After Having a Hair Transplant: Aftercare

We hope that in this article, you will find the information you are looking for regarding what to do after a hair transplant operation. First of all, let us emphasize that the first 24 hours are crucial. If you take the right care in the first day and the following days, your chances of achieving successful results will be much higher. Therefore, do not underestimate the post-hair transplant care. In the continuation of the article, we will also mention important tips to speed up the healing process.

After a Hair Transplant: First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours after hair transplantation are crucial. Taking certain precautions during this time is important for the hair follicles to adhere and for the healing process. Within the first 24 hours, you should not wash your hair and try to sit as upright as possible. Also, avoid harmful substances such as alcohol and cigarettes. Don’t underestimate this advice. Smoking and drinking alcohol slow down the healing process of wounds in the body, which is something we don’t want, especially on the first day. Avoid heavy exercise in the first 24 hours, lie flat in bed, and if possible, support your head with a folded towel instead of a pillow. Your doctor or nurses will bandage your head after the operation. Do not remove the bandage until the next check-up.

After a Hair Transplant: 7 Days Later

7  days after a hair transplant, you are still in the early stages of the healing process. Therefore, you may experience some swelling, redness, and scabbing in the donor and recipient areas. Here are some of the typical things that you can expect to happen around 7 days after a hair transplant:

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Scabbing: The transplanted area may still have some scabbing, which is a normal part of the healing process. You will learn how to gently wash your hair to help remove the scabs without damaging the newly transplanted hair follicles.

Swelling: Swelling is common after a hair transplant, and it may take up to a week or more to subside. You can use cold compresses or ice packs to help reduce swelling.

Itching: You may experience some itching or discomfort in the transplanted area as it heals. It’s important to avoid scratching or rubbing the area to prevent any damage to the newly transplanted hair follicles.

Medication: You may be required to be taking medication, such as antibiotics or pain relievers, to help manage any discomfort and prevent infection.

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Overall, it’s important to be patient and follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions closely to ensure proper healing and the best possible results. Contact our medical consultants via Whatsapp or phone and get a free consultation. You can enquire about everything and all your questions will be answered in the shortest time. 

After a Hair Transplant: 2 Weeks Later

Here are some important aftercare tips to follow:

Washing hair: You can start washing your hair more thoroughly using a mild shampoo, but be sure to be gentle and avoid scrubbing the transplanted area. Your doctor will recommend a specific shampoo and hair washing technique.

Avoid scratching or rubbing the transplanted area: It’s important to avoid scratching or rubbing the transplanted area to prevent any damage to the newly transplanted hair follicles.

Avoid strenuous activities: You should still avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting that may cause sweating or increase blood pressure.

Sleep position: You should still sleep with your head elevated for the first few weeks to reduce swelling and avoid rubbing the transplanted area while sleeping.

Avoid exposure to the sun: You should avoid exposure to direct sunlight or heat, as well as swimming pools or saunas for at least a few weeks after the procedure.

After a Hair Transplant: 1 Month Later

One month after a hair transplant, you should be in the middle stages of the healing process.

Gentle hair washing: You can start washing your hair more frequently and with a little more pressure, but still be gentle and avoid rubbing or scratching the transplanted area.

Avoid swimming and saunas: You should still avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas to prevent infection and avoid any impact on the healing process.

Avoid sun exposure: You should still avoid direct sunlight and heat, and consider wearing a hat or using sunscreen if you have to be outside during the day.

Resume exercise: You may be able to resume light exercise, but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities that can cause sweating or increase blood pressure.

Healing process: Your scalp may still have some redness or scabbing, but it should start to subside. The transplanted hair may start to shed, but do not worry, this is a normal part of the healing process.

Medication: You may have completed your course of antibiotics or pain relievers, but if you still have any pain or discomfort, talk to your doctor about any medication you should be taking.

After a Hair Transplant: 2 Months Later

Two months after a hair transplant, you should be in the later stages of the healing process, and your transplanted hair should start to grow.

Resume normal activities: You should be able to resume all normal activities 2 months after hair transplant. You can start heavy lifting and strenuous exercise.

Hair washing: You can start washing your hair normally, with more pressure and less care around the transplanted area. Be sure to use a mild shampoo and avoid rubbing or scratching the area.

Hair growth: Your transplanted hair should start to grow, but don’t expect to see dramatic results in this stage. You must have patience.

Styling hair: You can start styling your hair as usual. Just be gentle around the transplanted area and avoid using any hair products that may cause irritation.

Sun exposure: You should still avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and heat, and consider wearing a hat or using sunscreen if you have to be outside during the day.

Follow-up appointments: You may need to have a follow-up appointment with your doctor to check the progress of your hair growth and to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

After a Hair Transplant: 3 Months Later 

Three months after a hair transplant, you should see some visible changes in your hair growth.

Hair growth: Your transplanted hair should start to grow more noticeably. It may still take several more months before you see the full results of the procedure.

Haircuts: You can also start getting haircuts, but make sure to let your hair stylist know about your recent hair transplant.

Sun exposure: You should still avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and heat, and consider wearing a hat or using sunscreen if you have to be outside during the day.

Hair shedding: Some of your transplanted hair may start to shed during this time, which is normal and expected.

How to Sleep After Hair Transplant 

As mentioned above, sleep position is crucial after the surgery. In fact, one of the first questions many patients ask us is ”When can I sleep normally after hair transplantation?” During the first few days after the operation, you need to control your sleep position and be careful while sleeping. After getting a hair transplant, it is important to have your head at least 45 degrees up when you sleep. This increases blood circulation and speeds up the healing process while preventing swelling. Additionally, you can use a high pillow to comfortably support your head and neck area. Sleeping on your back will be the most suitable position for the first 10 days after hair transplantation.

Can You Wear a Hat After Hair Transplant?

It is generally recommended to avoid wearing hats or any tight headwear for the first few weeks after a hair transplant. It is important to avoid putting any pressure or tension on the newly transplanted hair follicles. However, once the initial recovery period has passed, it is usually safe to wear a hat as long as it is not too tight and does not rub against the transplanted area.

When Can I Use Clippers After Hair Transplant?

It is important to follow your doctor's instructions regarding when you can use clippers after a hair transplant, as the timing can vary depending on the individual case. Generally, you should avoid using clippers on the transplanted area for at least the first two to three weeks after the procedure. Hence, you can allow the grafts to settle and heal properly. After that, your doctor may give you clearance to gently trim the hair using clippers, being careful not to touch or damage the transplanted hair follicles. It's important to remember to be gentle and cautious during this period to avoid any trauma to the newly transplanted hair.

When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After Hair Transplant?

You need to wait at least 24-48 hours after the procedure before you can wash your hair. After that initial period, your doctor will likely advise you on a specific hair washing regimen. It includes using a gentle shampoo and being careful not to rub or scrub the transplanted area. You need to avoid using hot water and vigorous towel drying for several weeks after the procedure.

When Can I Rub My Head After Hair Transplant?

You cannot rub your head for at least the first two to three weeks after a hair transplant. Rubbing or scratching the transplanted area can cause trauma to the hair follicles and may affect the success of the transplant.

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