary reasons, which is also called genetic hair loss.

Also known as Hereditary-Pattern Baldness, is mistakenly called a disease, but scientifically and medically, it is considered as a natural condition that genes go through in their cycle of regeneration and heritance. Male pattern hair loss is a result of certain genes alteration and mixing, changing in hormones levels and normal natural human gene aging.

Signs of hair loss usually start showing in the early 20s and continue until late 30s. By the age of 40, and if you already suffered from symptoms of genetic hair loss, you will most probably be completely bald on the scalp area, women on the other hand, experience this until their menopause, and show a big thinning in their hair and in very few cases baldness was recorded, this is due to the different of hormones between men and women.

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This genetic condition can be inherited from both parents and not just from the mother side as myths say. It is described to distort the cellular hair follicle growing process. Your scalp fails to grow enough hair as hair itself falls in it’s usual and normal life cycle.

So now that we know that the cause comes from clearly genetic related conditions, is it really  possible to find a fix for it ? Unfortunately the answer is no, as it is coded in your genes, and as genetic engineering is still developing and not advanced enough to alter genetics at a level where it can stop hair loss. But don’t lose hope, as the cure may not lie within on a genetic scale, a simple hair transplant operation can recover all the hair you missed.

Why and how does hair transplant work?

In many cases of hair loss, people tend to resort to hair care recipes and medicines in hopes of stopping hair from receding, again, since it is something coded in your genes, these attempts to stop the inevitable are more often futile.

Fortunately medicine have evolved early enough to find a near perfect solution for hair loss, altering genetics isn’t possible, reviving dead follicles goes in vain, but what genetic hair loss does not affect, is what we medically call the donor area, most often it is the back of your head that isn’t affected by this type of hair loss, those follicles rest completely healthy, therefore the idea is to take some of hair grafts from these areas and transplant them into the bald area, over time, those healthy follicles will grow unaffected by the genetic hair loss and gives you back both your lost hair, and your youthful look.

Consult your doctor for more information about hair transplant, as there are many hair transplant solutions, or more precisely, techniques, starting from FUE to Sapphire to DHI, these techniques have been developed over the years to order to fit patients needs, and to maximize the end result of a hair transplant solution.

One of the latest and most advanced hair transplants worth mentioning is the DHI PRO techniques developed by ClinicExpert Hospital in Turkey. In this technique, doctors use extra treatment, the low level laser therapy and platelet rich plasma that stimulates hair follicles, increasing the blood flow, thus the nourishment of follicles. As a result, this technique gives you maximum density and a more natural looking hair, so it actually is not a cure for genetic hair loss exactly, but eventually the solution for its effect . Curing Genetic Hair Loss

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