Anesthesia And Hair

Anesthesia And Hair There are many types and reasons for hair loss. Losing your hair is a dreadful reality for many people especially as they progress through the years. Fear of losing hair complies people to ask many questions and search for many different reasons. Anesthesia, especially as a component used in hair transplant operations, is one of the medical treatments that come into question.

“Does anesthesia cause hair loss?” “Should I fear undergoing surgery?”, “Will I lose my hair if I undergo treatment?” are questions many people ask themselves and shiver at the thought of losing their hair.
As we said there are many reasons for hair loss. Since knowing is half the battle, we will first look into the reasons causing hair loss before answering this question. Anesthesia and hair are not non-inclusive as many people believe.

Issues that result in lost hair

Losing hair might have many reasons. We can count issues that cause losing hair as,

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  • Heredity: Hereditary factors manifesting themselves over the years is easily the most widespread issue that results in baldness. The scientific name for this issue is Androgenic alopecia. Often, losing your hair because of hereditary factors happens step by step while showing many predictable patterns in the process. Hairline recedes bit by bit each day, bald spots are commonly seen in men. A hair transplant easily solves this issue.
  • Medical issues or issues stemming from hormonal anomalies: Adjustments our body goes through the stem from hormonal changes that our body does on its own or from external adjustments. Hormonal changes our body goes through during childbirth, menopause, or pregnancy and hormonal issues such as thyroid problems may also result in loss of hair. Scalp infections, the immune system rejecting all hair on the body, etc. may also cause loss of your hair.
  • Drugs and diet: Some harmful addictives, while causing addiction, sickness, and even death may also be guilty of making you lose your hair. Also, chemical medications, which we usually have to take, are also found to result in losing hair. Dietary preferences are another one of a huge factor in having healthy hair.
  • Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy, often applied to treat cancer, more times than not results in people losing their hair. Hair sometimes doesn’t grow back after the treatment even if it grows back, sometimes its’ health is lost forever.
  • Excessive hairstyling: This reason for hair loss especially coupled with lots of harmful chemicals can be permanent. Treatments on your hair should always be done by or under the supervision of experts with strict control.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, or hair loss related to trauma, is another reason for losing your hair. hair loss is usually temporary. Due to the excessive shedding of resting hair which can also be called telogen hair (therefore naming the condition itself) due to some type of shock occurring to the body. This almost always occurs due to physical or emotional trauma and it is usually temporary. This kind of hair loss may be caused due to anesthesia, but thankfully it is almost always temporary so undergoing anesthesia is nothing to be afraid of.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is the condition that we see a lot around us. Ever wondered why people undergoing cancer treatment are almost always bald? This is the reason. With this condition hair sheds during the anagen stage which is also called the growth stage. It is almost the exact opposite of telogen effluvium since telogen effluvium happens during the resting (or telogen) stage. The main cause for this type of hair loss is drugs such as chemicals used for chemotherapy.

Is losing hair common?

It is quite common among men especially those over 50 years of age. Age is one of the most effective factors that causes androgenetic alopecia along with heredity. half the men over fifty years of age lose their hair to varying degrees. Almost all of them are affected by one or more of these conditions. It differs a little for women. Alopecia usually accompanies menopause. This makes hair transplant operations appealing to many patients in that age bracket alongside younger patients. Because how you look is important and your self-image, life fulfillment is important no matter the age. Especially with the best hair transplant techniques available nowadays, androgenetic alopecia is no longer the once feared beast that it once was.

Can we prevent hair loss?

While preventative measures might stop losing your hair, losing hair due to heredity, and aging usually cannot be avoided. But losing hair due to anesthesia or other drugs may and can be prevented and solved. Even due to some unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible for your hair to regrow on its own, technology has advanced enough to solve this problem. For unavoidable cases of hair loss, we offer the best hair transplant in Turkey while employing the best hair transplant techniques.

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