At What Age Do Men Start Balding?

At What Age Do Men Start Balding? In this article, we will talk about the problem of baldness, which is the biggest problem for many men. Maybe balding isn’t such a big deal! Continue reading the article if you are wondering the answer!

The biggest cause of baldness problem seen in a large part of men occurs as a result of an inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens. Normally, up to 200 strands of hair per day in men are considered normal. The causes of baldness differ according to the environment and living standards. First, hair loss and thinning of the hair occur in the part from the top of the hair to the forehead line. Then, the thinning of the top of the head progresses rapidly, resulting in baldness.

Hair loss in men is understood by determining the hormonal level at the beginning of the 20s. Baldness in men begins at the age of 30 to 40 years. In 60% of men, baldness occurs in their 30s and 40% after the age of 30. Depending on the structure of hormones and various causes, this age can be retracted even to the early 20s. In general, in men, there is a complete baldness within 15-20 years. But some men go bald in less than 5 years.

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What Causes Baldness in Men?

Factors that cause baldness in men typically include:

  • Genetic Factors: In women and men, the causes of this condition are different. The type seen in men is hormone-sensitive hair loss, which is genetic and seen in more than 50% of society. But this situation is unfortunately chronic. As you age, your baldness problem also develops, and as a result, you need to have a hair transplant to treat this problem. Additional treatments that you can start at an early age are Mesotherapy and PRP treatment. These methods slow down the speed of your baldness process. Especially if you have a baldness problem in your family, you may also be at risk of baldness.
  • Skin Problems: Apart from the main genetic spills, skin and internal diseases can also cause your baldness problem. Many of your skin induced baldness problems occur when your skin-holding diseases affect your scalp. If your hair is affected by conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, lichen disease, over-lubricated skin, fungal diseases, baldness may be inevitable.
  • Improper Eating Habits: Improper eating is another factor that is also common in the problem of baldness due to causes. As a result, your hair is a living organ, and your hair also needs to be properly nourished. If you do not eat regularly and are balanced, your hair may be affected.
  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency: Although you don’t have a nutritional problem, the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for your hair in your body can cause baldness problem.
  • Hormonal Problems: If you have hormonal problems, excessive levels of acne occur in your body and you gain weight quickly, you may experience hair loss for hormonal reasons. Baldness can occur if these problems are not treated.
  • Some Internal Diseases and Drug Use: Some internal diseases, drugs for thyroid disorders or diseases, rheumatic diseases, weight loss pills, adrenal gland disorders, insulin resistance, and diabetes are other causes that affect hair. If you have such conditions, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, the problem of baldness may occur.
  • Cosmetic Factors: Increasing cosmetic habits can cause baldness problems.
  • Stress and Depression: Excessive stress is another cause that can cause hair loss and permanent baldness, as well as any disease. Depression, anxiety, psychoses, and medications used to treat them can also affect your hair.

Our hair is a living organ that can be affected by many factors in everyday life in a short time. In light of this information, you can get help from your doctor when something goes wrong in your life. If there is an important underlying cause, you may be late for diagnosis and treatment.

How to Know If You Will Go Bald?

That’s not really a stupid question! Because losing your hair doesn’t mean you’re going bald. Baldness can be a genetic condition, while the cause of hair loss is quite variable. If you have hair loss in the form of a patch, this condition can be alopecia. Causes of Alopecia can be hereditary or auto-immune. So this problem is not the same problem as baldness.

Recommended Treatment Methods for Baldness

Here are the treatment methods recommended by our doctors for the problem of baldness in men:

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Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy hair follicles are transplanted into areas where the hair is diluted with small surgical operations. Hair transplant procedure, when applied under the right conditions, will be a natural and permanent solution to the problem of dilution or baldness. In areas where your hair roots are not active, healthy hair follicles are added to the spilled area in the application with micro-surgical methods. In our company, the hair transplant procedure is planned completely individually and the procedures are performed completely by our specialist surgeons. DHI and FUE hair transplant techniques, which are the most effective and popular methods, are performed in our company.

Finasterid (Propecia)

This drug was first used in higher doses to treat prostate problems. Propecia is now especially preferred for baldness. Propecia works by blocking the formation of male hormones on the skin that can cause hair loss. Propecia can be taken by prescription and taken as a pill once a day. As with most drugs, there are side effects. You should talk to our doctor about Propecia to see if it is right for you.

Are Stress or Sexual Problems Effective in the Problem of Baldness?

The cause of some baldness problems is stress, while the main cause of baldness problem in men is genetic. If your hair falls out in clusters and at unexpected times, this can be a sign of another problem. It’s best to talk to our doctor about this problem.

You can contact our company to get detailed and effective information about baldness treatment in men. At What Age Do Men Start Balding?

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