Baldness Gene

Baldness Genetics. What do you think baldness passes to us from our family? Baldness Gene While some people believe that baldness is a family legacy, other people don’t agree with this theory. Baldness is a normal situation that emerges from the lack of hair on our heads. The most commonly known type of baldness is known as “male pattern baldness”. Its name in medical language is androgenic alopecia. We name the reduction of the overall volume of the hair “female pattern baldness”. Even though they have such names, both types of baldness can be seen in both men and women. While hair loss and baldness are rare in women, one out of every four men over the age of 25 has thinning hair.

This rate rises to 50 percent for 50-year-old men. However, hair loss is not directly proportional to age. Hence, women are not to relieve thinning hair; however, this situation affects less hair loss in them, and hair care and hairstyle can hide hair loss. We will come to concludes why they are less common in women. Generally, 70% of men and 40% of women experience this type of baldness at some time in their lives. All of us know that baldness affects people’s life negatively but we don’t all know what causes baldness. Let’s analyze the causes of baldness;

Family Baldness

One of the first thoughts about the inheritance of baldness was that baldness was inherited from the mother. As long as the mother did not show her baldness genes in her phenotype, there would be no conclude for selection to remove those genes, and this genetic fluctuation would be passed on to new generations. Scientific data verify that this mother’s name hypothesis is wrong.

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At this point, it is useful to say: “It is your mother’s father who determines whether you will be bald or not.” this claim is completely wrong; because the androgen receptors carried on the X chromosome are only one of the factors likely to affect baldness. Besides, the X chromosome left to you by your mother is 50% likely to come from your mother, not from your father! So baldness is not directly related to your grandfather. It is now known that the genes that cause baldness can be passed down from both parents. There is a common belief among the public that if there is baldness in the family, it will also be seen in his son but the genes involved have not been cleared up yet.

Hormone- Induced Baldness

Baldness gene Another thought about baldness is the testosterone hormone. Testicles in the male body and ovaries in women produce the testosterone hormone, which is thought to cause baldness. This hormone is secreted high in men and low in women. Baldness in males is 95 percent caused by the genetically affecting the hair follicles in the scalp of the testosterone hormone called “Dihydrotestosterone” (DHT). It is an androgen hormone that can be effective in our body after it is converted into Dihydrotestosterone with the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.

Testosterone is also a steroid hormone; It has the task of performing defensive duties. Anyway, in case of any suppression of steroid hormones such as testosterone, the defense system may emerge and cause autoimmune diseases and hair loss such as alopecia areata. But also in androgenic alopecia, the amount and functioning of this hormone depending on your genes. This determines your baldness condition. It is also worth mentioning that this hormone should be said directly with baldness, because “natural baldness” is not seen in castrated men!

So we can say that baldness. Baldness gene Although the most important cause of baldness is seen as genetic factors, the conditions that cause hair loss or accelerate hair loss are as follows: Genetics, stress, improper cosmetic use, medication (cancer drugs, taking too much vitamin A), hormonal disorders, febrile diseases, anemia, thyroid disease, iron and zinc, and protein deficiency. The rate of hair in men depends on the testosterone (male) hormone. If a person has a genetic predisposition, hair loss begins in his 20s. The most intense years of shedding are between 25 and 35 years old. Hair loss reduces after 45 years of age.

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It can be experienced at the age of 40, starting at the age of 40 and rapidly reaching baldness. After completing the hair on our head, it falls out. Loss of 80 to 100 hairs per day is considered normal and the hair is healthy because it regenerates itself. However, more than 100 hairs per day do not start to shed, this abnormal heritage is received and the result is revealed. After reading this paragraph, you can think about how to get rid of baldness and you can ask yourself which method will we apply to get rid of baldness?. The answer to this question is the Hair Transplant method in our clinic. Hair transplant is generally a method that comes into play when baldness becomes apparent. However, our experts say that the intervention before baldness occurs is much more appropriate. Let’s see more deeply what is hair transplant.

What is Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a technique used for many years around the world. The FUT technique, which was used before, the FUE and DHI techniques started to be applied after the 2000s. The FUE and DHI hair transplant techniques are a much more comfortable method than the FUT technique, but the basic behavior is the same in both methods. It is the transplant of the hair taken from the area where the hair is strong and bushy to the bald area. The hair to be transplanted is usually taken from the back of the head because the hair in this area is known as donor dominant, which can grow for life.

These hair follicles do not lose their ability to grow when they settle in their new place. Dominant hair forms the basis of the hair transplantation process. When it comes to hair transplantation, the most important thing should be done in expert hands, if possible in a hospital environment and under maximum sterile conditions. After the hair transplant, the care conditions are also very important. The healing process should be passed very carefully. Baldness gene

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